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Horuto Vs Death

Samurai of Sorrows
::The tune of a shamisen began to play in the air of the establishment. A purple flame began to combust inside of the place, with a destinctive stealth and grace, it dancing to the beat of the music.::

::Soon the shadow began to rise amongst the ground and manifest into a humaniod, an Oni.::

::Wearing a blue yukata, a red scarf around his neck, black beatnick pants, a katana strapped to the left side of his waist, and his left hand bandaged up, as it plucks strings.::

::The rest of the Oni's apearnece was fierce, yet gentle. Black skin, fiery red hair, yellow eyes concentrated on his black shamisen as he plays the tune Akita Nikata Bushi. His tail swaggering about to the music, as he keeps his head to to the shamisen, his tiny horns on his forehead giving contact instead of his eyes.::

::The Oni began to sit down criss crossed while continueing the tune.::


Death Unknown
Everyday is exactly the same

Somewhere from within the graveyard as a dark and sinister being would start to form in the confines of a crypt that stood erect in the middle of the graveyard. What shadows that were developed came creeping and seeping into the coffin as the figure that was formed within would start to come to life. The body that had laid within in the coffin was nothing more than ashes and dust. The being inside of the coffin would take his right fist and slam it into the concrete slab that would be a lid. As his hand moved through the air, his energy would shift through his body as a purple and white aura surrounded his fist, shattering the lid. He rose up out of the coffin, climbing out as he kicked open the gated door the crypt and stepped outside, arching back and readjusting himself as his bones popped and cracked and snapped back into place. A sigh of relief came from his mouth as he felt the binding chains that were binded to his back and chest as they held hi Shadow Scythe into place.

Stepping out into the pale moonlight, the symbols that were etched into his skin would start to glow as he started to collect and gather energy from around the graveyard itself. As this happened, two rings of purple and white light would fall to the floor around him and start to spin in circles at his feet. The inner circle spun in a clockwise manner and the outer circle that was only 1 foot away from the inner circle spun in a counter clockwise motion. Death now awaited his opponent as his senses would now be wide open, his mind alert, and his senses heightened. Also, the energy that his body carried would not be able to be sensed by anyone or anything living or dead due to the metaphysical cloak that he wore.

As he stood there, he would look at the open arena and the grassy fields as he could feel a sudden change start to happen to his body. Void of any weapons at all, he was going to have to rely on his intellect and intact fighting techniques as well as his powers to fare up against his foe. A sadistic smile crossed his face as he looked down at the ground and knelt down, taking his index finger and drew three complete circles; two in front of him and across from each other and then one behind him. Making the pattern like a triangle as he then took some of the gathered energy and placed them into the circles and let it seep into the ground. Even if the circles were disturbed, it wouldn't matter. Now it was time for fun.

There is no love here and there is no pain

Samurai of Sorrows


::Horuto's playing of the shamisen came to an abrupt stop as his jagan eye on his left bandaged up hand began to frown. His head still tilted, his horns and hair covering his eyes. All that was visable on his face was a masochistic grin.::

Oi Shinto-sama.. Long time no see..

Well then, I guess we will be starting our annual, friendly, tune up spar.

Allow me to prepair myself before the clash of us shady titans.

Three of my strongest attributes I must use to face you, Shinto-sama. Please, let the match bell be the hit that sends us just an inch away from death.

::Horuto began to stand up. The fingers on his right hand began to light up with a pinch of spiritual, and demonic energy. He lifted his right hand close to his head. In a fraction of a second, his lit up fingers tapped three distinctive area's on his head.::

::Horuto stood up and began to unbandaged his left palm, and pulling out a pipe, lighting it, and huffing, and standing on the balls of his feet while speaking.::

Three, three new tricks I've developed up my sleeve from our little absence. Number one, one to hightening his senses, of sound, smell and touch by taking out your eyes, ritualy. Though.. I am ditching the hightend sound, smell, and to get an even more hightend sense of touch..

