The Almighty List Of Donators (ONE SLOT EQUALS 10 GOLD.)
From my first quest: 1. - 20. Shimo Kousetsu // 21. Trabant // 22. Dragonlady Timat // 23. - 29. Interminable // 30. - 630. Badeye // 631. - 634. hase3131 // 635. - 735. Abnormal-Phenomenon // 736. - 756. wildefyre and someonenotspecial // 757. - 817. cutieCRACKcake // 818. - 868. xXLady of MidnightXx (indirectly through an item) // 869. Lexink Kokiri // 870. - 920. _digital_mule_ // 921. - 1021. The Lovely Zelda // 1022. - 1322. KrysBlackwell // 1323. - 1353. xXDream_MistressXx // 1354. punk_christy89 // 1355. - 1755. Silver Moon Wolf // 1756. - 1876. Siminoff // 1877. Stopsz // 1878. - 2178. Renescence // 2179. Andantee // 2180. - 2280. AkibeJosephus // 2281 - 9681. InuSaysLeGasp // 9682. Tennie-chan // 9683. - 9873. Lifes_a_party // 9874. Rokoya // 9875. - 10375. bluemeanies // 10376. - 10476. DarkBunnykins // 10477. - 10627. Otter Daughter // 10628. - 10678. OtherWorldShukumei // 10679. hiei4ever // 10680. Sterile Bunny // 10681. - 11211. Rune Water Knight // 11212. - 12512. blue-owl // 12513. - 12763. Seraphly
From my second quest: 1. Ouroboros_chan // 2. - 12. Dragonlady Timat // 13. - 160. Rune Water Knight // 161. theterminator93 // 162. - 262. Kiriyaru // 263. - 283. Teh Green Fae // 284. Dark Star Demonic // 285. - 300. The Oasis // 301. - 302. m_cookie_22 // 303. - 313. Bluegenius // 314. - 339. - L y o k i e s - // 340. - 345. whiaka // 346. - 366. iymcool // 367. Sailor Moon Wolf 13 // 368. PermeliaOpus // 369. - 411. Raziel Seraphan // 412. - 417. Kataomoi // 418. - 700. luvable_yumyum // 701. - 702. Kakai2435 // 703. e l e p h a n t y n e // 704. - 1603. kashaku // 1604. Chocolahime // 1605. - 1905. Sir Barnabus // 1906. - 1907. B1ackMage696 // 1908. - 1939. Anime_Uchiha3 // 1940. - 1941. TrixareforRabbits
From my Spartan quest: TICKETS/TOKENS: 1. - 60. Rune Water Knight // 61. - 85. InuSaysLeGasp // 86. - 90. Ama Shikkoku // 91. - 102. Melancholy Sprinkles // 103. - 113. King of Scene // 114. - 133. piazoe001 // 134. - 193. -Mizuki Ayu- // 194. - 203. InuSaysLeGasp (yet again X3) // 204. - 213. InuSaysLeGasp (once more...) // 214. - 226. miyukichan999 // 227. - 266. azureus_glider // 267. - 281. Miss_Sara_Cat // 282. - 420. [shadow snake] // 421. - 503. Iris flames // 504. Magical Mayu // 505. - 514. ladybrittania // 515. - 574. SarcasticPenguin // 575. - 584. Badeye // 585. - 594. bd004 // 595. - 599. InuSaysLeGasp // 600. - 605. InuSaysLeGasp // 606. - 613. InuSaysLeGasp (GOOD LORD.) // 614. - 628. InuSaysLeGasp // 629. - 637. InuSaysLeGasp // 638. - 642. [ Shattered Innocence ] // 643. - 657. Arrie Warclaw // 658. - 677. LOLLiPOPLOVEE // 678. - 1106. TheLostOne42 // 1107. - 1126. InuSaysLeGasp // 1127. - 1129. x0MFG // 1130. - 1149. InuSaysLeGasp // 1150. - 1158. TheThemeCharity // 1159. - 1178. InuSaysLeGasp // 1179. - 1199. Railas // 1200. - 1348. Ama Shikkoku // 1349. - 1353. dolls in stitches // 1354. - 1373. Pink Gumdrops // 1374. - 1411. Kiyoske Dante // 1412. - 1442. Azzy-licious // 1443. - 1492. Senor Fuerte // 1493. - 1507. Hitsuki216 // 1508. - 1519. Azzy-licious // 1520. - 1521. dolls in stitches // 1522. - 1524. Azzy-licious // 1525. - 1531. Azzy-licious // 1532. Azzy-licious // 1533. - 1534. Azzy-licious // 1535. - 1537. Azzy-licious // 1538. - 1570. my_eyes_bleed // 1571. - 1580. Azzy-licious // 1581. - 