YAY! PSLE's over! In case you don't know what that is, it's short for Primary Leaving School Examination,which is taken at the end of primary school, during P6 at 12. In other words, a very big exam.... as I was saying, yay! It's over! I think the people who created PSLE must want all P6s dead...It was so tough! Well, the math one at least...my maths sucks! Math sucks! But mother tongue was SO much easier than I thought! Usually, I can barely finish the paper on time but this time round, I finished it 20mins earlier! XD Hope my results are good... but i guess I've already tried my best...so its time to celebrate!:]] PARTY TIME!!!!! I'm going to shop to my heart's content ^_^ And the teachers planned a ton of fun activities for our post exam stuffs! yay! P6 Night, Masquerade Party, and etc etc etc! Ok, signing off!
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