Well, I spent the day as normal but something that did stand out from today. Which I feel like mentioning and sharing with all of you. Is a chat I had with a few of my oldest online friends. Digipen Dreamer, whom I've know since september 2002, same with Choco. And my girlfriend! Among more people.
It was pretty enjoyable, and reminds me of how things used to be long ago. It's been a long time since I chatted with them like that. It makes me sad thinking that, but at least we had this. Oh, I couldn't get into the casino chat on this account so I used my mule Flame Machine, so all comments by him is really me.
Casino:Teh Guild Members only, Chat
ky1x enters the chat.
Ice_Queen69 Welcome back DJ
Flame Machine Back
Ice_Queen69 And Hi
ky1x O___O.
Digipen Dreamer w00t
ky1x Finally.
ChocoHearts *glomps teh ky1x* Hii~
Flame Machine I tried playing on game with two accounts. XD
Flame Machine Doesn't work.
Digipen Dreamer heh
ky1x I thought I was going to go blind from trying to find this place T_T
Digipen Dreamer fishing while gambling works
Digipen Dreamer and it's fun
ChocoHearts *points at everyone* Dreamer, Julia, and DJ.
ky1x Hi everyone!
Flame Machine This is my mule.
Digipen Dreamer I'm the weird one!
ChocoHearts *points at ky1x* ky1x.
Digipen Dreamer XD
ky1x The weird one.
ky1x I think choco is.
Ice_Queen69 Hi
Digipen Dreamer nope
Flame Machine x.x my real account is supersayiandj80
ChocoHearts he's almost as weird as me-- hey, no fair
Digipen Dreamer he learned everything from me
Flame Machine Oh, trust me I'm the weird one.
ky1x I see
ChocoHearts we're all weird.
Ice_Queen69 Woo I am not the only girl in here now
ChocoHearts 'cept Julia
Digipen Dreamer I was the FIRST weird one!
Ice_Queen69 D
ky1x And me.
Digipen Dreamer bwahaha
ky1x Women are sane.
ChocoHearts >.> Yes, and you.
Ice_Queen69 Yep D
Flame Machine Hey, I party boyed since before you were born!
Flame Machine XD
Ice_Queen69 Thats not always a good thing
Ice_Queen69 P
ChocoHearts Depending on your point of view, of course.
Flame Machine Don't make me get pictures of backstreet boy man. O
ChocoHearts DUDE
Digipen Dreamer unt unt unt
ChocoHearts ADFASDF
Ice_Queen69 LOL
ChocoHearts Sorry, sorta-inside joke..
Flame Machine XD
Digipen Dreamer I almost blocked you the day you did that, DJ
Flame Machine My latest one rocks, from acen.
ChocoHearts I saw that one. XP
Flame Machine I don't have the pic though. x.x
Digipen Dreamer cuz I had only known you for like, a week, and Mom was super worried about internet sex offenders ge
Digipen Dreamer getting me
Digipen Dreamer so when you went 'unt unt unt'
Ice_Queen69 LOL
Flame Machine The streak!!! Hey!
Digipen Dreamer I was about to leave
ky1x Oh god.
Flame Machine x.x
ChocoHearts ky1x See, he has a really small Backstreet Boys shirt that he wears around.
Digipen Dreamer Ethel!
ky1x That's kind of.
Digipen Dreamer kind of awesome
ky1x Oddly cool.
Flame Machine Here, I'll find the picture O
ChocoHearts Yes. This is why I love my friends.
Ice_Queen69 Thank goodness I am not the only girl
ChocoHearts I could try to get Oko in here...
Flame Machine Julia, you've seen me in person!
ky1x I used to like the backstreet boys too T_T
Digipen Dreamer bah, I'm almost out of coins
ChocoHearts though I think Skullzy's gonna appear any time now.
Ice_Queen69 Yeah
Digipen Dreamer 40 left
Ice_Queen69 lol
Flame Machine XD
Flame Machine I tried two accounts.
Digipen Dreamer I started with 420
Flame Machine Didn't work.
ChocoHearts with two browsers?
Flame Machine Nah, I just used IE two browsers should work.
Digipen Dreamer Choco Mom got rid of Mozilla today
ChocoHearts O Crap. (
Skullzy enters the chat.
ChocoHearts and I use Firefox as a secondary. -- yo, Skullzy. D
Skullzy wewt! O
Flame Machine Word
ky1x So has anyone here gotten the wings?
ChocoHearts it took your hat off. o.o
Digipen Dreamer kapow.
Digipen Dreamer I came super close to wings
Flame Machine http//tinypic.com/5wbign
Ice_Queen69 Nope
ky1x Halo?
Flame Machine Backstreeyboy man!
Digipen Dreamer but I've only gotten box once, devils once, and the Gs
Flame Machine http//tinypic.com/5wbign again!
Ice_Queen69 Box 3 times
ky1x I hope this isn't kiddie pron...
Ice_Queen69 but that was yesterday
Flame Machine That's from anime reactor 2004, anime central 2005 was even better.
ChocoHearts I've gotten 4 3-box matches, 3 3-coins, and I think 1 3-devil.
Flame Machine XD
ky1x phew
Digipen Dreamer hahahah
ky1x You look like you have boobs.
Digipen Dreamer kiddie pron!?
Digipen Dreamer HAHAHAHA
Digipen Dreamer poor DJ
Ice_Queen69 He has no boobs
ky1x Sorry to say.
ChocoHearts XDDD
Ice_Queen69 Believe me lol
Flame Machine ;.;
ky1x Good.
ky1x I'm sorry -_______-;;
Flame Machine I...I'm cool....
Flame Machine thats what everyone says!
ky1x Yesh, yesh you are
ChocoHearts just... a trick of the light, yeah.
Flame Machine T_T
Flame Machine MOM WAS WRONG
Ice_Queen69 lol
ky1x O__O?
Flame Machine DON't look at me. x.x
Ice_Queen69 ?
ChocoHearts *shines a flashlight on him*
Digipen Dreamer *points*
Ice_Queen69 DJ I am sorry but you were not born a girl
ky1x *hands choco a spotlight*
Digipen Dreamer Look at the awesome hotness of DJ
ky1x *claps and whistles*
Digipen Dreamer *uses Hubble from space*
Flame Machine I'm seriously not going to eat for a while. XD
ky1x Yes, the awesome hotness.
ky1x Oh god.
ky1x Eat child, eat
ChocoHearts PAPARAZZI orhoweverit'sspelled
ky1x See.
ky1x Shes gonna hurt you
Digipen Dreamer I'll hurt him
Ice_Queen69 or I will "Poke" you with a stick
ChocoHearts and guess what! My eternal error is back!
Digipen Dreamer he's in my tree right now
ky1x You can say something mean about my hear.
ky1x hair
Flame Machine backstreet boys man is dead! No more will I'll leap about happily!
ky1x My pom hair.
ky1x Anyways.
Digipen Dreamer it -is- pretty ugly
ChocoHearts NO
ky1x I got an error
ky1x so refreshing time.
ChocoHearts it's beautimuz.
Digipen Dreamer and that hat?
Digipen Dreamer Blaugh
ky1x Sure.
Digipen Dreamer barf-o-ramma
ChocoHearts *punches*
ky1x Wait
ky1x I didn't say you could
ky1x T_T
ky1x You hurt my feelings.
ChocoHearts *huggles her*
Skullzy @_@
Flame Machine T_T
Digipen Dreamer ooops
ChocoHearts don't worry, he means nothing.
ChocoHearts P
Digipen Dreamer o
ky1x 'kay.
Ice_Queen69 Yeah
ky1x Refresh time
ky1x leaves the chat.
Digipen Dreamer dont several years mean more to you than several women!?
Flame Machine ;.; do i have boobs?!
ChocoHearts 1 year = 1 woman
Skullzy i can't win T_T
Ice_Queen69 NO
Digipen Dreamer that hurts, Choco.
Flame Machine BRB mirror time.
Digipen Dreamer DJ....
Digipen Dreamer lick them.
ChocoHearts I needa restart too
ChocoHearts leaves the chat.
ChocoHearts enters the chat.
Ice_Queen69 well
Digipen Dreamer well
ChocoHearts There.
ChocoHearts Now, where were we?
