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The Tales of Zegwar
I can go anywhere I want to do just by imagining it, if you'd like to join me all you have to do is believe. So read what I write, even those few that aren't about my make-believe world of Zegwar. I promise, fun awaits those who dare enter my mind...
Kit Quotes (2)
“You make me hate my life.”

“You wouldn’t know logic if it came up to you, started screaming in your face then bit you. You’d probably just assume it was a vampire and kill it.”
~ Sam Williams

“An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.”
“Well that just leaves you with a bunch of toothless blind men.”

“What’s her problem?” asked Tyler.
“Weren’t you listening to that slightly angry monologue she was just giving?” asked Steve, “It’s totally you.”

“It’s locked,” said Kiki.
“Let’s just break in,” said Bunny and they both stared at her.
“I’ve been a bad influence on you haven’t I?” asked Kit.
“No, not at all,” said Bunny as she pulled out a lock-picking kit to Kit’s weird look, “Well only a little bit. Okay, maybe mostly. Yes, you’ve been a bad influence.”

“I’m the kind of person who’ll risk her life to save her best friend. And you’re the kind of best friend who’ll put me in a bunch of situations where I’ll need to risk my life in order to save you.”

“I said ‘no’.”
“But you mean ‘yes’.”
“I hate you.”
“Thanks for seeing my side.”

“Nothing’s worth throwing your life away.”
“But you always say that you’re willing to die for your cause.”
“Those are two completely different things.”

“Be careful, Kit, you can’t save anyone if you’re dead.”
~ Sarah Watson
“You know that thin line between insanity and genius? I’m that a girl running down it screaming and throwing things at people on either side of it. None of whom want to know where I’m getting the random things I’m chucking at them.”

“What, you never seen a semi-dead, pregnant teenage girl eating a taco before?”

“I know, I know, I’m being crazy.”
“Do you ever wear anything that’s not black?”
“I wear grey.”
“Grey is a form of black.”
“Well then no.”

“Do you believe in God?” asked Kit.
“Diet coke is my god,” said Kiki.

“I don’t like the way this bomb is designed.”
“I’m not sure that I can deactivate it now.”

“Vedas, I do not blow up your bar every time I come here. I come here almost every day and I’ve only blown it up like six, seven or thirty-two times.”

“Hence only he who is willing to give his body for the sake of the world is fit to be entrusted with the world. And only he who can do it with love is worthy of being the steward of the world.”
~ Tao Teh Ching - 13 & Kit’s Motto

“Everyone, take out your books,” said Mrs. Kirchoff, the Algebra teacher and they obeyed her, “Kit Thompson what happened to your book?” Kit lifted it out of her bag.
“Is there something wrong with it?” She picked it up.
“Why is there a hole in it?” There was in fact a large whole in it from a fireball.
“Is that a problem?”
“More so than sawing?” She saw that the top and bottom weren’t connected.
“Well -.”
“Is this blood?”
“No,” said Kit quickly. This is what happened when she did homework at work.

“Don’t look at me in that tone of voice.”

“Everything happens for a reason.”

“When I want your help I’ll take a break from ice skating at that new rink near the river Hades and ask you for it. But until that happens I suggest you leave me alone.”

“In the world of magic there are no such things as coincidences.”

“That’s final.”
“I here the words ‘that’s final’ come out of your mouth again they truly will be.”

“You know what really sucks? Being a Lazarus Demon around Kit when she’s in a foul mood. She’ll just keep killing you, until she gets bored, and she never gets bored. And sometimes I get the feeling that she enjoys it, you know, our pain.”
~ Lazarus Demon

“Lead, follow or get the hell out of the way.”
~ Goldman & Trent Motto

“Oh, yeah,” said Kit, “I’m Kit Thompson, defender of truth, justice, apple pies, little Susie and all that other crap.”

“Can I have some coffee?” asked Kit.
“Sure thing mam,” said the waiter. He left and returned with a cup. Kit took a sip and spat it out.
“What is this?”
“I asked for coffee.”
“I said coffee.”
“Goddamn the British.”

“Even heroes have the right to dream.”

“What’s so special about Kit Thompson?” asked Tyler.
“You don’t know? For starters she’s the youngest person ever to take the advanced GMT exams,” said Millie, “And one of only three girls to pass.”
“She took the advanced exams?” asked Lizzy.
“Yeah and she is the only one who’s over managed to get a perfect score.”
“She got a perfect score? On which test?”
“All of them.”

She tripped, fell down the stairs and said, “Well, gravity still works.”

