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I invited a friend yesturday his name is acnorac give him comments

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seasonal rose
Community Member

Thu Sep 06, 2007 @ 05:04pm

koo i told em but now im telling you cause i trust you but im gona dump daniel dont tell him i want to in my own time but hes not right 4 me im a rock person like a greb and hes a bit imature.hope u and em r great lovly pic of u and em on ur profile i like the way ems shelterin u from the rain.

Small Tainted Child
Community Member

Thu Sep 06, 2007 @ 07:43pm

Oh you shouldn't do that, he really likes you. If you're going to at least break it too him smoothly or act badly so he dumps you. I remember being rejected by Kerry, it sucks. I was heart broken for months.

seasonal rose
Community Member

Fri Sep 07, 2007 @ 08:10am

are you sure he still likes me he even says that when me and em like slap him (as in a joke)he always laughs and now hes complainin to be honest he needs to stop actin imature he pushed candy then wicth bumped into anna then she hates him (sigh)plus well hes blamin everthin on me and then yesturday james G TOLD HIM i dont think she wants to go out with you anymore. mad

Small Tainted Child
Community Member

Fri Sep 07, 2007 @ 07:51pm

I didn't quite understand the bit at the end, were you talking about me and em? Oh and remember all relationships are rocky and unexpective, whatever you do, always stay friends if you break up.

seasonal rose
Community Member

Sat Sep 08, 2007 @ 07:46am

james hamy told daniel (after me and him had a argument) that he thinks i wont wana go out with dan anymore but if he says that then cover is blown and hell ruin my birthday on this monday comin up lol

Small Tainted Child
Community Member

Sat Sep 08, 2007 @ 09:50am

Oh shiz I remember this kinda situation, well you could always just say what James said was a lie just to break you up. If you still like him.

seasonal rose
Community Member

Sat Sep 08, 2007 @ 07:26pm

im gona say it after my birthday on monday or he may ruin it im sorry but i hav 2 dump him im not gona lie and say i still love him i meen its as bad as sayin that u would lie 2 em but i know u would not plus em says HI heart u thats from em

Small Tainted Child
Community Member

Sat Sep 08, 2007 @ 07:53pm

Tell Em I love her too! And okay, but at least hurt him as little as possible inside. Like I said, I couldn't understand why Kerry dumped me. I was so confused.

Queen Noodle Head
Community Member

Sun Sep 09, 2007 @ 12:59pm

hi and jess wen will u tell him i mean u cant keep it a secret 4eva!!! crying o ye i have to do this "think of the little fishy eyes xd "

seasonal rose
Community Member

Sun Sep 09, 2007 @ 08:11pm

blaugh lol em will try 2 get fishy as soon as possible im missin us 2 chattin 2 togher 2morrow its my birthday

Queen Noodle Head
Community Member

Sun Sep 09, 2007 @ 09:12pm

ye i know i cant wait to go to the cinemas itll be better than doing homework any day!!!!! lol xd

Queen Noodle Head
Community Member

Sun Sep 09, 2007 @ 09:29pm

hey jess do you really think that hayden is scared of me? confused rofl

Small Tainted Child
Community Member

Mon Sep 10, 2007 @ 05:17pm

Lol Hayden wouldn't be scared of you, and how come you guys always linger in my journal?

Queen Noodle Head
Community Member

Mon Sep 10, 2007 @ 09:09pm

i dunno ask jess. lol

seasonal rose
Community Member

Wed Sep 12, 2007 @ 05:22pm

i tend 2 linger in ur journal because you 2 never linger in mine so at lest i no i can talk 2 u if i go in ur journal 3nodding and thax 4 sayin it was my idea lol razz pluz me and dan saw haden again and said somones gona beat up koo?plus am missin playin with u em haden called me a evil scary kid but it would hav been better with u there rolleyes

seasonal rose
Community Member

Wed Sep 12, 2007 @ 05:24pm

i dumpt dan plus how come koo changed his look? 3nodding

Small Tainted Child
Community Member

Wed Sep 12, 2007 @ 07:16pm

Oh yeah the person who's gonna "beat me up" is a crazy, year9 metre-high Irish kid.

Queen Noodle Head
Community Member

Wed Sep 12, 2007 @ 08:06pm

lol, and i wish i was there jess that means that hayden's called me and you both scary little girls and at school he whispered to one of his friends that i was an evil kid and he pointed at me lol!!! and how did dan react when you told him?

Queen Noodle Head
Community Member

Wed Sep 12, 2007 @ 08:07pm

oh yeah how are both of you?