I have just temperally paralyzed my ability to hear sounds, smell scents, and to see sight itself.

It's about time I did too, the smell of you just popping out of a grave is just too unbearable for me, Shinto-sama.

::Horuto spoke in a joking manner.::

Death Unknown
Everyday is exactly the same

Death was not one for words when it came to fighting unless it was to taunt his opponent if he was not up to Death's standards. Staying at a distance of exactly 50 yards away from Horuto, Death would answer him with a nod, a sadistic smile crossed his face as he dropped his hands down to his sides and closed his eyes. The faint smell of demon blood would be seen as blood started to drip from the fingertips of Death as he continued to look down at the ground. He said nothing nor did nothing, but if his opponent was to attack, he would be in one of hell of a surprise. Death was in both a defensive and offensive position.

There is no love here and there is no pain

Samurai of Sorrows

::Horuto felt the vibrations in the air of deaths nod. The time it took to reach Horuto's sense of touch, wich is a radias of 10 yards revealed the distance between them::

--"50 yards.. Above.."--
::Horuto thought to himself.::

::Horuto knew that Death was a master of shadows, even more skillfulled than Horuto in the art. The shadow's themselves speak to thier uncrowned king about dirty little secretes. Dirty little secretes about Horuto.::

::Horuto had to be careful. For now, he waited at the safe distance he was at for the momment.::

::Horuto knew that Death was like a black chess piece, he makes the second move.::

::Horuto tossed his pipe to the left, he could feel from the heat of the lit pipe has exceeded his 10yard radius sense of touch.::

::Horuto then grabbed ahold of his katana at the base of the sheath with his left hand, his jagan eye glowing. His right hand holding the hilt. Knees bent, back arched, standing on the balls of his feet.::

::He began to channal spirtual and demonic energy into his blade, Jinjoushiki. Jinjoushiki having a life force, the channaling of spiritual and demonic energy is possible.::

::With one swift motion, he unsheathed his sword quickly horizontaly at the view of death. The sword launched a wave of spiritual energy. With a shape of a "C", 10 times larger than Death in diamator, at the speed of 60mph.::

::Horuto standing on the balls of his feet at the same time of the launch of his attack.::

Death Unknown
Everyday is exactly the same

Death looked up and laughed as he watched the hell fire coming towards him as he raised his hands up into the air fast and swift, in mere seconds, the ground would quake as a set of demonic ice mirrors came from the ground, stopping the blast and then would start to multiply around Horuto and encase him in a box of demonic ice mirrors with no way for him to escape.

Demonic Ice Mirrors
Name: Makyō Hyō Shō

Unique to Death, Demonic Ice Mirrors creates over a dozen mirrors fashioned out of ice around an opponent. Death can then enter one of the mirrors from the outside and travel between any of the mirrors at a untraceable speed; in fact, the time in transit is almost instantaneous. During transit, Death can throw kunais while remaining virtually unassailable himself. If the mirror Death is currently in is shattered, he can leap out of one of the fragments and continue his attack. Though they are made from ice, they are pressured with enough chakra to resist fire almost completely.

There is no love here and there is no pain

Samurai of Sorrows

::Horuto smirked. He could feel the cold aura's of the ice mirror's plus Death's before the mirror's completely manifested.::

--"As expected, the attack was futial. But atleast I've gotten ridden of Unknown.. I must have..--
::Horuto thought to himself.::

::Horuto uses far sight on Death, seeing that Death was inside the ice mirror's himself. Just to be safe from Unknown and his metalic armor. He began to engulf himself with the shadow flame. A purple flame that can only be found in the shadow realm, a flame so cold it reaches to temperatures of -300. His jagan eye began to spew out the black flame that reached to a temperature of 4000FH. The flame would continuesly spew out of the jagan eye.::