1724. Ama Shikkoku // 1725. - 1752. [ Satanic ] . [ Angel ] // 1753. - 1772. Azzy-licious // 1773. - 2729. manta love // 2730. - 2733. Azzy-licious // 2734. - 2741. Azzy-licious // 2742. - 2748. Cessy Eve // 2749. - 2863. meamsoanoyed // 2864. - 2885. Shadow_Walker1453 // 2886. - 2888. Mr. Eccentricity // 2889. - 2988. Mistress Kationie // 2989. - 3000. Azzy-licious // 3001. - 3041. Myojin Omni // 3042. - 3066. Senor Fuerte // 3067. - 3077. Azzy-licious // 3078. - 3104. Azzy-licious // 3105. - 3118. Diva the singing queen // 3119. - 3133. Katiebuggers // 3134. - 3163. dolls in stitches // 3164. - 3170. Azzy-licious // 3171. - 3225. Senor Fuerte // 3226. - 3228. i P E N E L 0 P E // 3229. - 3230. Purple Bumper // 3231. - 3232. natalie_newman // 3233. - 3332. dolls in stitches // 3333. - 3570. Shadow_Walker1453 // 3571. - 3620. silly_mariah // 3621. - 3636. Azzy-licious // 3637. - 3647. Azzy-licious
GOLD: 1. `C2` // 2. - 11. moosespitz // 12. - 111. Guppy Queen // 112. - 123. Eranice // 124. - 167. [M a r u] // 168. - 185. Ama Shikkoku // 186. - 187. Galacial Malice // 188. - 189. Nobodie_2007_Roxes // 190. - 196. 1da // 197. - 246. joy_katsumi // 247. - 249. Melancholy Sprinkles // 250. - 251. Shopping_Spree_101 // 252. - 351. Luna_Miaus // 352. - 421. o0NOODLES0o // 422. - 2421. blovem // 2422. - 2611. King of Scene // 2612. Railas // 2613. liz_mar24 // 2614. poppingdillo // 2615. - 3614. - q n p - // 3615. - 3664. Guppy Queen (yet again X3) // 3665. - 3674. o0NOODLES0o (yet again X3) // 3675. Alexzyuy // 3676. - 3685. hellokitty523 // 3686. My.Dino.Goes.RAWR // 3687. - 3796. ish fumoffu // 3797. - 3846. Sekai No Hajimari // 3847. - 3856. piazoe001 // 3857. - 3866. thyPOPE // 3867. dannyswhitemage // 3868. - 3871. -Mizuki Ayu- // 3872. - 3906. WinnieTheP00h // 3907. - 3924. -Khozzy- // 3925. - 3934. Spinnando // 3935. - 3944. Angelic_Grimm // 3945. - 3951. Syaikia // 3952. Corpse Muffins // 3953. - 4252. Ms. Misfit Penguin // 4253. - 5752. SSJ Girl // 5753. - 5808. Calcium Rich // 5809. - 5818. miyukichan999 // 5819. - 6018. Fiiona // 6019. Lee der Kunstler // 6020. - 6024. azureus_glider // 6025. 0 r a n g e J u 1 c e // 6026. - 6035. Princess_Lucipher // 6036. - 6285. treebornkettlgrl (via a contest) // 6286. - 6385. youngzman // 6386. Triantha // 6387. - 6486. Crimian // 6487. Miss_Sara_Cat // 6488. - 6577. l0vely-j3nna // 6578. - 6585. ComputerKittyyyy // 6586. Iris flames // 6587. - 6614. Victoria_Wendt // 6615. - 6664. Chariko // 6665. - 6764. AngelicShini (yet again X3) // 6765. - 6864. kilimbo // 6865. - 6869. Llux // 6870. - 6886. Little Lucia // 6887. - 6896. aphasiacb // 6897. - 6946. Keishin Senta // 6947. - 7006. Chariko // 7007. - 7506. treebornkettlgrl (via a contest) // 7507. Magical Mayu // 7508. - 7527. KiwiCrystatbelle // 7528. - 7532. Robo Sol Badboii (plus some misc. items) // 7533. - 7567. Ms Elaneous // 7568. - 7587. Jadeira // 7588. - 7590. APainSoDeepItBellows // 7591. - 7603. Robo Sol Badboii (plus some misc. items) // 7604. - 7853. treebornkettlgrl (via a contest) // 7854. - 7883. ladybrittania // 7884. - 7933. SarcasticPenguin // 7934. - 7968. bd004 // 7969. - 8079. Otter Daughter // 8080. - 8279. Tora Tenma // 8280. - 8309. bd004 // 8310. - 8329. TrulyUnique (plus a lot of small items!) // 8330. - 8339. [ Shattered Innocence ] // 8340. - 8349. Hadeki // 8350. - 