Queen Noodle Head
Community Member

Wed Sep 12, 2007 @ 08:09pm

koo would you call yourself evil?

Small Tainted Child
Community Member

Wed Sep 12, 2007 @ 08:13pm

Not really and I fine.

seasonal rose
Community Member

Thu Sep 13, 2007 @ 04:59pm

em guess wot i just put 5 songs on my i-pod is really good but u hav to hav a credit card to hav acount so wot ma mum does is i give her the money and she can replace the money that was taken of her credit card.
the songs i got were
1.fergie-big girls dont cry
2.cradle of filth-nymthetamin
3.linkin park-papercut,in the end
4.timberland-the way i are
anyway i really heart my new i-pod its wicked but im really missing you a lot em
moving on,dan is bein so anoying nowwonder i dumpt him i meen he gives me a keyring wich if you open up is a cute wacth and then it says i love you on the front and then goes and bes nasty and i just feel ill never find somone who likes me bk (sigh) i spose its a good sighn that blain was flirtin

Queen Noodle Head
Community Member

Thu Sep 13, 2007 @ 06:24pm

jess always remember that there is sum1 out there 4 every1 and good news i mite be playin sat afternoon!!!

seasonal rose
Community Member

Fri Sep 14, 2007 @ 07:54am

thahnx 4 the support but i think we were never ment to be cause i was saying 2 anna about daniel that i dont feel right goin out and then lastnight he said i know ur goin out with somone yuo must be jokin id tell somone mainly u em so i sent him a text sayin i cant believe u cant trust me when i tell u the the truth scream crying crying (tear in eye drips onto dress)am starting to think it was a bad bein friends with dan i meen you even said urself em that u r gettin a bit sick of him.infact im so annoyed it wont belong be4 i say somthing harsh stressed I HATE HIM.oops gonk

Queen Noodle Head
Community Member

Mon Sep 17, 2007 @ 03:49pm

yeah i know and i still cant believe that daniel kiked me in the jaw a couple of days ago there is summit wrong with him but i dont know what! i mean with the fish to he said "emily you owe me £1 when i was the one that has actually spent the most on the whole thing!!! scream and i agree im starting to hate daniel.

Small Tainted Child
Community Member

Mon Sep 17, 2007 @ 04:29pm

Sounds a bit of a petty thing, it's just a phase, you shouldn't ditch him now or he'll just get worse and emotionally wrecked, just tell him, you want to be his friend, but not if he acts like he is.

Queen Noodle Head
Community Member

Mon Sep 17, 2007 @ 05:45pm

ye but hes ben like it for quite a while now even ask jess she knows more about it than me

seasonal rose
Community Member

Mon Sep 17, 2007 @ 07:32pm

well it all started when dan told me he liked me and since then hes been very rude and imatureso thats when my thoufghts changed in stead of liking him i started to dislike him and wot is even worse is is that it seems like every girl is like chattin dan up and that upsets me cause how could he let them in so fast i think if im not carefull emma on my table might end up with a boyfriend.plus beth upset me again today she called me nerdy crying wot do i deserve to be called that for i said to her and she said because of the way you talk redface yer i talk diffrently but so does she scream i meen wot the hell anyway dan seemed alright well untill tomorrow sad but havent seen fish and yes u have put most money towards the fish.koo sorry to break bad news but i cant be nice if he wont be nice to me i meen wot the hell emo

seasonal rose
Community Member

Mon Sep 17, 2007 @ 07:47pm

em i have tried many a times to acctivate my flippin acount domokun i just wish it would let me.koo-out of pure interest wot would you feel/or do if emily dumped u i want to know cause then at least i have some in4mation on how dan is feelin although u would proberly feel worse cause ur a l;ot closer wich does make me fell a bit like stressed i should back off i hav just become a lot more depressed i just want to shot or kill some people with my bare hands. emo OMG I SOUND EMOISH AM I TURNIN EMO.........SLOWLY. emo ANYWAY AM SORRY IF I BUTTED MYSELF INTO UR RELASIONSHIP ILL JUST LEAVE U 2 ALONE

Queen Noodle Head
Community Member

Mon Sep 17, 2007 @ 08:03pm

u dint but in but anyway i know its hard to cause i know what its like but try ur best to ignore beth. [ i no its hard cuz i always try to ignore luke but i just cudnt] o ye jess i know what u feel like by saying tht ur turning into an emo i just know exactly how that feels koo sed tht hes bin an emo b4 and he sed to me "dont become 1 iv been there it was horrible" and he sed to me on gaia 2you will just get pushed around more" and "dont let them hurt you just because they're bigger than you [summit like that]" so koo mite be able to give you more info on that.