Flame Machine |
ChocoHearts oh yeah.
ChocoHearts year = woman
Digipen Dreamer heh
Ice_Queen69 ?
ChocoHearts o.o
Digipen Dreamer so that's 3 years...
Digipen Dreamer so that makes 3 women
Ice_Queen69 and 3 women?
Flame Machine If I was a sumo wrestler... no one would say anything!
Ice_Queen69 DJ
Ice_Queen69 you have NO BOOBS
ky1x enters the chat.
ky1x Still hate me?
Ice_Queen69 Welcome back
Digipen Dreamer I have bobs
Flame Machine OH you know it as well as I do!
ChocoHearts Hannah, Lanni, Jessica, Lelio...
Digipen Dreamer but not boobs
ky1x You habe bobs...?
ChocoHearts more than three.
Flame Machine They're there!
Digipen Dreamer well poo on you.
ChocoHearts Okoyip has boobz lool
ky1x Uh..
Digipen Dreamer I have bobs!
ky1x Well I mean, I have boobs too.
Digipen Dreamer fishing bobbers
ChocoHearts I have weebls!
Flame Machine Alright.
ky1x Everyone in here does.
ky1x -____________-;;
Ice_Queen69 A guy in my band has man boobs ewwwww
Flame Machine I'm tired of all the lies.
ChocoHearts I love my friends.
Flame Machine I WAS BORN A GIRL
Skullzy ew, man boobs
ChocoHearts <3333
Digipen Dreamer I love boobs.
ky1x You were not.
Flame Machine THERE I SAID IT
Ice_Queen69 DJ here play with the yarn it will make you feel better
Digipen Dreamer Hey girly man
ChocoHearts Oh yea? I was born with a hole in my backbone. D
Digipen Dreamer why dont you bring some of those over here
Flame Machine It's all out. I was born a girl!
Flame Machine WHAT NOW?!
ky1x SHUSH
Ice_Queen69 NO YOU WEREN't Causei would know
ChocoHearts XD
Skullzy choco, i never knew okoyip was you. XD
ChocoHearts lol
ChocoHearts really?
Digipen Dreamer I was born with seven pounds of....girls....and kittens
Skullzy yeah i dont pay attention to htings
ChocoHearts teehee
Digipen Dreamer CHOCO IS OKOYIP!?!??!
Digipen Dreamer OH NO!
Flame Machine OH GAWD
ChocoHearts |
Digipen Dreamer And OKOYIP IS PIYOKO BACKWARDS!?!?!?
ChocoHearts Naaathaaan...
Skullzy OHNOES!!
ky1x Huh.
ky1x Good point.
Flame Machine Wait whoes the streak?!
ChocoHearts (Piyoko is one of my RP chars)
Digipen Dreamer spelldragon
ChocoHearts rofl
ChocoHearts OOOH
ChocoHearts Dude, we need the Gender Defender to show up in AC2 sometime.
Digipen Dreamer I'll be there
Flame Machine XD
Digipen Dreamer ;)
Digipen Dreamer err, whoever he is, I'm sure he'll show up
Flame Machine I could post that I was born a girl!
ChocoHearts 'cause french_girl came back for a while...
ky1x AGGH.
Digipen Dreamer brb, dogs
Flame Machine And... he could defend the truth?
ky1x Let's get this straight
ChocoHearts and she just left, like, a few says ago
ky1x You're a guy
ky1x period.
ChocoHearts No..
Skullzy leaves the chat.
ky1x period period period
ChocoHearts he's a guy WITHOUT a period.
Flame Machine XD
ky1x Choco, dear, not helping /
Ice_Queen69 Good thing cause periods suck
ky1x UGGHH.
ChocoHearts T_T Sorry, luv.
ky1x Yes they are.
ky1x And birthing babies suck too
ChocoHearts I couldn't resist, though. It was all, "SAY MEMEEEEEEE!!!"
ky1x error.
Ice_Queen69 AMEn
ky1x Why me slots?
ChocoHearts stupid sucky error
Flame Machine And... birthing beavers?
ChocoHearts look, here it is at me, too.
ky1x You must not understand.
ChocoHearts Boob error.
ky1x Women don't birth beavers.
ky1x Children
ky1x Say it with me
ChocoHearts BAYBAYZ
Flame Machine They're after our aritfial beaver technology!
ky1x *slams head on desk*
Flame Machine wait... so kids come from women!?
ky1x Yes.
ky1x Yes they do.
ChocoHearts "He's after our beaver technology! Is this his next evil plan?!"
Flame Machine I'm going to go slap my mother.
ky1x I think my head is going to explode.
Flame Machine brb.
ky1x O___O
Flame Machine SHE LIED
ChocoHearts xp
ky1x Never slap your mother!
Digipen Dreamer Those lunatics....They're going to blow up the ocean!
ky1x O
Flame Machine I'm joking.
Digipen Dreamer We'll blow up the ocean!
ChocoHearts XD
ky1x good.
ChocoHearts it's Double Coupon day!!
Ice_Queen69 Yeah DJ don't joke like that
ChocoHearts I CAN'T SPELL YOUUUU!!!!
Flame Machine XD Trust me I don't hit women.
ky1x Damn straight
ChocoHearts he hits ON them
ChocoHearts >.>
Flame Machine Alright, I'm the bad guy.
Flame Machine With boobs.
ChocoHearts no, wait, that's ME
FlameBroiled enters the chat.
Digipen Dreamer These potential savings would give blue laser enough money to be some super power device to rue
ChocoHearts and Okoyip.
Digipen Dreamer rule the world!!!
Ice_Queen69 *slaps DJ's butt*
FlameBroiled leaves the chat.
ChocoHearts Whao! now THAT's off-limitz.
Digipen Dreamer Can I help you, sir?
Digipen Dreamer flame broiled meets flame machine!?
ky1x My eyes X____X
Flame Machine When did he ge here?
ChocoHearts *covers her eyes*
Ice_Queen69 lol
Flame Machine He's after me lucky charms!
FlameBroiled enters the chat.
Ice_Queen69 o
Digipen Dreamer Flame machine vs flame broiled
ky1x wow
ChocoHearts Machine winz
Flame Machine Battle of the flames!
ky1x He is flame broiled alright
Digipen Dreamer a battle of catyclysmic proportions
FlameBroiled i too was once a girl. gonk
ChocoHearts after all, he was invitalated.
Ice_Queen69 I bet 100 gold on Flame machine
Digipen Dreamer Wow.
Flame Machine XD
Digipen Dreamer 2 halos
Flame Machine I'm the coolest mule around, don't ya know.
ky1x Choco, you want the tickets again?
Flame Machine I was also born a girl.
ChocoHearts <3 yes pweeze.
Digipen Dreamer Stinko_Man_20XD6 is cooler
Flame Machine O
FlameBroiled woe is us! O
ky1x Oh be quiet
ChocoHearts Wiz > you
Ice_Queen69 You're BOYS
FlameBroiled choco > me
Digipen Dreamer I'm out of tokens
Digipen Dreamer I lost about 150 gold
Flame Machine Chya, did you use your mule to find out a stalkers motives?
ky1x Go buy more?
Flame Machine I don't think so.
FlameBroiled flame I've done that. O
Digipen Dreamer I started with 420...Now I have nothing, and only 261 tickets
Ice_Queen69 lol
Flame Machine You know, DD remember bubba from the rpg?
ChocoHearts waitwait, FlameBroiled is Skullz's mule, rh?
Digipen Dreamer OK, I'm off to buy more tokens....I guess....geez, I'm poor
FlameBroiled yesyes. D
Flame Machine Or whatever his name was.
ky1x We all are.
ChocoHearts *is awesome*
Digipen Dreamer bubba!?
FlameBroiled yes choco.
Flame Machine Jeeepers.
Flame Machine Or jon as he was called.
Ice_Queen69 Creepers
Flame Machine My stalker.
Ice_Queen69 EWWWWWW
Digipen Dreamer *goes fishing*
Ice_Queen69 Did he make any contact with you
ChocoHearts man, there's too much going on in here
Flame Machine He walked up to me in the video store the other day?!
FlameBroiled whats the little send button in the corner for?
ky1x It's too hard to keep up.
ky1x Good question.
ky1x What is that for?
ChocoHearts this?