8849. Princess_Lucipher (via a contest) // 8850. - 8949. treebornkettlegrl and shareta // 8450. - 8549. LOLLiPOPLOVEE // 8550. - 8599. rAiNbOw_fLaVoReD_cOnVeRsE // 8600. - 9099. Badeye // 9100. Adnexus (plus a handful of items!) // 9101. ZS Virtuous Sailor Virgo // 9102. - 9111. lifre // 9112. - 9118. Reverse Rebirth13 // 9119. - 9120. G l o x i n i a // 9121. princess_edn // 9122. - 9131. x0MFG // 9132. - 10931. InuSaysLeGasp (She pretty much owns my entire soul now.) // 10932. - 11181. Empress Dolls (via a charity/guild) // 11182. - 11531. DarkBunnykins // 11532. - 11586. Otter Daughter // 11587. - 11736. Kolbrun // 11737. - 11738. Sahri-hime // 11739. - 11838. PJ // 11839. - 11840. Sumi Oshiu // 11841. - 11890. TheThemeCharity // 11891. - 11900. m tomar // 11901. Lucca Ashtear // 11902. - 12201. Kolbrun (via items she donated) // 12202. SweetlyVague // 12203. - 13202. Empress Dolls // 13203. - 13302. Empress Dolls // 13303 - 13312. anime_tomboi // 13313. - 13512. Pink Gumdrops // 13513. - 13712. MayaMage2 // 13713. - 13717. Kiyoske Dante // 13718. - 13817. Azzy-licious // 13818. - 13927. kira-chan1756 // 13928. - 14127. Hitsuki216 - Never completed the trade. Odd. // 14128. - 14627. Medieval Legacy // 14628. dolls in stitches // 14629. - 14650. Otter Daughter // 14651. - 14700. Empress Dolls // 14701. - 14800. Azzy-licious // 14801. - 15200. Medieval Legacy // 15201. - 16200. Medieval Legacy (via a contest) // 16201. - 16212. my_eyes_bleed // 16213. - 16312. Hotgirl_Sammy // 16313. Honeycombcakes // 16314. - 16373. -Rainboh Pinecones- // 16374. - 16379. Xuriel // 16380. - 16679. Alicia_tm // 16680. - 16729. [ Satanic ] . [ Angel ] // 16730. - 17229. Cessy Eve (plus every ghost sheet imaginable and a Vampiric potion) // 17230. - 17329. Vaginal STD // 17330. - 18929. shiroukage // 18930. - 18962. Mr. Eccentricity // 18963. i ANGELAHHH // 18964. - 19463. iSephi // 19464. - 19483. G o - L o l i // 19484. - 19523. iDenmark // 19524. - 19543. Myojin Omni // 19544. - 20043. Medieval Legacy // 20044. - 20143. Asapisaiah555 // 20144. - 20256. i K o r n y // 20257. - 20356. idealover // 20357. - 20406. idealover // 20407. - 20456. Lady Sedia Auvryarn // 20457. - 20956. Medieval Legacy // 20957. - 21256. w h o r e f a c t i o n // 21257. - 21281. Simgirlie // 21282. - 22781. Blake Invideo // 22782. Purple Bumper // 22783. - 22792. natalie_newman // 22793. - 22802. Hug My WaTer MeAt // 22803. - 22812. silly_mariah // 22813. - 22862. Xx_SmExii_BriDgEt_xX // 22863. - 22872. Cereline // 22873. - 22874. iDemonicKitty // 22875. - 23144. Porcupine Pajamas // 23145. - 23153. x-LidoFreeze // 23154. - 23203. Miss Candice Nicole // 23204. - 23211. Aaron Dresden // 23212. - 23711. Ama Shikkoku
From my Atlantis Warrior quest:
PEOPLE THAT DONATED BEFORE I HAD DECIDED ON WHAT I AM QUESTING FOR: 1. princessbunny99 // 2. Wizela113 // 3. iPinkle // 4. Donitus // 5. - 104. Horus of Avalon // 105. - 126. TwilightxDevil // 127. Lady SleepsAlot // 128. - 149. BoY MaC // 150. - 249. Evan Korken // 250. Ackeshi
1. - 650. Keefie