“When was the last time you slept?” asked Sarah as Kit let out a huge yawn.
“It is Monday.”
“Last Monday.”
“He set it on fire; literally, he threw it on an open flame.”

“Even heroes can bleed.”


“Let’s face it, bad things happen and they tend to happen to me.”

“What are you - a commercial?”

“Do I need a lawyer?”

“The end of the world is at hand,” said the class in unison, “You must gather them.” They were all being possessed by someone or something.
“What? I don’t -,” said Kit and they all snapped back to normal.
“Did you say something Kit?” asked Miss Herman.
“Nope,” squeaked Kit.

“How do you know so much about me?” asked Kiki.
“Because we’ve met before,” said Kit, “But before just also happens to be a year and half in the future and seven years ago and one-hungered-and-fifty-years ago on a different planet in a past life.” Kiki just stared at her.

“Can he stay?” asked Justin.
“Can I trust him?”
“He’s a good guy, very loyal.”
“Will he fight?”
“He can but can’t guarantee that he will.”
“And I can’t guarantee I won’t kill you in your sleep.”

“We don’t have much time, I’m going to go into overdrive a little bit faster than we expected,” said Kit.
“Kit, how could you possibly know that?” asked Richard.
“That drug apparently works very fast and I can already see that far into future.”

“Can’t you figure it out Bunny? And you’re supposed to be smart one; I’m the villain of the story.”

“Life isn’t fair; it’s just fairer than death.”

“Are you going to cry? Please don’t cry? I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to make you cry. Oh my god. You’re crying.”

“This is going to end badly.”

“The war’s over, what now?”
“Back to research. It’ll be nice to work on one problem for a while. Plus being called out of the lab to put out fires is annoying.”

“I would have died before I betrayed my friends.”

“Did you know that dragons used to be a symbol of the antichrist? They called him the great beast that is a dragon. I met a dragon once. That was a long time ago, far into the past when they still had bodies. It was really weird she called me a dragon. I met the antichrist once too, he was also weird. That was all was they have in common. But that was a long time ago, in a future where he existed. He called me cute.”

She looked at the car. It was a complete mess. It had long since been a total wreck. Nothing that had been made of glass was still there. Pretty much every surface was dented and there was no way to determine the car’s original color. The back was partly missing and the interior was soaking wet. The car smelled like something had died in it, which is normal considering that there were dead things in it. Kit let out a moan.
“Oh man,” said Kit and all four tires simultaneously fell off and went flying. The car crashed to the ground and the steering wheel fell out. She groaned, she was going to be in so much trouble. She couldn’t believe she had totaled another car.

“Kit Thompson, go to your room!” yelled Mrs. Thompson and Kit walked towards the stairs with Kent following her, “Not you.” She grabbed his collar.

“Dad, this is what I’m good at. You can’t ask me not to be this. This is my talent. Some people are smart, others are athletic and others still are creative. I drive pieces of wood into the chests of vampires. And I’m good at it; I’m the best, Dad. If you could see that you’d understand why I’ve been doing this for so many years. In a weird way, I love my life; even if you can’t stand being a part of it.”

“How was your day honey?” asked Mrs. Thompson. She wasn’t actually expecting an answer, Kit never answered, until today.
“My boyfriend’s name is Kent, my best friend is Bunny and my gym teacher is nuts,” said Kit and she stood there awkwardly.

“Who are you?”
“You worst nightmare in a somewhat human form.”

“You can’t fight destiny.”

“I’m just an average girl with some not so average problems.”

“You’re dead meat.”

