You guys. I'm flippin' tired. See what time I made this journal? Yeah. About 4:40 in the morning. My mom had to leave on business early early this morning, and she doesn't trust us with getting ourselves up to take the bus. (Can't say I blame her. >> wink
I have a cold. I hate being sick. Over the summer, I knew this was going to happen. I mean, think about it. During summer, I'm at my house practically all day, and when school started, I'm instantly around 3,000 other kids. I don't like being sick. It makes me feel like more of a freak at school. T-T Having to blow my nose in front of people and stuff like that.
-brief pause-
AGH, ********, I JUST SNEEZED IN MY HAND. I swear, if this is foreshadowing what's gonna happen at school..............
The cold's making me delusional too. I keep forgetting what I'm going to say and I can hardly walk around people. e_e
But, I do have..... -holds up pack of portable tissues for school, day and night medicine, nose strips to help me breathe better, and vapo-rub stuff- D< ........ TAKE THAT, EVIL VIRUS.