OMFGameStop Edition 5: My Cup Runith Over And I Hate You |
Well it is official, I will be quiting GameStop for many reasons. Reason one is I grow tired of people trying to ask me if I know if the store has a game on hand. How the hell am I suppose to know that if I am not at work. You want to know, call up and ask for you damn self. Another thing is how much a game goes for in trade in credit. Once again, How the holy hell am I suppose to know if I am not at work. It's not like I have the value of every single game memorized for me to tell you the value of ever game. So to y'all who keep asking me those stupid questions, congratulations. Partly because of you, I am quiting. How f'in lazy can you get to just pick up the phone and call them yourselves. And if you don't know the number them I would be more than happy to give you the number so that you can call them up yourselves.
Reason number two is the fact that everything is so corporate it's not even funny. While starting out everything was all fine and dandy. Not to much to worry about because I was slowly learning what GameStop was truly all about. If you don't get reservation or subscriptions you will get a write up because the S.M. will get a write up. WTF!? Why is that my fault that people don't want to reserve Madden 4910 or the next GTA game. You can lead a horse to water but you can't clobber it up side the head and force it's head under the water to drink. I can't deal with that kind of bullshit. And the same goes for the subs. If people don't like/want to save money then that's all on them not us. We offer it and if they say no then that's that. Oh but we are suppose to make the customers feel like total retards if they don't. BOO ON YOU CORPORATE. My job is to inform them not belittle them.
Reason number three, I just plain want to destroy my co-workers. There is the ASM (Assistant Store Manager) and I really want him punched in the face.... really hard.... with brass knuckles.... over and over again.... until not even his own friends and family will recognize him. He wants to b***h and moan when I "talk" to the customers about a potential great game that nobody but me pushes but he can sit there and hold a 30 minute conversation about what his Highelf Cleric Wizard Human Darktroll and some stupid pet he has and the cast time of Eruption Fizzer and how much damage it can do while on a quest to defeat Griz Fordamwald the Freet. WTF DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH WORK!? Nothing thats what. And while he is doing that, I am answering the phones, ringing up customers, gutting the trades and stickering them, putting them on the wall. What I am doing is productive. He is counter productive and needs to go somewhere away from me.
Reason number four ties into number two and that is those who don't get the numbers don't get the hours. Are you kidding me?!?! What if you are having a bad week and you couldn't sell air to a person suffocating but any other day you could sell a bag of rocks to anyone and convince them that the rocks were magical? That next scheduled week you might be lucky and get 5 hours for that week. I have had some days I am on fire and can get reservations and subscriptions left and right, but that next week/day I would be shooting blanks. I am not going to ask some mother if she wants to reserve Big Sex Sim for the Wii just because it is a hot game and everyone is reserving it. Hell, when Two Worlds was coming out it was being labeled as Fable and Oblivion mixed into one game. First of all, I hate both those games so I told no one about it while two other people where whoring that to anyone and everyone that had thumbs and a 360. Well the games came out and it sucked hard and people started canceling it left and right..... which leads me to....
Reason number five. Canceled reservations hurt whoever did the cancellation. Like I said, Two Worlds sucked hard and one person by themselves had eight cancellations on him. You know who that should have effected? The person who did the reservation in the first place not the person who had to cancel the reservation. Thats why I only do games I personally know and have 100% confidence that it WILL be good because I did research on it. Now like I said, that one person got 8 cancellations on him and there was no way he could claw his way out of the hole because he wasn't getting anyone to reserve anything and he was really trying.
Reason number six is the poor condition of the supplies of the store. We have a Blue Tooth scanner that doesn't work 70% of the time, the vacuum is so old, it's Hobart from Brave Little Toaster and doesn't seem it wants to pick up a whole lot of anything at all, the dolly we use to take out the garbage is constantly loosing a wheel. So when we are taking out the garbage we got to keep a eye out for the wheel to make sure that it doesn't fall off. And to make matters worse, we have a new dolly and the same problem is happenin to that one. And while we are on the subject of garbage, we have a back door that leads to our dumpster but we can't use it because it is covered by slot wall and they don't want to cut a whole so we can have access toour back door. So you know what we have to do, walk three miles around to our dumpster and three miles back. And it sucks the worst in the summer time.
Reason number seven. I get bear minimum wage here which is, just raised, $5.85. Ohhh minimum wage is higher where you are, good for you. Have a cookie and be proud that yours is bigger than mine. If the company wants to keep great workers like me around then $5.85 ain't going to cut the mustard. If you have seen all the s**t we do and have to put up with, we should be getting more than minimum. Hell at Toys 'R' Us I got 6 a hour doing the same thing minus the used games and I rang up people from different departments. And then they have the balls to "offer" insurance thats I can't afford because I make so LITTLE. So BOO ON YOU AND YOUR INSURANCE!!!
So there ya have it. this right here is just seven of the many reasons why GameStop can drop trow and suck a c***e for all I care. The moral of this story, Just because it looks like a diamond on the outside it could very well be a piece of glass on the inside with poison around the edges.
The Enforcer666 · Thu Sep 20, 2007 @ 07:26am · 2 Comments |