“It’s not here, what are you going to do?” asked Mark as he looked around. Kit stared at the battle unfolding below her and took off her mask. That was when she knew what it was that she had to do.
“The dagger is closer than you think, Mark,” said Kit and Mark turned around to look at her. She was wearing a strange outfit. Around her forehead was a white headband with a black star on it, which brought attention to her bangs. Her bangs were three colors: her natural brown, a deep black and a pure white, the rest of her long hair which was no longer tied up was just brown. It was tucked behind her left ear. On her ear was a yin yang earring without the inner circles.
She was wearing a tight shirt with one strap on the left shoulder that was white with a black band above her midriff. On top of it was a necklace with a white crescent moon as a pendant. On both of her arms there were sleeves that weren’t connected to the shirt itself. Starting just after her shoulders with a black band of cloth they ran to cover her hands. One revealed the burn from where she was branded with the Omega Symbol on her right shoulder. Over her hands each sleeve had a series of jewels in the shape of the sun, the one on her right hand where, while the ones of the left were black. Just below her shirt, embedded above her stomach was a stone from the Mirokanu; it was the Brintu Stone of Light.
She was also wearing a low-riding skirt that revealed her dragon tattoo. It had a cut all the way up her right leg and had a long black sash tied above it. Her shoes were also white and were high heeled laced to the knee where they had another black band. She slowly let her wings flow out of her; they were so much larger now. And from behind Mark could see her scars from breaking the taboo and her birthmarks.
“Kit what are you wearing? Change out of it!” But he knew exactly what it was that se was wearing.
“Mark.” He took a step towards her, not quite believing.
“Mark, I haven’t got much time,” said Kit and she put her hands on his cheeks, “So listen to me and listen carefully. I love you, Mark, and you have to be strong. You’ll have to lead the others now. You’ll be fine I know you will. We are twins after all. So be safe and stay alive. Tell the others that I love them so much and tell them that I’m sorry but it had to be this way. And give this to the next.” She slipped her mask into his hands.
“Kit, no,” said Mark.
“I’m sorry, I love you my brother. Don’t be scared, I’ll be fine.” She was glowing now but he took no notice and he couldn’t tell she was crying because he was crying.
“No.” She kissed his cheek and released him.
“Yang?” thought Kit.
“Yeah?” asked Yang.
“I think it’s time you left now.”
“I made the mistake of leaving you once before, I’m not about to do it again. I’m with you till the very end, kid.”
“I said-.”
“Thank you.”
“It’s time, Kit.” She turned, ran towards the edge of the roof and jumped. Mark stood stock still as she began to glow brighter. She collided and fought with the dark mass that was the Great Dark One. They fought with such a powerful intensity and noise that it felt more than heard. The great light defeated the darkness and illuminated the whole city with its powerful white essence causing all the evil demons to disappear and die as the sun rose over the buildings. And that was it, Kit was gone. Some people cheered, the war was finally over after everything they had won.
That was when it hit Mark. He let out a sorrowful yell that echoed over the whole area. And it was enough; the cheering stopped immediately, some how they all knew what had just happened. A soft light appeared before them, it was Kit.
“Kit?” asked Kent.
“I’m sorry, I have to go now, I love you all so much and I know you’ll be okay. You have each other and I’ve taught you well. Stay together, fight together. This war may be over but there will be others. Protect this world that I love. Kent, my love, I’m sorry but I have to go now. And someone has to go get Mark. It’s up to all of you now for although I’m dead I will not be forgotten as long as you live on and spread my words. I’m happy that this is how ends for me. Good-bye everyone, I will always be with you. Blessed Be.” She looked up and the clouds parted as she was lifted into the air and disappeared.

“You did it.”
“Prove it.”


“I lived, I fought, I died.”

“I wonder what would happen if -.”
“No, Kit, what ever it is, no!”
“I was just thinking -.”
“You’re no fun.”

“Everyone pass up your tests.” Kit turned around to get Bunny’s test.
“Your test?” asked Kit as she held out her hand, Bunny put a pen in it, “Okay, I was aiming for the test but this’ll do.” She put the pen down and took her test.

“I’ll break all your fingers and toes but I’m not violent. I mean you beat up a few people and everyone just labels you as ‘violent’.”

“Karma’s a b***h, ain’t it?”

“Yes! That door did not hit me in the face. Ow! Never mind.”

“Conquering evil when we feel like it and having fun while we do it.”
~ Richard Trent’s Motto

“I’m not safe to be around anymore.”

“Dark, damp, smelly and gloomy that translates into bad, scary and deadly. And you want to go in there?”
~ Kiki Price

“Is this it?”
“It certainly smells like something’s living in there.”
“Or dieing.”

“How are you?” asked Doc D.
“I’m mutating into a freaky demon bug, how are you?”

“Does the end justify the means?”
~ Sarah Watson

“You shot me!” said Jimmy as Kit talked on the radio.
“Yeah, well, we’ll wait here for transport,” said Kit.
“Okay,” said Coop, “How is everyone?”
“You shot me!” yelled Jimmy.
“A little freaked out,” said Kit, “But other wise fine.”
“‘Fine’? You shot me!”
“Later, Kit, over and out,” said Coop.
“You shot me.”
“Yes, Jimmy, I shot you and I said I was sorry.”
“You shot me too,” said Leon.
“And us,” said Sam and Kyle.
“I’m sorry for shooting everyone.”

“And they lived happily ever after - yeah, right.”