Small Tainted Child
Community Member

Mon Sep 17, 2007 @ 08:26pm

Well I'm not dramatic enough to kill myself, but I would definately become very badly depressed, possibly lose it. I don't really know what I'd do, I hope I never find out.

Small Tainted Child
Community Member

Mon Sep 17, 2007 @ 08:28pm

Oh god it's atrocious, just don't do it, and plus emos are total posers, I mean if they were really as sad as they say they are, they'd all have killed themselves by now.

seasonal rose
Community Member

Tue Sep 18, 2007 @ 08:13am

cry cry yes i spose so but i just fell so depressed at school and a t home somtimes i just cant take it anymore.... gonk crying

Small Tainted Child
Community Member

Tue Sep 18, 2007 @ 06:46pm

No offense, but that's weak. Seb's mother died withing this year and he manages to stay cheerful, now stop pulling an act.

seasonal rose
Community Member

Wed Sep 19, 2007 @ 04:25pm

no affence taken soz about that i was feelin really low im not sure y but am not a emo and i dont wana be but i spose when am upset i take my feelings out on that i just feel horrable plus soz about ur friends mum sad i spose u will tell me 2 shut up now then 4 the nonsense talk

Small Tainted Child
Community Member

Wed Sep 19, 2007 @ 04:39pm

If you feel bad just head bang to this it's always worked for me.
EDIT: Nah I'm not mean.

seasonal rose
Community Member

Sat Sep 22, 2007 @ 01:20pm

woh u hav changed a lot koo plluz emily today were goin beeston all ask ma dad if ya can come sweatdrop

Small Tainted Child
Community Member

Sat Sep 22, 2007 @ 01:34pm

I know, I bought these recently. Oh and redface Em, you wanna go out on a date sometime? redface sweatdrop

seasonal rose
Community Member

Sat Sep 22, 2007 @ 01:48pm

koo takin em out would be a great idea just latly she hasent been 100% so treat her i think its a great idea 3nodding

Small Tainted Child
Community Member

Sat Sep 22, 2007 @ 01:57pm

okay, thanks I guess.

seasonal rose
Community Member

Sun Sep 23, 2007 @ 08:38am

its alright.plus em i got this so greby jaket from pecocks it rocks blaugh

seasonal rose
Community Member

Sun Sep 23, 2007 @ 09:01am

sum boys r jerks

Small Tainted Child
Community Member

Sun Sep 23, 2007 @ 09:21am

That's true, but why whas that envolved in this conversation? confused

Queen Noodle Head
Community Member

Mon Sep 24, 2007 @ 05:08pm

and dan is still actin funny

Queen Noodle Head
Community Member

Mon Sep 24, 2007 @ 05:32pm

JESS youve gotta see my profile its totally cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin

Small Tainted Child
Community Member

Mon Sep 24, 2007 @ 05:42pm

Oh yeah guys, (well girls I guess) I got myself some new shoes actually. CONVERSE! I never could find any in my size, but now I have some really cool ones. YAY!

Queen Noodle Head
Community Member

Mon Sep 24, 2007 @ 06:20pm

where did u get them, from and i saw some awesome 1s imn sports world

Queen Noodle Head
Community Member

Mon Sep 24, 2007 @ 06:34pm

dan is treating me and jes like total and utter s**t

Small Tainted Child
Community Member

Tue Sep 25, 2007 @ 05:34pm

I got them from either next or shuh, two pairs, a pair of green camoflauge ones and blue flame ones. I have lots of shoes.

seasonal rose
Community Member

Thu Sep 27, 2007 @ 08:16am

well not all boys r jerks but u no i know koo anint cool anyway koo lots a people know about ur convereses even some year 3 s know blaugh plus how come me and em keep seein ur mates down at the park i really wana stay at hom nad just chill sad plus any of u seen that new program torn its great u should wacht it its about a mother whos 4 year old daughter is sole from the beach eek so ten years later they all suspect shes dead apart from her mum so while the mum is goin shoppin she thinxs she shes her so she follows her and when the people who rnt her parents turn up it turns out that there not her reall parents so all her mates think shes 16 but really shes 14 but anyway the fake mum goes to prison.when the girl has lunch with her proper family it turns she,takes drugs,and swears,smokes.towards the end of the eposode her fake mum gives her some money and a card so she goes to see her but her reall mum is lookin 4 her she finds the nfake mumand the fake mum says she still loves me so that upset the reall mum so bad she pussed her of the top of the flats.WEEEEEE blaugh

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