::Since Horuto is surrounded by ice mirrors. He was in an inclosed area, and when heat is continuesly pumped into concealed area's, even if there are little air holes or gaps, pressure will still be built up from the intense heat. Pressure from the heat itself not being able to escape, and also from the flame gasping for oxygen.::

Time demonstrate why one of my aliases is "Horuto No Ken!"
-"Fist of the north star."-

::Horuto, protected from the heat by his natural ability, encasing himself with the shadow flame. Horuto made sure that he was in the position, for when the explosion from the pressure would happen, it would shoot him diagonaly towards the ground, giving Horuto a running start. He knew Death was not one to battle in the sky.::

Death Unknown
Heaven may be running on empty yet the devil rides

Death watched from one of the demonic ice mirrors as Horuto performed this attack. Feeling the heat and temperature rise, he smiled as the fire would ignite and as the demon ice mirror fortress was shattered, but that didn't matter at all, for Death could still attack from even the tiniest of pieces of the demonic ice mirrors that laid upon the ground.

This was going to be fun for Death as he stood in one of the demonic ice mirrors unnoticed as he would continuously smile at Horuto as he would lash out at Horuto with his monofilament blood strings that would seem to come out from every direction as they would cross from where he was and then string across through to another mirror. As this happened, the three circles that Death had drawn on the ground before would become activated as they turned into orbs and started to hover 100 feet above the ground, spinning around in 360 degree revolutions as they would gather speed, they would gather and collect pure, raw negative energy.

Hell burns by angel turns her pillow to the cooler side

Samurai of Sorrows
::Horuto, as said before, was in the position to be shot diagonaly towards the ground, like a bullet in the barrel, he shot out from the pressure of the heat towards the ground.::

::Horuto can feel the air vibrations of Death's threads as Horuto was project towards the ground at a speed of 70mph, he quickly spun at 360 degrees and spewed his Hell's tears wich was the black flame at the broken ice shards that were falling to the ground. Since Death's ice shards where protected by intense heat by chakra, the transfer of chakra would definiatly be shut off as soon as the shards were in pieces, melting them::

::Even if the ice mirrors were sealed with perminant chakra, it would be too small and insignificant piece chakra.::

::Horuto, after spewing a quick flame, gave him an extra five mph to his speed. He began to send quick waves of spiritual energy and demonic energy towards the ground with his blade jinjoushiki. In effort to tare up the ground, turning it into rubble for a softer land, a solid floor would break every bone in his body. Plus, the force of him sending out waves of energy cancled out a great deal of his speed towards the ground.::

Shinto-Sama! How bout some melee damn it!

::Horuto landing on the ground, running, he quickly dug his heel into the rubbled ground to to break his mommentom. From the momment he dug his heal in the ground, he pivoted 360 degree's, projecting his jagan eye at Death. Feeling a kinetic source of energy 100 feet off the ground, he wanted to be in a defensive stance.::

Death Unknown
Heaven may be running on empty yet the devil rides

Death watched everything that happened as he smiled at Horuto as he reached behind his back and pulled from behind it his Ancient Shadow Scythe as he smiled at Horuto. He would then raise his blade to the sky as one of the three orbs disappeared and then reappeared on top of the blade in the exact middle as it would touch the surface of the blade, still spinning and collecting pure, raw energy as he would charge towards Horuto and when he was within striking distance, he would unleash a horrific series of slashes that went in every direction as the orb would be unleashed as well.

As the orb traveled through the air it would start to shift and change forms as it would travel at the speed of light, then shooting up into the air and then disappearing as it would then come crashing back down at the speed of light as well. This orb now contained pure, raw energy as well as a surging charge of lightning after it went into the sky. Hourto would be hit with one of Death's more aggressive attacks known as the Shadow Wave.