“I cannot believe you beat up another teacher, Kit.”
“I’ll work it out.”
“You keep letting me down.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Just tell me one thing. Did he deserve it?”
“This is as good as it’s going to get.”


“Are you crazy?” asked Kit.
“No, I’m just crazy about you,” said Kent.

“Would you leave me alone if I pretended to be dead?”

“Backwards or forwards in time, either way we’ll be there to save the day.”
~ Time Travel Trio’s Motto

“I can’t believe I’m saying this but the show must go on.”

“You were telling us about a mission you had in Mexico last year,” said Leon.
“Oh, yeah, all I had to do was blow up this one hotel, simple, right? Wrong!” said Kit, “Here, I have a slideshow.”
“Of course you do.” She turned on a projector.
“This is me arriving in the village. This is me setting me up the bomb. This is me exiting the hotel. This is me as the hotel explodes early. This is me running for my life. This is me getting arrested. This is me getting released because I work for good lawyers. This is me having to clean up afterwards.”

“Go, see him,” said Sarah, “Get him back.” Kit smiled at her and took off running.
“How long do you think it’s going to take before she realizes that she isn’t wearing any shoes?” asked Kiki.
“She already knows,” said Sarah, “And she doesn’t care. She just needs to see him.” Sarah was right; Kit had to see Kent right now. She had to tell him how she felt about him. He would already be at school. She ran as fast as she could, faster than she ever thought she could, without using magic.
“Kent,” said Kit as she ran into the school. She bent over to catch her breath.
“Kit?” asked Kent worriedly. She looked up at him and they shared a look. He understood and took her in his arms and kissed her.
“I love you, Kent.”
“I love you too. But what about-.”
“We’ll work it out.”
“You’re soaking wet.”
“But it’s not raining.”
“The city is called Lakeview for a reason.”
“You went swimming?”
“Went swimming, was trapped inside a magical metal box slowly sinking to the Lake’s floor, whatever.”
“I’m fine.”
“You’re not wearing any shoes.”

“Have fun at school, Kit,” said Bunny.
“I can’t tell,” said Kit, “But are you trying to be funny?”
“There is a major difference between what I can do and what I actually do.”

“Make my day.”

“I am free of your contract spell, Renos. Because I signed it, Kit Thompson, not Kiram Karen, which is who I really am.” Renos stopped and stared at her. His daughter, his princess, she had been with him this whole time and he hadn’t known. Then Kit turned and left him and his room.

“Sometimes it pays to work for a law firm.”

Kiki aimed her spell at Mark. He was unconscious and Bunny had bound Kent up pretty tight, Kit realized that she shouldn’t have taught her how to do that. She looked at Kiki, she was about to kill Mark. Kit didn’t know what to do? Where was Renos? If he appeared then they would be forced to retreat and Mark would live but Renos wasn’t there. Kiki was almost done with her spell now and she focused on Mark. At the last second possible Kit tackled her to ground, breaking her concentration.
“I’m sorry.”
“What are doing?” asked Kit. Renos finally appeared. Bunny and Kiki were staring at her as Mark woke up and Kent broke free of Bunny.
“Kit?” asked Bunny, “Why’d you do that?” There was no way to explain, no lies she could tell could cover this. Renos was smiling at her. He held out his hand. They both knew that it was her only choice. She had to do it.
“I’m sorry.” She thought as fast as she could and came up her only option. She took his hand and they disappeared.

“I can’t watch,” said Kit as she looked on through her fingers.

“Kit we get may be five minutes alone together now that the war has gotten into full swing. And there’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you. And I’ve talked to everyone else about it and they said I should just get on with it. And I saw your parents about it, all five of them, and they said its good and all. And I’ve been carrying it around in my pocket for over a month now,” rambled Kent.
“Kent?” asked Kit.
“Kit Thompson,” said Kent and he bent down on one knee as she stared at him, “Will you marry me?” He pulled a ring out of his pocket and held it out to her.
“Yes, yes, of course I’ll marry you, with all of my heart yes.” He slipped the ring on her finger and jumped up. He held her tight and kissed her. They were brought back to the real world by the sound of what appeared to be the whole army clapping.

“Any comment from you right now will be treated as white noise.”

“Here are precious words: when in doubt - guess, when in trouble - improvise.”

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  • User Comments: [1]
    Community Member

    Sat Sep 22, 2007 @ 08:40pm

    This one is cool too. Though some of it had a more serious tone. Cant wait to read the whole thing when they are finally written into stories

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