Flame Machine It's incase you don't want to hit enter.
ky1x that?
Flame Machine XD
ky1x Really?
Flame Machine Yep.
FlameBroiled o.0
ky1x What do you know, it is!
ChocoHearts There's a used named "Any Key".
Flame Machine The enter button activates that button.
FlameBroiled oh i seee
ChocoHearts I wanted to hit her so bad...
ky1x ?
ky1x What?
ChocoHearts I couldn't continue if I didn't!
ChocoHearts it said, "Hit Any Key to continue!"
Ice_Queen69 lol
Flame Machine Hoboys
ChocoHearts Hogirls.
ChocoHearts ...sounds better that way.
Flame Machine I wish I could be in here on my main account. D
Flame Machine I have tokens there!
ChocoHearts I'm down to 177 Tokens...
ky1x 10 tokens for me.
Ice_Queen69 Well get onto your main account dork
ChocoHearts ^^; you want some Tokens in exchange for Tix?
Flame Machine I've been at zero here the entire time.
Flame Machine I can't.
Ice_Queen69 Why?
Flame Machine It says I'm already in a game. x.x
Flame Machine So it won't let me join any new ones.
Ice_Queen69 ohh
ky1x I'll just sell the tickets to you and buy some more.
ky1x Oh
ky1x you're supposed to
ky1x Delete your cookies
ky1x and restart or something
ky1x If it says that.
ChocoHearts there's a thread in Q&A
Flame Machine Ah, well I'll do it another time. XD
ChocoHearts about it
ky1x Yeap.
Flame Machine It would take forever to get back here.
FlameBroiled wewt! well Im going to bed
Flame Machine My dial up and all.
ky1x Especially finding it.
ChocoHearts actually...
Flame Machine Later.
FlameBroiled talk to you later, choco/ky1x!
FlameBroiled leaves the chat.
ky1x Blah.
Flame Machine And not DJ?!
ky1x 218
ky1x Hahaha.
ChocoHearts you can highlight a game and hit ' to find this one.
Flame Machine T_T everyone always over looks me.
Ice_Queen69 Why?
ky1x I think you're being a drama king.
ky1x AHEM.
ky1x You need a crown, scepter, and cape
Flame Machine Except for when I have boobs, or make a fool of myself. XD
Flame Machine That's possible.
ChocoHearts Wait, how long have you been here, DJ? I just noticed you.
Ice_Queen69 P
ky1x CHOCO!
Flame Machine ;.;
ky1x -___________-;;
ChocoHearts <3
ky1x It's okay *pat pat*
Flame Machine XD
ky1x >___> Bad choco.
ChocoHearts *pouts and slinks into the corner*
Flame Machine Don't worry, this is making my laugh out loud for real anyways. I just hide the pain deep down.
Flame Machine For later, don't ya know.
ChocoHearts yes, for when you're RPing Flamey.
Flame Machine ;)
Flame Machine He has to hate the world!
ChocoHearts just what I do for Choco
ky1x Ohhkay.
Ice_Queen69 Hey you don't know nothing about DEEP DOWN pain
ky1x Or the pain of birthing babies
Ice_Queen69 Girls do though
Ice_Queen69 yep D
ky1x or having major cramps
ky1x AHEM
ChocoHearts Mom has a kidney stone right now.
Ice_Queen69 Exactly
ky1x Yes
ChocoHearts there's not much deeper than that - it's smack dab in the middle.
Flame Machine Have you ever had your father wave a gun around? x.x
ky1x How 'bout a mother with a knife?
ky1x No
ky1x My mom only does that
ChocoHearts Younger brother with a Brussels Sprout?
ky1x when shes chopping something and there's a fly.
ky1x I hate bugs.
Ice_Queen69 Cats with fur balls?
ky1x >_____<
ky1x Ugh.
Flame Machine Yeah, I spent 7th grade christmas away where my dad stayed home.
ky1x Dogs that poo at the park.
Flame Machine But anyways.
ky1x Bleh.
ChocoHearts I love you guys.
ChocoHearts <333
ky1x Or how about
ChocoHearts As hard as it is to keep up...
ChocoHearts lol
ky1x wasting a ginormous amount of gold over the stupid slots.
Ice_Queen69 lol
ky1x Yeap.
Flame Machine To bad my thing was real. XD
ChocoHearts I agree. Cats DO have furballs.
ky1x Hm..
Ice_Queen69 Yeah ITS A PAIn to clean up
ky1x Hair with tangles?
ky1x ^__________^;;
Flame Machine Where'd DD go?
ky1x He's hiding
ky1x either that, or he thinks we're crazy.
ChocoHearts *hair tangles on a regular basis*
ky1x Which we possibly may be.
Flame Machine No doubt oogling at my pictures.
ChocoHearts HE thinks WE'RE crazy? lol
ky1x Yesh, in his fantasty land.
ChocoHearts he's fishing to make up the losses he's had here.
ChocoHearts and surfing the Marketplace.
Ice_Queen69 lol he wont make too much more
Flame Machine ignoring us?!
ky1x Guh. I hate finishing too.
ky1x Choco, you close to being done?
ky1x I want to hurry up and give these to you.
ChocoHearts only 111 Tokens left.
ky1x ONLY....
Flame Machine w00t
ky1x Eeep
Ice_Queen69 lol
ChocoHearts hehe
ky1x 'Kay.
Ice_Queen69 P
ChocoHearts you can go ahead and put them in your store, and I can get 'em.
ky1x I'll just wait. >_______<
ky1x Naw, i'll wait.
Flame Machine Your waffels have sickened me!
ChocoHearts Ok. *snugs*
ky1x Uh. How'd you know I made waffles?
ChocoHearts These got peanuts 'n soap in 'em!!
ky1x >_______< Are you stalking me T_T
Flame Machine Well, i live in DD's tree.
ChocoHearts NO
ky1x Oh well, no peanuts.
Flame Machine With cameras everwhere.
ky1x Must not be mine.
ky1x I made boysenberry waffles
ChocoHearts "Hey, these are pretty good. What's in 'em?"
Flame Machine Since you were in here, I have cameras over there too.
Flame Machine >.>
ChocoHearts "There's WAFFLE IN 'EM!"
Flame Machine I loved that episode
Flame Machine XD
ky1x chip waffles are the best
ky1x i finished your sentence!
ChocoHearts Agent Dark Bootie is played by John DeLancie.
Flame Machine Rikki simons is gir... and I shook his hand!
ChocoHearts John DeLancie is Q. he's a god. P
Flame Machine And stood a couple people behind him at the pillows concert. O
ky1x Wow.
ky1x I just saw a kiki kitty for 4k
ky1x That's the cheapest I've ever seen.
Flame Machine Wow
ky1x Someone bought it.
Flame Machine brb I HUNGER
ky1x tienes hambre?
ChocoHearts mmm.
ky1x Hmm.. no one is rolling.
ky1x I had a hamburger and fries.
ky1x >///////<
ChocoHearts whao.
ky1x Ahh junkfood.
Ice_Queen69 I'm rolling
ky1x I haven't had junkfood for 4 months.
ChocoHearts I'm a roller!
Ice_Queen69 I had cake D
ChocoHearts ...
ky1x A high roller ;)
ky1x I want ice cream cake
ChocoHearts ;)
Flame Machine I've selected a weiner delight!
ky1x I guess I'll get one for my birthday.
ky1x When is my birthday anyways?
Flame Machine brb I must prepare my meat tube!
Ice_Queen69 Ewwww
ky1x Yes, that sounds disgusting
Ice_Queen69 lol
ky1x Did you know that 67% of women automatically think that the word "damp" is a disgusting/vile word?
ChocoHearts multitasking is hard work.
Digipen Dreamer leaves the chat.
ky1x O__O
ChocoHearts that's because it IS
Flame Machine O
ChocoHearts P
ky1x Yeap
Digipen Dreamer enters the chat.
ChocoHearts really, a damp rag is almost always nasty.
ky1x That's what I said.
Digipen Dreamer hey kids
ky1x Hi kid?
Ice_Queen69 HI
Flame Machine Welcome back
ChocoHearts Mmmm, kids...
Digipen Dreamer I fished for like, half an hour to make this 500 gold
Digipen Dreamer which is now in token form
ky1x -__________-;;
Flame Machine I love my weiner tube!
