Shade allowed me to put up his status in my journal as well, just in case if he loses his mind again.
Just to inform you: Shade lost his mind when he was corrupted by Orochi, and he may lose it again. Further more, Shade is not evil and actually loyal to Linkie, even though he is still Linkie's Dark side.
Some notes on Shade:
Shade is actually more powerfull then Linkie as well as in strenght as in magic capabilities. Shade's speed and defense however, are BOTH lower then Linkie's. Shade has also got a less longer endurance rate for standing attacks.
~Shade's Status~
Strenght: High
Speed: Avarage
Magic power: High
Defense: Low
~Magic Abilities~
~Fireball (Creates a fireball to hurt the foe. Damage: avarage)
~Spirit of Darkness (Recovers some of Shade's Magical power and heals him slightly)
~Lunar Enchanting (See Linkie's abilities)
~Dark Slasher (Shade's weapon turns pitch black, and will cause an instant kill to a holy being. But to neutral or good being damage is avarage, to evil creatures: it will heal them)
~Fire Whirlwind (Shade will use either his sword or Scythe and will let it fly around him with a fire swing and high speed, serving as well as a shield as well as an attack)
~Dragon Blast (Shade will blast the foe with an beam, wich has the power of a dragon's breath attack. Damage: Very High! use extreme caution when used against you! Element will vary)
~Spirit of the Eclipse (Same as Linkie's Spirit of the moon, but different in colour. Shade's ball will become as black as the night with a red core in it.Damage: very high, Shade's strongest magic attack)
Shade carries just like Linkie a dagger and a longsword. But in exception he carries a scythe. Shade doesnt use any long range weapons.
~Special Abilities~
Moonelf blood (Just like Linkie Shade is a moonelf, status changes will hardly affect him)
Revert (Since Linkie and Shade use the same body after they both died once, Shade and Linkie can switch control, by changing polarity, from dark to light, will affect the damage done by certain attacks. Linkie also has this move in a way, but he has to lose control of his body, and that is not easy to do.)
Transformation 1: Blood Lunar form (Shade's hair will turn from gray to black and will look just like Ryu/Shiyo/Mikaze's orochi form. But Shade stays in control of himself and this powers him up just as much as Linkie's Lunaric form does)
Transformation 2: Blood Angel form (When Shade is in control, he will not turn evil, but when Shade loses control in this form it will turn evil and making this form dangerous.Powers Shade up even more)
Shadow absorbant (Shade will absorb Darkness magic to heal himself or to recover his own magic power)
~Field abilities~
Calm (Shade is nearly always calm, and this will also have a calming effect on the party, and otherwise he will calm things down.)
Shadow (Shade can blend into the shadows perfectly with his black elven cloak. Even Linkie would have a hard time noticing him)
~Weaknesses~ :IMPORTANT!:
Light side (Shade's primary weakness is Linkie. the two elements Linkie has are his weaknesses. These are Water and Wind Magic)
Control (Shade still hasnt processed his past fully. Wich means he still feels fully responsible for the things he did when he wasnt in control. If he loses the little control he has, his previous self will gain control once more)
Water magic (See light side, though water does more damage then the wind version)
Wind magic (see light side, does less damage then water, but still more then any other magic attack)
Energy Drain (Just like Linkie. In total with switching dark/lightside, Linkie or Shade can cast up to 6 spells a day. 3 for each. Be aware that this means the most powerfull spells which are noted to do 'High' Damage.
Minor spells like healing, can be cast up to 6 times by each)
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