<center>Dea, our Lady and Goddess, would solve all mysteries even the mystery of Death. And so she journeyed to the Underworld in her boat, upon the Sacred River of Descent. Then it came to pass that she entered before the first of the seven gates to the Underworld. And the Guardian challenged her, demanding one of her garments for passage, for nothing may be received except that something be given in return. And at each of the gates the goddess was required to pay the price of passage, for the guardians spoke to her: “Strip off your garments, and set aside your jewels, for nothing may you bring with you into this our realm.” So Dea surrendered her jewels and her clothing to the Guardians, and was bound as all living must be who seek to enter the real of Death and the Mighty Ones. At the first gate she gave over her scepter, at the second her crown, at the third her necklace, at the fourth her ring, at the fifth her girdle, at the sixth her sandals, and at the seventh her gown. Dea stood naked and was presented before Dis, and such was her beauty that he himself knelt as she entered. He laid his crown and his sword at her feet saying: “Blessed are your feet which have brought your down this path.” Then he arose and sad to Dea, “Stay with me I pray, and receive my touch upon your heart.”
And Dea replied to Dis: “But I love you not, for why do you cause all the things that I love, and take delight in, to fade and die?”
“My Lady,” replied Dis “it is age and fate against which you speak. I am helpless, for age causes all things to whither, but when men die at the end of their time, I give them rest, peace and strength. For a time they dwell with the moon, and the spirits of the moon; then may they return to the realm of the living. But you are also lovely, and I ask you to return not, but abide with me here.”
But she answered, “No, for I do not love you.” Then Dis said, “If you refuse to embrace me, then you must kneel to death’s scourge.” The goddess answered him: “If it is to be, then it is fate, and better so!”
So Dea knelt in submission before the hand of Death, and he scourged her with so tender a hand that she cried out,
“I know your pain, and the pain of love.”
Dis raised her to her feet and said, “Blessed are you, my Queen and my Lady.” Then he gave her the five kisses of initiation, saying:
“Only thus may you attain to knowledge and to joy.”
And he taught her all of his mysteries, and he gave her the necklace which is the circle of rebirth. And she taught him her mysteries of the sacred cup which is the cauldron of rebirth. They loved and joined in union with each other, and for a time Dea dwelled in the realm of Dis.
For there are three mysteries in the life of Man which are: Sex, Birth, and Death (and love controls them all). To fulfill love, you must return again at the same time and place as those who loved before. And you must meet, recognize, remember, and love them anew. But to be reborn you must die and be made ready for a new body. And to die you must be born, but without love you may not be born among your own. But our Goddess is inclined to favor love, and joy and happiness. She guards and cherishes her hidden children in this life and the next. In death she reveals the way to her communion, and in life she teaches them the magic of the mystery of the Circle (which is set between the worlds of men and of the gods).
Raven Grimassi – 1997
Wiccan Mysteries
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