My heart is hidden someplace safe, Someplace dark, on hallowed grounds...
Original idea for said disclaimer come from Sparkle N Fade, Irish Muffins, and Li`l Pixie.
1. I will NOT give out my real name. (A) Only those I know well get to know my real name. (B) I will not respond to my real name unless it is over MSN messenger. (C) I will otherwise only respond to Outai.
2. I live in Oregon. (A) The weather is random and changes quickly. (B) If you do not like the weather, wait 10 minutes. (C) No, it is NOT pronouced Ore-reh-gone. It is pronounced Ore-again.
3. I am quite perverted when I want to be, which is most of the time. (A) I reserve the right to be as perverted as I want, when I want. (B) I can, and likely will, take anything you say or do in a perverted manner. (C) I've been a pervert for only a year and am still new to some things, so there are still some pervy terms I do not know about. (D) If there is a pervy term I don't know about, have patience with me and tell me what it is so I can understand what you are saying.
4. I am straight. (A) I will not act lesbian or bi around anyone. (B) The only exeption to section 4 part A is Sephoenix, and it is only meant in fun, and not for real.
5. I am 21. (A) If you think this is too old, deal with it. (B) If you think I am acting childish or immature, it is likely only because I am joking around for fun. If you have a problem with this, deal with it.
6. I am taken until stated otherwise. I do not believe otherwise will be stated.
7. I reserve the right to ammend this at any time.
8. I will not cyber.
9. I am semi-literate in RPing. (A) Please be at least semi-lit when rping with me. (B) Do not be a grammar or spelling nazi with me. I know how to spell and use proper grammar, but only choose not to use it when I am being lazy and/or silly. (C) I write stories for a hobby, so I know how to be fully lit. I choose to be semi-lit out of laziness. If you don't like this, deal with it or go elsewhere.
10. I am not sexist or racist. (A) If you think I am being so, re-read the posts. References I make are not in fun against any race, sex, ethnicity, sexual preferences, or religion. (B) Any that are against said traits are usually against 4chan meme's or against people who deserve it. (IE: Michael Jackson)
11. I like to help people. (A) Do not take advantage of me on this. (B) I don't mind talking and trying to help you, but you must also be willing to laugh and joke around with me, and not be emo all the time. (C) If you want my help, take it. If I give you advice, take it and don't throw it away. Those that do get on my nerves and will not likely hear from me for long periods of time.
12. Do not be a n00b around me. (A) I appreciate proper spelling and grammar. (B) Using improper spelling, lack of punctuation, or other gramerical mistakes frequently will get you overlooked or ignored, since doing so makes it difficult for me to read or understand what you are saying.
13. Do not have an attitude with me. (A) I do not tolerate bad/immature attitudes. (B) If you don't like something I say or do, then don't talk to me. (C) Having a good attitude with me gets you brownie points.
14. If I don't know you, I don't trust you. (A) If I don't know you I will not talk to you. (A.1) If I do not know you and I talk to you, it is a rare, outgoing moment for me. (B) If I don't know you and you talk to me, I will chat politely or rp, but otherwise will not let you get to know me.
15. If I know who you are, my level of trust with you will vary. (A) If you don't like it, deal with it. (B) If you want me to trust you more, you must prove yourself trustworthy.
16. Yes, I have minions. (A) Minion is merely a title. They are really good friends of mine, some are best friends IRL. (B) If you are not already my minion, you will not be my minon.
17. I am not accepting any more friend invites on gaia or MSN.
18. If I am being hyper, spastic, perverted, happy, or emo and you don't like it, you can go elsewhere. (A) If I am emo and you don't know me, it's best to leave me alone. (B) If I am emo and you know me, the best thing to do is make me laugh. (B.1) Making me laugh when I am emo is next to impossible. Very few online or IRL can pull this off. (C) If I am being happy and hyper, feel free to join in and joke around.
19. Certain personality traits and types of people do get on my nerves. (A) If you are the type of person that can get on my nerves easily, you will be ignored. (B) If you have a personality trait I don't like, and it showes often, you will be ignored. (C) If you have a personality trait I don't like, and it does not show often, I will overlook it.
20. I have a tendancy to hold a grudge against those who hurt me or those I care about. (A) If I know you well, trust you, and respect you, I may cool off soon(ish). (A-1) If I know you well, trust you, and respect you, and you've broken my trust or respect, it will take time to regain that trust. You will work hard for it, VERY hard, but it will be possible in time. (B) If I don't know you at all, and you offend me at first sight/chat, I WILL hold a grudge and I WILL ignore you. (B-1) If I don't know you at all, you offend me, and then apologize and work hard to gain my trust, I MAY end up forgiving you. Not definite, but a possibility.
Ammendment 1 - Random acts of kindness (IE: gold donation) are rare and occur whever I feel like it. DO NOT ASK FOR DONATIONS! If you do, you will be blocked.
Ammendment 2 - If I consider you a friend or acquaitance, and you piss me off, you will be ignored for one week. After that, if you piss me off again, you will be perma-iggied. No exceptions. I have no more tolerance or patience for jackasses.
Amendment 3 (Ammending #4 part A) - I can, and likely will, act bi around anyone from the 18+ thread. This is all meant in jest, and is NOT meant for real. I am straight and proud.
Amendment 4: I no longer trust anyone online, and everyone on my friends list is bumped down to "Acquaintance' level. The only exceptions are those on gaia and msn that I know Irl or at least over the phone.
Amendment 5: If I do not consider you my friend, and you piss me off, you don't get the one week warning. You go straight to iggy bin. Do not pass go, do not collect $200, and you don't ever come out of it. ....Somewhere I know in my mind, My heart will never be found...
OutaiTabibito · Mon Aug 20, 2007 @ 12:25am · 2 Comments |