Digipen Dreamer so I can lose more money, while having fun at the same time
Digipen Dreamer it boggles my mind
Ice_Queen69 EWWWWWW DJ
ChocoHearts Yay!
ky1x Gross.
Flame Machine If you make a crack at me on more time?!
ky1x Please, never say that again.
Digipen Dreamer on a more serious note...well, nevermind...I'll be IMing those who need to know
Flame Machine It's a hotdog silly.
ky1x Still.
Ice_Queen69 P
ky1x -__________-;;
Ice_Queen69 o.o
ChocoHearts T_T
ky1x *shivers* Bleh.
Ice_Queen69 O.O
ChocoHearts I CAN'T SPELL YOU!!!
ky1x O___O?
ky1x Are you having problems spelling...?
Ice_Queen69 (.)_(.)
Flame Machine 'O
ChocoHearts "Yes, Strong Mad, that's the nicest stack of VHS tapes I've ever - ZZTTT BTTTTZZZZZZAAAAA AAZZZZTTT"
ky1x Ohkay well I need to go take a whole bunch of multivitamins.
ChocoHearts I'm almost done!
Ice_Queen69 Awesome
ChocoHearts just 6 more spins.
ChocoHearts er, 7.
Ice_Queen69 lol
ky1x Okay.
ChocoHearts *can't divide by 3*
ky1x Now I'm full of vitamin C, EFGHIJKLMNOP... Tylenol and orange juice
ky1x Bleh.
ChocoHearts She's gonna 'splode!
ky1x Am not.
Flame Machine Jeepers.
ChocoHearts Whew. That would have been scary.
ChocoHearts oh, that was cool!
ky1x I told you, I'm getting sick.
ky1x -________-
ChocoHearts I got a 2-match, and my music did the OoT Quest Item Fanfare.
ky1x Too bad I can't spread all my germs to you guys.
ChocoHearts I want some of your germs.
ChocoHearts <3
ky1x -_________-
ChocoHearts and I'm out of Tokens.
Ice_Queen69 O.O
ky1x 'cept you and Ice_Queen
Flame Machine net germs?!
Ice_Queen69 YAY
ky1x 'kay.
ChocoHearts yes, they're VIRUSES/VIRI
ChocoHearts VIRII
ChocoHearts SOMETHING.
ky1x Choco I'm gonna put them up
ChocoHearts okie.
Seyli Hsa enters the chat.
ky1x bleh.
ky1x Teh nasty.
Ice_Queen69 Yeah I hate getting sick (
Digipen Dreamer Seyli is dumb.
Digipen Dreamer HAHAHAHAHAHA.
ChocoHearts ( *snuggles her*
Ice_Queen69 DDJ
Seyli Hsa p
ky1x I have to find this all over T_T
ky1x time to'
ky1x restart the internet
ChocoHearts eeew.
ky1x geting too laggy.
Flame Machine O
ky1x T_T
Flame Machine What did I miss?!
ky1x teh evilll.
ky1x alot
ChocoHearts hey
Ice_Queen69 I dunno
ky1x nothing.
Digipen Dreamer have you ever been to that site...it's called 'break the internet.com' or something. It's just a
ky1x -________-;;
ChocoHearts when you get back on...
Digipen Dreamer black screen with a button that says click here to break the internet
ky1x O___O
ChocoHearts at the screen where you choose what room to go into, select one and hit '
ky1x is it like Alarichan's site that eats my brains T_T
Flame Machine I want to download the internet.
ky1x yesh yesh
ChocoHearts and it'll scroll to this one.
ky1x I know..
Flame Machine That's right. ALL OF IT
ChocoHearts ok
ChocoHearts D
ChocoHearts XD
ChocoHearts O
Digipen Dreamer *begins download*
ky1x ...
ky1x Chill choco.
ChocoHearts I've seen the end of the Internet.
ky1x leaves the chat.
Digipen Dreamer 1% downloaded- ETC 9 years
Seyli Hsa *just started playing this*
Flame Machine It would take years for my dial up.
Flame Machine XD
ChocoHearts If I were Okoyip, I'd say, "*just finished caring*"
ChocoHearts but I'm not, so I won't.
Flame Machine Should I be hurt?
Digipen Dreamer Meanie
Digipen Dreamer I am.
Flame Machine I need to go be alone.
ChocoHearts but it wasn't meee!
ChocoHearts Y_Y
Flame Machine With my boobs.
ky1x enters the chat.
ky1x Ohkay.
ChocoHearts it was all-- boobz lool?
Digipen Dreamer can...can I touch them, flame machine?
ky1x OMG.
Digipen Dreamer WHOA. two 3Gs in a row
Flame Machine X.x
ky1x You guys are tormenting him
ky1x aren't you
ChocoHearts it wasn
ChocoHearts 'tm,e amsd'f1
Flame Machine Well.
ChocoHearts wasn't me, even.
ky1x AHEM
ky1x Truth please
Ice_Queen69 DJ you don't have boobs I know
Flame Machine Only if you promise to stop that creepy breathing.
ChocoHearts he said boobs, I said boobs.
Digipen Dreamer DJ, get out of my tree
ChocoHearts it's a guy thing, apparently.
ChocoHearts "Get outta my house!"
ky1x Choco -_______-;;
Flame Machine You'd think you'd come and offer me a drink!
Digipen Dreamer hahah, poor Homsar
ChocoHearts *pouts* sowwy...
Flame Machine I've been in this tree for years?!
Flame Machine Give me a coke!
Digipen Dreamer three years
Flame Machine My back is sore. x.x
ChocoHearts my BRAIN is sore.
ky1x Get a massage.
ky1x Uh.
ky1x Take a tylenol and go to sleep
Digipen Dreamer your MOM is sore
Flame Machine And a squirrel made a nest in my hair. T_T
ky1x Tsk tsk
Flame Machine NICE
Ice_Queen69 Gets DJ a Bakini wax
ky1x So spiteful...
Flame Machine XD
Digipen Dreamer ;)
ky1x 12 winnnings
ky1x 10 tokens used
ky1x Hooray!
Flame Machine Well, I'd need one to go with my breasts and all.
Digipen Dreamer you made a profit!
Flame Machine Better fill the role.
ky1x Don't tell me
Digipen Dreamer I've lost 9 gold so far
ky1x You're going to enter a wet t-shirt contest
ChocoHearts AAH
ChocoHearts the brain, it burns sooo!
ky1x That would be bad.
Digipen Dreamer make that 12
Ice_Queen69 O.o
ChocoHearts *rolls around in the water and fizzles*
Digipen Dreamer just add water to choco
Flame Machine I tried for years at m school to run one... I mean I was going to enter! But no the teachers
ChocoHearts WHY DOES IT BURN!?~?~?~
Digipen Dreamer and you've got a dinner for four
Flame Machine just looked at me funny. x.x
ky1x O__O *squats down to choco* You okay?
ChocoHearts Yeah. I'm just INSANE
Digipen Dreamer whyyyyyy isssssss thereeeeeeee BACONINTHESOAP!?!??!?!
ChocoHearts other than that
ky1x I thought we established that before.
Flame Machine I MADE IT MYSELF
ky1x Women= sane
ky1x Men= insane
Flame Machine I used to have that for my start up sound. XD
Digipen Dreamer your mom = sane
Ice_Queen69 AMEN
Digipen Dreamer cuz she's a woman
ky1x Yes, she is.
Flame Machine Now, I have gir saying goodbye five times for log off.
Flame Machine When I turn on my computer it's.
ky1x gir is fun.
Digipen Dreamer I wish I could customize my computer
ChocoHearts ...
Digipen Dreamer but no, computers can't do that, it'll break them
Digipen Dreamer says Mom
ChocoHearts I miss my cupcake.
Seyli Hsa >.> *can't leave!*
Flame Machine Gir, RELEASE THE MONKEY......
Flame Machine MONKEY!
ky1x I would have a gir shaped screen if I could.
Flame Machine XD
ChocoHearts *GIR jumps out the window*
Digipen Dreamer 3 halos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ky1x Haha.
Flame Machine Theres this cool site I found with audio clips.
Seyli Hsa leaves the chat.
ky1x My mom used to watch Invader Zim with me
Ice_Queen69 guys are crazy
ky1x It was fun.
