No need to attend skool for 1 whole week cos of PSLE marking day! Could you get any happier than this! And Hari Raya, some malay holiday...check it on Wikipedia! Don't ask me what it is... I'm chinese and don't know that much about malay cultures and stuffs....My parents say I should so I can have more general knowledge and be able to hold an intelligent conversation with other people and yada yada yada but I'm only twelve! Can't I be excused? But now I'm focusing on shopping for this week ^_^
My List of Clothes to Get:
White Denim Jacket
Black mini skirt
My old one's too small! (and pink)
The only skirts I have are all denim!(and those which aren't are too big)
I'm not yet done with the list! I'll go think of new stuffs to put on it...meanwhile I'm going to try to put an outfit together for the masquerade party! I THINK thats how its spelt...I'm too lazy to check it out on the dictionary and I probably won't be able to find it in my mess of a room...hehe
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