Wishlist Items: Store Items: Alice’s Azure Dress - Donated by Frequent Doucher // Black Zoot Suit Carlango - Donated by zelda1609 // Black Zoot Suit Tapa - Donated by Lee der Kunstler // Blue Magic Coat - Donated by Frequent Doucher // Blue Magic Hat - Donated by Frequent Doucher // Buttoned Down Fauna Peacoat - Birthday gift from Railas // Daisy’s Shoes - Donated by o0NOODLES0o // Drop Dead Gorgeous Midnight Heels - Birthday gift from Purple_turtles // Ebony Ookami Armor - Donated by InuSaysLeGasp // Egyptian Blue Linen Dress - Birthday gift from iShinichu // Elven Ears (Tone C) - Birthday gift from Trespassers W // Egyptian Blue Linen Wrap - Donated by an anonymous benefactor // Egyptian Cobra Headband - Donated by Udee // Eloquent Cap - Christmas gift from my Secret Santa // Gardenia Vintage Town Coat - Donated by AngelicShini // G-LOL Bruise Mistress Stockings - Donated by InuSaysLeGasp // Jenny's Mysterious A-line Dress - Birthday gift from Lysine // Jingle Me Hat - Donated by Medieval Legacy // Light Violet Scarf - Birthday gift from Lysine // Lonely Lily - Donated by Creek..Feet // Morgana’s Hat - Donated by Trespassers W // Nurses Hat - Donated by InuSaysLeGasp // Orchid Partition Socks - Birthday gift from Lysine // Orchid Partition Top - Donated by Udee // Prisoner’s Ball And Chain - Donated by - q n p - // Prisoner’s Shackles - Donated by - q n p - // Purple Holographic Eyepiece - Donated by an anonymous benefactor // Purple Yarn & Needles - Donated by Udee // Reindeer Collar - Donated by Creek..Feet // Sapphire Milady Bodice - Donated by Alexyuy // Sky Blue Tavern Wench's Blouse - Jeani_Kellers // Sky Blue Tavern Wench's Skirt - Birthday gift from iShinichu // Stethoscope - Donated by chilecavy~guineapig // Tan Hippy Pants - Donated by Princess_Lucipher // The Gift - Donated by iymcool // Were Feet - Donated by Raziel Seraphan // White Medical Shoes - Donated by la chatte Kiwi // Wine Sky Gathered Tavern Wench's Skirt - Christmas gift from dolls in stitches // Wine Tavern Wench's Bustier - Christmas gift from dolls in stitches
Non-Store Items: FAQ Hat - Donated by Frequent Doucher // Helm of the Vikings - Donated by m tomar // Mokona Hat - Donated by InuSaysLeGasp // Nitemare Collar - Given to me by Badeye as a birthday gift // Obsidian Tatsu Helm - Christmas gift from Senor Fuerte // omnomnom Hat - New Year's gift from Alexzyuy // WTF? Hat - Donated by Alexzyuy // YARLY! Hat - Usadari
Cash Shop Items: Angus The Scottie Plushie - Birthday gift from Keefie // Dashing Gentleman Gold and Black Cane - Donated by InuSaysLeGasp // Dashing Gentlemen Pristine White Gloves - Birthday gift from iShinichu // Mackintosh the Scottie Plushie - Christmas gift from Alexzyuy // Eastern Zodiac Dog - Donated by dolls in stitches // Valiant Knight - Donated by Stelios of Sparta (a fellow Spartan!)
Evolving Items: Fallen Wish - Christmas gift from Badeye // Kelp O'Th' Lock - Donated by InuSaysLeGasp // Orindae - Donated by Frequent Doucher // Pantheracorax Agate - Donated by Frequent Doucher // Pora Ice - Donated by Medieval Legacy // Tama's Basket - Christmas gift from Kolbrun // The Experiment - Donated by Frequent Doucher
Monthly Collectables: Angelic Parasol - Birthday gift from iShinichu // Grizzly Hoodie - Donated by Keefie // Head Case - Donated by Frequent Doucher // Nitemare Scarf - Donated by Aiko Valentine // Order of Atlantis - Thomatorr Strongpee // Rock Hard (Demonic Mic) - Donated by Deschaine // Stone Gaunlets - Christmas gift from Xuriel // Toadstool - Christmas gift from Maja81 // War of the Warlords - Donated by Medieval Legacy
Thank you!
Geminora · Tue Oct 16, 2007 @ 07:02am · 0 Comments |