Flame Machine So I use those.
Digipen Dreamer I've lost 42 gold now
Flame Machine PFFT girls are crazy!
Flame Machine Oh yeah, take that.
ky1x I've earned 1 gold?
ChocoHearts >.>
ky1x What'd you say
ky1x Girls are CRAZY HMM?
ChocoHearts *sneaks over behind ky1x and pulls her Poms*
ky1x O__O
ky1x Oh my.
Flame Machine I've stepped into dangerous ground!
Digipen Dreamer hahaha
Flame Machine T_T
Digipen Dreamer dangerous ground?
ky1x *pets her poms* Shh, it's okay.
Flame Machine Julia?!
Ice_Queen69 O I think we should take them on!!
ky1x He's just being MEAN!
ChocoHearts Dreamer Fondle?
ChocoHearts noo...
Digipen Dreamer fondle....the muffins!?
Flame Machine Hey, you silly girls said it first.
ChocoHearts I was being LOVING
Digipen Dreamer the pom muffins!
ky1x O___O
Flame Machine Pfft, I told you guys this should of been a no girls club!
Digipen Dreamer pompom
ky1x The poms don't enjoy being pulled.
Ice_Queen69 *Smacks DJ with a wet towel*
ChocoHearts Pom Muffins... the best of both worldz.
ky1x Well I mean, if you don't want us around.
Digipen Dreamer ask smarterchild, ky
ChocoHearts *pets the poms gently* I sorry...
ky1x Me and Ice can just leave
ky1x ^____^
Ice_Queen69 yep
Ice_Queen69 D
Flame Machine T_T
ChocoHearts I didn't mean to hurt you.
Flame Machine I take it back!
ky1x *hugs choco* It's okay
Ice_Queen69 Yay
Flame Machine Sttaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy.
ChocoHearts ^^ <3
Ice_Queen69 *hugs DJ* its ok honey bunny
Digipen Dreamer *hugs himself*
Digipen Dreamer mmm...
Flame Machine I just act all tough to make up for the fact my mother never made me cookies!
Flame Machine T_T
Flame Machine AND i HAVE BOOBS
ky1x Okay
Flame Machine T_T
Ice_Queen69 LOL
ky1x you say that one more time
ky1x And Ice and I are leaving
Ice_Queen69 Yep
Flame Machine Jeepers. x.x
ky1x Nyarharharhar
Flame Machine I'm sorry, really I'm just tired of all the lies...
Ice_Queen69 P
ky1x EH! DON'T SAY IT!
Flame Machine YOU know it and so do I.
ky1x So choco, how many tickets do you have?
Ice_Queen69 Don't say it
ky1x AGHH
ChocoHearts lemme check.
ky1x 2 WINGS!
Flame Machine >.>
ChocoHearts 4146
ky1x Any you need how many?
Digipen Dreamer 50,000
Flame Machine I want the masque!
ky1x You'll get it
ky1x in infinity and a day
ChocoHearts 55000, actually.
Ice_Queen69 lol YEp
ky1x okay
Flame Machine So I can say flame machines face was burnt off D
ky1x infinity and a month
ChocoHearts Yeah.
ChocoHearts '(
ky1x I'll try to help s'more.
ky1x smores....
ChocoHearts mmm...
ChocoHearts chocolate...
Flame Machine MMMMM
Ice_Queen69 MMMMMM Chocolate Cake
Flame Machine Yeah, beat you with my louder MMMM sound!
ky1x I've made smores with a shoebox, black construction paper, and foil.
ky1x That was kind of cool.
ChocoHearts o.o
Flame Machine Yeah Me. = WINNOR x 10!
ky1x Uh no
ChocoHearts did they taste like cardboard?
Ice_Queen69 I did that in Girl Scouts
ky1x ky1x>Flame Machine
ky1x That was cool.
ChocoHearts SECOND
Flame Machine XD
ky1x and ky1x=Ice_Queen
Ice_Queen69 YAY
ky1x which therefore means
ChocoHearts *reaches over and slaps the back of Dreamer's head, since he's defenseless*
ky1x WE RULE..
ChocoHearts well, DUH.
ky1x D'you think he's out fishing again?
Ice_Queen69 Yes we do!!!!!!!
Flame Machine He said his mom was checking the computer.
ChocoHearts I mean, how could we resist the... nevermind.
ChocoHearts No, his mom's on the compu
ChocoHearts ter
ChocoHearts Enter key.
ky1x Erh?
Flame Machine Checking, on same thing.
Flame Machine P
ky1x 40 tokens
ky1x 51 winnings
ChocoHearts his mom's using the computer. 3
ky1x Not that bad..
Flame Machine So is mine!
Flame Machine O
ChocoHearts T_T can I rub your lucky feet again?
ky1x O__O
Flame Machine *legasp*
ky1x that might be too rated R.
Flame Machine Hey, it's PG 13 by my book.
ChocoHearts As long as we don't say "unt unt unt", we should be ok.
Flame Machine Don't tempt me.
ky1x Yes, don't tempt him
Ice_Queen69 O.O
ChocoHearts ok.
Flame Machine I haven't party boy'd anyone in a very long time.
ky1x He might do that to Ice
Flame Machine Well, I did party boy people at Acen, at the dance.
Ice_Queen69 LOL Maybe O.O
ChocoHearts whao.
Flame Machine One guy pushed me! D
ChocoHearts now now, DJ, how would her parents like that, huh?
ChocoHearts P
Ice_Queen69 lol
ky1x Exactly.
ky1x What about mine?
ky1x Mine too.
Flame Machine It was males P
Ice_Queen69 Exactly
ky1x That's really not helping your predicament DJ...
ChocoHearts I... think I missed something.
ky1x I mean
ky1x we made fun of you
ky1x because of something
Flame Machine Hey, what happens in chicago stays in chicago.
ky1x People might think that
ky1x People might think certain things
Ice_Queen69 O.o
Flame Machine XD
ky1x Bleh.
ky1x Headache.
ChocoHearts T_T
ky1x I'm doing worse too
ky1x 22 tokens
ky1x 52 winnings
ChocoHearts want me to kiss it? >.>
Flame Machine Wait, you guys were moking fun of me?!
Flame Machine Moking even!?
ky1x I don't think you want to kiss my brain
Ice_Queen69 lol
ky1x It's kind of disgusting you know.
Flame Machine Being a brain and all.
ChocoHearts yes, all slimy and such.
ChocoHearts But it's the thought that counts, right?
Flame Machine Let's smooth out the wrinkles!
ky1x No
ChocoHearts ooh, Lon Lon Ranch.
ky1x Then I'll be stupid T_T
Ice_Queen69 I think we need that
Ice_Queen69 Smartness
ky1x Yeap
ChocoHearts I know I do.
ChocoHearts T_T
ky1x So how 'bout we smooth theirs.
Flame Machine Y u need d@?
Ice_Queen69 Yep
Flame Machine I don't read me no books!
Ice_Queen69 But theirs are probably already smooth
ChocoHearts smooth as an eggshell.
ky1x Choco probably has more wrinkles than the others.
Flame Machine w@ means that?!1
Ice_Queen69 LOL
ChocoHearts *stares into space and drools a bit*
Ice_Queen69 Nothing honey just keep watching the spinny things
Flame Machine Hey, now we have equal wrinkles!
Flame Machine *poopies*
ky1x *waves hand in front of his face* Choco, we're over here.
Flame Machine Yeah, I went there.
ky1x Gross
ky1x I'm sick here
ChocoHearts Oh, there you are. I thought you were in space again.
Ice_Queen69 DJ that's a bird
ky1x who know's what you're going to make me do.
Flame Machine What bird?
ChocoHearts um... give up and go to bed?
ChocoHearts T_T
ky1x That's ok ay.
[].Teh Jessie.[] enters the chat.
ky1x OMG..
Ice_Queen69 That bird
ky1x Noo
ky1x 2 wings
ky1x T_T
ky1x Why can you just give me the 3
ChocoHearts DAYS
Flame Machine yes this week
ky1x Why are you so cruel!
Flame Machine Not weak
ChocoHearts we knew someone named Jessie once.
Flame Machine >.>
[].Teh Jessie.[] What?
ky1x I know someone named Jessica
Flame Machine Yeah, thats true.
