2+2 always equals 4.....but why does this time if feels like it's wrong...
My job as a brother is to pertect...
So I tryed and...its not that I feel bad about it....it's not that...
It's just...She was so happy...now this guy...he's nice but it seems reading over theyre conversations....he's alittle to nice and she's falling for it.
I dont trust him....even if he's from another contry Shirsse is taking him seriously.
She's in love with him and is blind to the truth that there's nothing to trust.
It's my job as a big brother to point this out but it only makes her unhappy.
What should I do?
Should I let her go on believing his lies and posibly let her indanger herself?
OR should I stop this now and scare him away?
I dont know I need a theripist right about now.
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Life sucks...have a cookie
Words break kisses mean nothing.....this is what I say.....as if it ment something.