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Trivia Quiz worth 130 Gold
I'm looking for the name of the two leading characters and the movie they starred in.

1. Actor: Wears a toupee.
2. Actress: Petite and charming. Hard to believe she once had a habit.
3. Movie Clue: This bear hates fires! You could say this about a cowboy who robs trains (you hear this word a lot in Hollywood Cowboy Movies).

Oh yea, this one is worth 130 gold.

User Comments: [8]
Community Member

Wed Oct 24, 2007 @ 12:46am

I'm like, totally shocked man!! eek Like, nobody has made an appearance. Maybe it's the black dragon I recently acquired. Oh well; snicker-doodles. Someone will show up eventually. If not; that means less gold for them and more gold for me. mrgreen

Community Member

Wed Oct 24, 2007 @ 12:56am

Because I haven't watch much of the movies, I'm gonna be stumpped no matter how easy it is. sweatdrop

Community Member

Wed Oct 24, 2007 @ 01:20am

hard 2 even tell i dont watch cowboy movies o_O

Zaxus Lanterus
Community Member

Wed Oct 24, 2007 @ 01:25am

holy s***! I actually know this one! or at least the movie... is it illegal to find out the actors from the movie?

Zaxus Lanterus
Community Member

Wed Oct 24, 2007 @ 01:34am

I sent you a pm so I wouldn't have to spoil it for people who still want to guess. I hope I'm right.

Community Member

Wed Oct 24, 2007 @ 01:49am

No, it is not illegal to find out the answer from the movie itself. It just shows how resourceful you are. There is no stipulation as to how you get the answer; as long as it wasn't by someone who guessed wrong and then was given the correct answer. You should still put up your answer regardless. The first person who gets it correct is the winner. I suppose I should stipulate that in the future. I cannot and will not say if you got it right or not. The winner will be announced by tomorrow at 6PM MST.

Community Member

Wed Oct 24, 2007 @ 02:47am

I know the answer, but will wait a while before saying what it is so others have a chance to get a guess in.

Zaxus Lanterus
Community Member

Wed Oct 24, 2007 @ 02:51am

So wait? I should post my answer?
Okay, I understand how to this contest works now.
Burt Reynolds and Sally Field in "Smokey and the Bandit."

User Comments: [8]
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