ChocoHearts But she turned traitorous!
ky1x And I love to call her Jeshka.
[].Teh Jessie.[] My real name is Jessica
ChocoHearts I imprisoned her in a statue!
Flame Machine SHE DID!
ky1x He's kidding
ChocoHearts Now she is nothing to me!
Flame Machine My name is bobo the toad!
ky1x Ignore them, they're kind of weird.
Flame Machine D
[].Teh Jessie.[] leaves the chat.
ChocoHearts I'm not wierd.
Ice_Queen69 Yeah
ky1x SEE
ChocoHearts it's the REST OF THE WORLD
Flame Machine Well they... oh jeepers.
Ice_Queen69 Wow you scared her away good job boys
ky1x Poor soul, she'll need counseling after this.
Flame Machine We're normal!
ChocoHearts it was all DJ's fault.
ky1x Yes it was.
Flame Machine WHAT?!
ky1x See, even choco is selling out.
Flame Machine You.... you
ky1x He's on our side now.
Flame Machine I'm so upset I can't think right.
ChocoHearts *nodnod*
ky1x 'Kay
Flame Machine This is just like school! T_T
ky1x I ran out of tokens
ChocoHearts I like the winning side.
ky1x again.
ky1x T_T
Ice_Queen69 DJ here cuddle your blanky
ChocoHearts T_T
Flame Machine TRAITOR
Flame Machine XD
ChocoHearts That's me! ^_~<3
ky1x 60 winnings.
ChocoHearts if I could get pink font in here, I woudl!
ky1x T_T
Ice_Queen69 lol
ky1x No choco.
Flame Machine Your my blankie?
ky1x You're supposed to get
ky1x the pom for men.
ky1x Not pink font.
ChocoHearts Yes, I know.
ky1x Pom for men.
ky1x YESHHH!
ChocoHearts have we suggested it yet?
ky1x I can't really look at guy's hairstyles so
ky1x yesh.
Flame Machine Everybody on the floor, everybody loves a dinosaur!
ChocoHearts WHAO
ChocoHearts I love that movie!
ChocoHearts trust the fungus...
Flame Machine Me too D
ChocoHearts I want the DVD.
ky1x Whee!
Ice_Queen69 lol
ky1x I'm gonna go get more tokens.
Ice_Queen69 What movie?
ChocoHearts me too!
Flame Machine I wish I had monies. x.x
ky1x O_O
ky1x why's it dark
ky1x this gaian time confuses me
ky1x when its dark
ky1x its morning
ChocoHearts teehee
ky1x when its light
ky1x its night?
ky1x when its dark
ChocoHearts there are two days in a day.
ky1x its night?!
ky1x i am confused.
Flame Machine Everyone lives in different time zones P
ky1x I will never get accustomed to this
ChocoHearts 12 noon and 12 midnight Real Time are both midnight Gaian time.
Flame Machine Gaian days just go twice as fast!
Ice_Queen69 lol
ky1x Yesh yesh, yo comprendo.
ky1x 'kay
ChocoHearts ok, more tokenz.
ky1x leaves the chat.
Flame Machine O
ky1x enters the chat.
Flame Machine What happened?!
ky1x okay.
Flame Machine WHERE AM I
ky1x Uh.
ky1x Did something happen
Flame Machine WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE?!
Ice_Queen69 Nope
ky1x during the milisecond
ky1x I was gone?
Ice_Queen69 Nope lol
Flame Machine O.0'
ky1x I see.
ChocoHearts um...
ChocoHearts wapeishd
ChocoHearts leaves the chat.
Flame Machine I have fingers!
ky1x 10 to be exact
Flame Machine it's amazing really.
Ice_Queen69 Yes and 10 toes
ChocoHearts enters the chat.
ky1x Yesh'm
Flame Machine Nah, thats for those lucky kids.
Flame Machine I gts me 7 1/2
ChocoHearts mmmm, Tokens....
Ice_Queen69 lol no you have 10
ky1x Halo.
Flame Machine I heart my half pinkie ^_^
ChocoHearts tripledevil!
ky1x O__O?
Ice_Queen69 O.O
ky1x devil?
ky1x Where?
Flame Machine w00t
ky1x OH
ChocoHearts whao. and 3 coins...
ky1x heres the dvil
ky1x devil
ky1x stupid errors.
ky1x T_T
Flame Machine OH BOY
Flame Machine I'm going to be sick, YAY
ky1x How?
ky1x I didn't pass my germs.
ChocoHearts I want your germs!
Flame Machine Those net germs are horrible.
ky1x No you don't.
Flame Machine You downloaded the flu to me!.... or is that uploaded?
Flame Machine Yes UPLOADED
ky1x Yesh. Yesh I did.
ky1x Sorry choco, you just can't have my germs.
Flame Machine Now I need to find a good cough syrup program. SHEESH
ChocoHearts T_T We could interface our input/output ports in slow cycles!!!
Flame Machine o.o
ChocoHearts ^ geekish for "I wanna have sex with you lool"
ky1x Yesh, I know.
ChocoHearts O Gpf?
Flame Machine This music is addicting... it's almost telling me... to do things.
Flame Machine Burn down the house it says!
Flame Machine ^_^
Ice_Queen69 lol
ChocoHearts No, seriously, are you a Faulty, ky1x?
ky1x Error.
ky1x What?
Flame Machine I dreamt I was a toad once named peter.
Flame Machine How happy I was.
ky1x Am I faulty?
ChocoHearts Guess not, then. There's a webcomic called "General Protection Fault".
ky1x OH
Flame Machine Living in my sludged filled pond of goo.
ChocoHearts and its followers are known as "Faulties"
Flame Machine ^^
ky1x No. -________-
ChocoHearts teehee.
ky1x Wow.
ky1x I suck
ky1x 60 tokens
ky1x 4 winnings
ky1x O_O
ky1x it took
ChocoHearts o.o
ky1x 10 tokens
ky1x to win 1 ticket
ky1x pathetic
Flame Machine I want a cult to form in my town. Well, not a real culy but a joke happy cult!
Ice_Queen69 wwwwwwoooooooooooo 704 out of 1000
ky1x Dear, anything with a cult
ky1x Is not good for you.
ky1x Whether it be
Ice_Queen69 Agreed
ky1x some demonic cult
ChocoHearts unless it's a cult classic!
ky1x -___________-;;
ky1x Choco...
Flame Machine Well, theres a elephant buried in my town.
ky1x 'kay
ky1x well
ky1x I think I'm going to go sleep.
Flame Machine And I wanted like 30 guys in robes to go to it's grave and worship it in a joke!
ChocoHearts TT_TT
ky1x ?
Digipen Dreamer SLEEPY FUN TIME
ky1x Yes?
Ice_Queen69 lol
ChocoHearts Don't leave me here with Dreamer's insanity...
ChocoHearts aloooone...
ChocoHearts with no direction, no guidance...
ky1x Uhmm
ChocoHearts @.@
ky1x You mark down what he does.
Flame Machine Don't make me say it.
ky1x And I'l get him tomorrow.
Flame Machine I'm tired of the lies!
ky1x Darn
ky1x 2 halos
ChocoHearts Ok....
ChocoHearts Ok.
Digipen Dreamer boobies!
ChocoHearts that sounds good.
ky1x T-T
ChocoHearts I told you!
ky1x *snuggles choco*
ky1x Bye bye
ChocoHearts don't leave me here! T_T *snuggles*
Digipen Dreamer geez, I keep losing money and it's not fun
ky1x 1 pt ky1x
ChocoHearts bai, sleep well...
ky1x 0 Digipen Dreamer
ky1x actually'
ky1x It's 3 pt ky1x
ky1x I'm older
Digipen Dreamer 0 of me?
ky1x HAH!
ChocoHearts <3
Flame Machine Oh but friendship is better than gold!
Flame Machine D
ky1x bye bye choco
ChocoHearts 'night...
ky1x bye bye Ice
Ice_Queen69 Bye
ChocoHearts <3
Digipen Dreamer 1 shut up = what you should do
Ice_Queen69 Huh?
ky1x You be the ruler
ky1x Keep 'em in line.