The Shadow Wave
This wave of energy gets its name from the amount and type of damage that it causes to the opponent. When this energy wave hits the opponent head on, the opponent is snapped back in a violent and quick reaction due to the wave of energy when it hits them. This energy wave is formed by the scythe as it uses a large amount of manna from the surrounding area and the creator and is projected at the opponent in the manner of a swirling open vortex that is composed of purely demonic energy and the energy from the earth. As the open vortex is sent towards the opponent, it starts off small and then grows in size to a maximum diameter of 40 feet wide and will destroy anything that is in its path.

Hell burns by angel turns her pillow to the cooler side

Samurai of Sorrows

::Horuto knew it would come to this, the infamous shadow wave. An attack so bulky, so fast, and dangerous. His jagan eye still locking on Death, witnessing the scythe collect the energy.::

: biggrin eath seemed to have thrown some waves of energy from the slashes he charged at him, those are mere decoys. They are ment to keep the opponent from realizing there is a titan force manifesting in that orb.::


::Horuto immdiatly engulfed himself in the shadow flame as he slammed his left leg into the ground, pushing him off towards Death. His left arm aligned behind him as his jagan spewed more hells tears, giving him a rocket boost towards Death.::

::In order to do this, Horuto must go through the minor waves of energy and bare it. A few hitting his abdomin, chest, and even wacking him across his head.::

::Horuto's jagan eye adding onto the force of flame throwing of the hell tears after each waves of energy Death slashed at him.::

::Horuto would reach up to Death before his shadow waved was charged, plus Death would have to use his scythe to block a barriage of slashes with Horuto's shadow flame engulfed sword, all the while Horuto smiling masochisticly.::

::Yukata torn apart, and cuts all over his body from rushing into Death's rain of terror.::

Death Unknown
Heaven may be running on empty yet the devil rides

Death and Horuto would clash head on as their two weapons locked with each other, the deadliest looking grin that was ever seen by any man or creature ever to be seen in existence. As the two weapons were locked with each other, Death would close his eyes as the inner circle locked into place again, the giant 10 foot tall juggernaut known as Unknown emerged from the shadows as he would be wielding his mighty war hammer, he would bring it down hard, forcefully, and angrily at Horuto, putting all of the energy that he gathered from Horutos first attack on Death. The hammer would be aimed to come down swiftly and justifiably on Horutos mid section area.

Hell burns by angel turns her pillow to the cooler side

Samurai of Sorrows

::Horuto continued to clash weapons with Death until he felt a shadow open holding a grim pressence. Horuto quickly stopped the spew of the black flames with his jagan eye, and ripped off the sheath of his katana that was strapped to his the left side of his waist. He kept on clashing his katana with Death until he could feel the big brute breathing behind Horuto, forcing down his hammer.::

::As soon as Horuto felt the vacuam of air from the force of unknowns hammer, Horuto was already descending towards the ground due to nothing keeping him up anymore since he cut off the jagan eye. Horuto quickly sheathed his katana, holding the tip of the sheath katana with his left hand, and the right hand holding onto the hilt, Horuto blocked Unknowns hammer. Horuto blocking the hammer at the part where the head and rod connect, sending him flying towards the ground, his sheath completely busted.::

: biggrin ue to the fact Horuto was falling opposite direction of the hammer forcing down on him, and Horuto blocking the hammer with the sheath katana right where the head of the hammer and the rod it connected, absorbed most of the hit.::

::Falling down to the ground at a fast speed, he did a last minute shift of weight, so he would be facing the ground. Horuto then began to spew the flame towards the ground in effort to slow down.::

::Horuto slowed down his falling quite abit, enough for him not to break any bones on impact, though he did fall on a hot surface, burning himself a bit.::

::Horuto quickly pushed off with his hands and feet onto cooler ground and looked up at Death.::

You win.. No way can I fight ranged with your shadow wave, and no way can I fight melee with Unknown at your aid..

::Horuto winced a bit, breathing heavily.::

Plus, I wouldn't want to reveal ANY more of my techniques..

Winner... Death..

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