Character Information
||Gaia Name: Heaven's Taint ||Character Name: Felyntyrr ||Character Nick Name: Felyn, Crazy person, The Indigo Death. ||Gender: Female ||Age: She looks about her twenties in human years though she's around 200 years old ||Race: Drow ||Appearance: Gracefull and deathly, her form slender but well build. Elven features grace her face though details hidden by a steel mask, obviously magic as it seems to sit in place even without straps. The mask had no eye holes nor one for a mouth instead it had a simple expresion drawn on it with a gold-bronze color which obviously shifted acording to her mood and expresion. (Think : D -_- 8D D: ect.) Her skin black as the night gave away her heritage, she was a drow. Clothes where sparce and obviously offered no protection. Six scabbards where straped to her lower back, each containing a shortsword while on her hip a seventh scabbart hang this containing a normal sword. ||Personality: Inquisitive is the word that describes Felyntyrr best. Her personality is hard to determine, she hides behind a mask afterall. She mostly acts out of curiosity and on impulse. Acting first before thinking about something. ||Likes: Learning about the surface world. The color purple. ||Dislikes: Being tricked, sunlight or other bright lightsources. (drow are blinded by it.) ||Weapon: See description/picture ||Occupation/Position: Eye of Lolth ||History: Felyn has lived underground in one of the spider queens many cities, faithfully serving her goddess for many years. Recently the city was destroyed from the inside out by a power stuggle between the two largest houses that ruled there, leaving nothing for either of the warring sides but ruins of its former glory. Thats when Felyn gathered what few possesions she had left and started traveling the Underdark untill she eventualy reached the surface. ||Other:An Eye of Loth serves as a spy or assassin for the house they work for, this job brings many special traits which will be explained below. Aura of Truth: An aura that prevents others from speaking flasehood when around Felyn's general reach, this can ofcource be overcome though not easely. Around 15 foot or so. Blind Sense: This allows Felyn to see things even if blinded. IE. Her mask. Loth's vision: Enhanced vision, she can determine the smallest detail or see as far as an eagle. (Doesn't work when 'blinded') Uncanny stealth: Seeing as she doesn't wear any restricting clothes and becouse she is trained to do so she is extremely well at hiding and sneaking around without being noticed. Vanish: Allows her to vanish from sight.
Heavens Taint · Fri Aug 24, 2007 @ 05:48pm · 0 Comments |