Ice_Queen69 Bye Bye
Ice_Queen69 Yep
ky1x Dictator
Ice_Queen69 I will
ky1x ^___________^
ChocoHearts if she's a ruler, can I be a tape measure?
Digipen Dreamer *steps off of the line*
ky1x Hear that?
Ice_Queen69 D
ky1x You must call her
ky1x Dictator
Digipen Dreamer hahahah
Digipen Dreamer Dic.
ky1x >O
Digipen Dreamer they made power rangers
ChocoHearts See?!
Ice_Queen69 O.O
ky1x O___O
ChocoHearts DON'T LEAVE ME HERE!!! T_T
ky1x Ok.
Digipen Dreamer well, they did
Flame Machine Where am I?
ky1x I'll wait a few minutes.
ChocoHearts *cling to*
Flame Machine Seriously, do I have boobs?
ky1x No problem love.
ky1x NO
Ice_Queen69 NO
ChocoHearts NO
ky1x Choco
ky1x Yes.
ky1x Good
ChocoHearts *purr*
Digipen Dreamer ...
Digipen Dreamer B.
Digipen Dreamer O.
ky1x YOU
ky1x NO
Digipen Dreamer O.
ky1x SAy
ky1x T
ky1x S
ky1x Boots
ky1x you have boots
Flame Machine I like boots. )
ChocoHearts Booots...
ky1x Good.
Digipen Dreamer eat them
Ice_Queen69 lol
ChocoHearts those are good.
Digipen Dreamer DUDE, I'm sick of losing money. p
Flame Machine >.>
ky1x Quit playing slots.
Ice_Queen69 Give me money then D
Digipen Dreamer I can't
ky1x Yes.
ky1x Give us money
Digipen Dreamer I'm having fun
Digipen Dreamer >_>
ky1x Lalala.
ChocoHearts But...
Digipen Dreamer *sets to low quality*
ky1x Ji has a headache.
Digipen Dreamer it's REALLY low
Flame Machine Fun is better!
ChocoHearts how can you resist them?
Flame Machine Froget the greed!
Ice_Queen69 Need GOLD
ChocoHearts lol
ky1x Why do I always talk to myself?
ky1x That's a weird habit.
ChocoHearts I always listen...
Digipen Dreamer who are you?
Flame Machine What?
ky1x I am your co-dictator
ChocoHearts Duh. She's The Boss.
Digipen Dreamer Sigma is the boss.
Digipen Dreamer sometims it's Dr. Doppler
ky1x We'll I'm the dictator
Flame Machine What am I?
ChocoHearts She is to us as Negsy is to RPChoco
ky1x So hah!
ChocoHearts but less meaner.
ky1x *poses like Kim Jong Il* Greetings Earthlings!
ChocoHearts Oooohhh...
ChocoHearts She has come! From the outside!
Digipen Dreamer 3 goldsesz
Ice_Queen69 lol
ky1x Yesh, yesh I have.
ChocoHearts "Who's in charge here?"
ChocoHearts *points* THE CLAAWWW!!!
ky1x Tee hee hee.
ky1x )
Digipen Dreamer double prizes!!!
ChocoHearts )
ky1x Errors
ky1x all around
ChocoHearts we need a crane machine in the Casino.
ky1x OH YESH..
Digipen Dreamer black jack
ky1x I would love a cran machine
Digipen Dreamer with other people
ky1x Black jack is too easy.
ChocoHearts heh
ky1x You can't bluff or anything online.
ChocoHearts Horse Racing.
Flame Machine Or can you?
ky1x Greyhound racing.
ChocoHearts lol
Digipen Dreamer just press the bluff button
ky1x Then it's a lie.
ky1x Choco racing.
Flame Machine XD
Digipen Dreamer The Marathon man always beat me....
ChocoHearts then just press the "Lie" button!
ky1x ^______^
ky1x I think Chohohohoco racing would be better
ChocoHearts Choco = Chocolate. Choco != Chocobo. (
ChocoHearts but just think...
ky1x It could be little Chohhohocos running around
ky1x Yargh.
ChocoHearts then you'd have, like, a BUNCH of mes.
ChocoHearts yes. Scary thought.
Digipen Dreamer a bunch
ky1x But I'd be able to tell the difference.
ky1x )
ChocoHearts whoa.
Digipen Dreamer my slots are moving really slow
Panpear enters the chat.
Digipen Dreamer and the graphics are jerking
ChocoHearts Then I'd be just like Jenny and Joy!
Flame Machine YOU
ChocoHearts HIYA, Panpan!
Digipen Dreamer PANPEAR!
Panpear hiya! ^_^
Flame Machine Go postie XD
Flame Machine DJ is waiting by the tree!
ky1x ERRORS!
ChocoHearts Aw.
Digipen Dreamer my tree?
Panpear Yeah. I think I will sometime. Heh. >.>
ChocoHearts *kicks the Internet for her*
Digipen Dreamer geez, it's going so slow
Digipen Dreamer panpear ruined it
Flame Machine The tree in myy rp XD
ky1x O_O
ky1x Choco, can I borrow the bonkinshtick?
ky1x *smacks Digipen with bonkinshtick*
ChocoHearts Of course, dear! *hands it to her*
Flame Machine I was born a woman?
ky1x No child.
Ice_Queen69 NO YOU WEREN"T
ChocoHearts bonk him, too! D
ky1x *smacks DJ with bonkinshtick*
Digipen Dreamer DJ, you were born a GIRL, not a woman. That part doesn't come for about 2 more years
Flame Machine Ah, you see I'm just very confused.
ky1x *smacks Digipen again*
Panpear oh joy of three of a kind
Flame Machine gonk
ChocoHearts I was born... VERY YOUNG.
ky1x Panpear you gotta help.
ChocoHearts *hands Panpear a KiKi*
ChocoHearts hit 'em with that.
Panpear heehee
Flame Machine I was born in a outhouse. D
Panpear *does so*
Ice_Queen69 LOL
Ice_Queen69 No you werent
ky1x I should get Versi in here.
ky1x With her flamethrower
ky1x and Alarichan
ky1x with her pies.
ChocoHearts yes please.
Digipen Dreamer I like pies.
Flame Machine Hey, your talking to the flame machine.... mule man
ChocoHearts just as long as everyone knows which side I'm on...
ChocoHearts *grovels*
ChocoHearts "You majesty! I gravel at your feet!"
Flame Machine ;)
ky1x Choco=Panpear=Ice=ky1x
ky1x There.
ky1x Ultimate powerr.
ChocoHearts ^^
Flame Machine Wait... wheres DJ?
Flame Machine ;.;
Digipen Dreamer right here
Digipen Dreamer panpear, the casino makes your zombie-ness go away
Panpear so much talking... can't keep up. @_@
Flame Machine I'm not on the list of equals?!
ChocoHearts weird.
Panpear yeah, I know.
Panpear fishing does that too
ky1x No i'm sorry.
ky1x You are the weakest link.
ChocoHearts Goodbye?
Flame Machine T_T
Flame Machine That hurts.
Digipen Dreamer I AM SO POOR.
ChocoHearts Bonkin! Bonkin!
ky1x No
ky1x having a period hurts
Panpear amen to that, sister
ky1x HAH
ky1x 4VS2
Digipen Dreamer having a period lodged in your eye is even worse
ChocoHearts Yes, so just imagine having a comma - or even a SEMICOLON!
ky1x HAHAHA.
ky1x Or dare I say it
ky1x An exclamation point.
Digipen Dreamer a question mark
ChocoHearts OW
Digipen Dreamer would hurt worse
ky1x An asterisk
Digipen Dreamer dollar sign!
ky1x A tilday
Digipen Dreamer $
Digipen Dreamer @
ky1x wow
ky1x 98 tokens spent
ky1x 18 winnnings
ChocoHearts I'll tell you what would hurt
ChocoHearts §
Flame Machine Heh.
Digipen Dreamer *
Digipen Dreamer a STAR.
ky1x an asterisk
Flame Machine Anyways.
ky1x i said that already
ky1x an arrown
ky1x arrow
ky1x >
ChocoHearts Ŵ Ǿ ж ڤ █
ky1x I KNOW
ky1x a kirby
ky1x <(".<)
ky1x that would hurt.
ky1x okay
ChocoHearts ﻼ
ky1x I'm out of tokens.
