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I'm voting for Christopher Walken
The boyfriend told me that Christopher Walken is attempting to run for president in the 2008 elections. It sounded like a joke at first and then Richard mentioned that there is a site complete with all the basics of why the man thinks he's the guy for the job and its actually made by Christopher Walken! Holy s**t! Well I looked it over and I liked it and I also like Christopher Walken so why the hell not? I can't tell you for certain that Christopher Walken is going to change things for the better or the worse, but I think he will most definately change things whether or not he gets elected. You know why? Because the fact that he is trying to run at all and seriously doing so, is a big step.

Maybe a lot of people won't take him seriously no matter what he does cause they'll just think "oh he's just an actor, what the hell does he know about running a country?" Maybe not enough people know about him running and would vote for him over the current ruling political factions. I don't know and I can't honestly say, but, I feel that the two strongest currently running political factions are just as bad as a solitary dictator at their worse can be. Christopher Walken could be the greatest president evar! He could be the worse president ever, we'll never know unless he's given a chance, but ultimately he will end up changing the system whether anyone votes for him or not because he has simply made a move in the direction of change to keep the US from stagnanting.

Change is the only true unchanging force in the world, it has been proven in various vocations throughout time. So vote republican, vote democrate or green party, all of which are fine establishments or at least were back in their hay day, but even the most noble of factions will over time corrode and need something else put in its place to fill the gap whatever the hell that may be. Yes, it is a gamble, a liability and a risk, but what isn't? The choice of whether to buy that nice healthy sandwich with all the ingredients that're good for the human body or the greasy spoon cafetria cheesy fries is a gamble. One could be more healthy if they'd bought the sandwich sure, but if they'd bought the fries they may have met their soul mate. Good leads to bad and vice versa just the same as good can lead to good and bad lead to bad. That's life, that's the universe. Word to your moms, blue 42, Thanks for all the fish.

To: Friends, Family, and my fellow Americans
Subject: Get America Back On Track!

It's not too early to be thinking about the future of this country and who's going to lead it. Election after election we're given the "choice" between two unappealing candidates and have no choice but to vote for the one we dislike less. But now, that's about to change.

Stepping up to the forefront of politics is a new type of leader, motivated by his love for his country, not special interest groups. His distinct image and captivating voice you already know, and now it's your chance to make him the leader of the people, for the people, by the people. That's right... Christopher Walken is running for President.

Now, at this early stage of the campaign, is when the grass-roots voters like us can really influence the candidates we'll see in the elections. So take a few minutes to visit the Walken 2008 Home Page at http://www.walken2008.com, read about the man and his ideas, and send them a message of your support. This is how the system should work, and now's your chance to have your voice. Don't let it slip away!

-A caring citizen

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