Hmm thought it would be a good idea to update this gonk anywho not much has gone on my mother ish getting married ......again ~.~* So I have to fly up to Va and see that { Fun fun } Umm had my birthday on may 18 whee I'm now 20 stressed Man and I'm feeling old seeing all these 12-16 year olds here on Gaia confused Umm thats about it . But there is some thing that im wondering about . for the past few week's I'll have every one that I knowcome up to me and ask " Having fun ? " and I'm like " O.o; "
It's getting to the point of creepy . neutral Hmm thats about it , I'm going to be posting here some pic from mah phone mrgreen So thats going to be fun
Well thats all I think O.o;
PrettyConfetti Community Member |
Community Member
eep! sorry that i fall into the 15 yr old catagory... sweatdrop