Digipen Dreamer hahaha, lamer
Flame Machine -C?¦a?¦t?¤t?/M5
ky1x And I know what that means.
ChocoHearts Bedtime? (
Digipen Dreamer time to buy more?
ky1x Yesh
ky1x Ding ding ding Choco is the winner!
Flame Machine Jeepers.
ChocoHearts ...Can I choose my prize?
Flame Machine Sleeping is for the weak!
ky1x Panpear, Ice, Choco I'm counting on you to keep the order.
ky1x Uh
Flame Machine This... week?
ky1x Sure love.
Digipen Dreamer at 130 I need to watch Samurai Champloo
ky1x Champu?
Digipen Dreamer champloo
ChocoHearts Ok. For my prize, I choose... To come with you! BWAHAHAHA
Flame Machine Hey, I'm the most mature one here. D
ky1x And that is how?
ky1x No DJ, no.
Digipen Dreamer No, I am.
ChocoHearts v_v we'll figure it out someday.
Digipen Dreamer Samurai Champloo
ky1x Champu
Flame Machine If you really knew me, you'd think other wise.
ky1x Shampoo
Flame Machine XD
ChocoHearts Shampoo.
ky1x accent on the u
Digipen Dreamer Para Agent, S-cry-Ed
ChocoHearts ASHFvcxlk
ky1x champu
ChocoHearts XDDD
ChocoHearts XD
Flame Machine heh.... pokemon!
Digipen Dreamer it's spelled and written Champloo according to the opening title
ChocoHearts Okoyip!
ky1x *hugs choco*
ChocoHearts *snuggles*
ky1x *pats DJ and Digipen on the head* BE GOOD
ky1x OR ELSE
ChocoHearts g'night, love. Sleep well.
ky1x Bye bye everyone
Flame Machine Later.
Digipen Dreamer rawr
ky1x Eh
Panpear I'm sure it's not good for me to spend this much gold on tickets....
Panpear byebye
Flame Machine I'm going to go wear a bra!
Flame Machine D
Digipen Dreamer adios
ky1x oh god.
ChocoHearts *bonks DJ*
ky1x that's not something i wanted to read
Digipen Dreamer I'm going to take pictures!
Flame Machine Sowwy.
ky1x Right before going to bed
ChocoHearts *bonks Dreamer*
Flame Machine T_T
ky1x *whispers to choco*
ky1x Send me the pictures.
Digipen Dreamer I'm going to take pictures and give them to Choco to sell to people~!
Flame Machine I''m 6'6'' so that should help!
ChocoHearts >.> You got it, boss.
ky1x We can make that pillowfight pron site.
Flame Machine Oh gawd.
Ice_Queen69 O.O
ChocoHearts <3
ky1x make loads of moolah.
Flame Machine Julia where are you?!
Ice_Queen69 Here
Flame Machine YAY
Digipen Dreamer I need to take the free tour!
ky1x leaves the chat.
Flame Machine Wheres my bra?
ChocoHearts *BONK*
Digipen Dreamer This window is going super slow for mre
Digipen Dreamer me
Flame Machine I'm so saving this chat and posting it in my journal >.>
Digipen Dreamer AWWWW MAN
Flame Machine Because I'm cool like that.
ChocoHearts in yours, or DJ's?
Digipen Dreamer that'll give me a bad rap
Flame Machine DJ's
Panpear hold on, I'll brb
ChocoHearts Awesome.
ChocoHearts kay Panpan.
Panpear leaves the chat.
Flame Machine Nah, how do you think it makes me look?
ChocoHearts "Less than cool."
Flame Machine XD everyone that reads will know it's all in good fun.
Digipen Dreamer I NEED to ge three boxes or three wings or three halos before I run out of 200 coinw
Digipen Dreamer coins
Flame Machine Hey, I'm super cool x.x
ChocoHearts Yeah... unless the Journal Whores see it.
Flame Machine I'm supersayiandj80 after all!
Panpear enters the chat.
Flame Machine SUPER is in meh name!
Panpear had to make a token run. heh.
ChocoHearts XD
Flame Machine Well, only DP reads my journal really anymore.
Flame Machine The guild like died...
ChocoHearts when I finish with these, I'ma go cruise the Vend, I think.
Flame Machine I sent invites to friends, and no one ever joined! x.x
Flame Machine Cept choco
ChocoHearts I did!
ChocoHearts XD
Flame Machine Cuz he rocks
ChocoHearts I think I posted once in the intro thread.
ChocoHearts >.>
Flame Machine Yep. D
Flame Machine I sent DD an invite like three times!
ChocoHearts hahah
Flame Machine Never joined. x.x
Panpear hee~ *actually pulls the lever*
Digipen Dreamer I don't join guilds, I make them. p
Flame Machine So, when is negaduck getting back? I want to rp some more. Rp with myself and this mule isn't cuttin
Flame Machine it
ChocoHearts tomorrow, supposedly.
Flame Machine Alright cool.
Flame Machine I've been looking at the thread several times a night... waiting. XD
Flame Machine And nathan, send me that bio already!
Digipen Dreamer I was ABOUT to work on it a few nights back, and then Mom took over for the rest of the night
Digipen Dreamer I sent the bio to my own PM box
Digipen Dreamer and I've been editing it
Flame Machine Alright, thats fine.
Digipen Dreamer then I'll just send it over to you
Panpear bleh. I had much better luck the first time I played, when I doubled my gold. -_-
Digipen Dreamer miniwings.... I need them
Flame Machine Ok, oh I submitted the rp to pendens sticky, maybe it'll attract attention? O
ChocoHearts Penden is awesome.
Digipen Dreamer never heard of em
ChocoHearts her
Flame Machine Wasn't she in the school for dedicated role players?
ChocoHearts I knew her before she was a mod.
ChocoHearts yes, she was
Flame Machine I joined my first week or so on gaia. XD
ChocoHearts she was the creator, actually.
Flame Machine Thought so.
ChocoHearts whew
ChocoHearts I got 50 for 130g
Panpear heh.
Flame Machine Score.
Panpear Total for 300g, I got 307 tickets
Flame Machine 10 gold.
Flame Machine 20 tickets!
Digipen Dreamer I've lost about 400 gold since I started yesterday
Flame Machine this account anyways, my main iis like 1k =400 something
Panpear heh. it was better earlier today, when it was 100g for 220 tickets
Flame Machine Yeah.
Panpear man... it's amazing I'm actually around when the casino came out.
Panpear I mean, it's always been sitting there, dorment.
Digipen Dreamer it came out sooner than I thought it would
Digipen Dreamer meanwhile, houses....they hyped that for months and months
Panpear heh.
Flame Machine Me too.
Digipen Dreamer Casino just kinda popped out of nowhere
Flame Machine They mentioned it at the cons though.
Digipen Dreamer I went to Q&A and saw a girl asking- have you gotten three halos yet?
Digipen Dreamer I was like- THREE HALOS!? WHERE!?
Flame Machine XD
ChocoHearts I hate most Gaians.
ChocoHearts no
ChocoHearts I take that back.
ChocoHearts I hate most Gaians' attitudes.
Flame Machine I dislike people that only focus on the gold, and bad mouth everything the site does.
Flame Machine OHMGZ GAIA has pictures?!... THATSLIKE NEOPETS!
Panpear We're 'prone to start flame wars', according to wikipedia.
Flame Machine GRRR!
ChocoHearts I dislike the fact that some people are still going around and spending 7 or 8 g per Ticket.
Panpear that's just silly
Digipen Dreamer dude, Gaia has words and a forum, too. Total rip from Gametalk
Flame Machine Oh hey, I'm going to go for a few.
Flame Machine I'll be back later.
ChocoHearts ok
Digipen Dreamer I might be gone
ChocoHearts you said ALL NIGHT
Digipen Dreamer so good night
Flame Machine Well talk to you alter if thats the case
Digipen Dreamer kay
Ice_Queen69 Bye you guys
Flame Machine bye bye
Yeah, we were all random and crazy. But, thats why it's so great! I say a lot of stupid things. But rest assured I was only kidding. I was really laughing pretty hard out loud the entire time this was going on. Anyways, it's sleep time for me!
~DJ Bothwell
XDvandalDJ · Sun Jun 12, 2005 @ 07:51am · 1 Comments |