The_God_Of_Fire-hehe this is my lovable brother he is the second oldest right after me, together me in him are like bipolor we can get so mad at each other to being the perfect brother and sister bond. We don't really treat each other like siblings its more like were friends.
Dragon- Dragon is the thrid oldest me and him talk only when needed even thought when ever we do talk its alway getting along strange right?Any way he was the last boy in our family to be born. Dang he's a laddies man thought he has had over like idk 13 gf! Player cool
Inuyasha_girl-ohhh where to start she is like my best friend in the so world and luckily were sisters can it get any better. We are always out together weather it is going to the mall or skate bording. We are always together,i guess u can say were like twins even thought she the fourth oldest. Together if we could we would distory the house.
Sango_girl178-Ok she my little studie bug and the third youngest if she isnt on gaia she in her room studing. Shes a total drama queen and love to be a lone we call her(or i do) the lone wolf. Out if my family she was like the fourth to get a gaia. pshhh she used our mom's email. (shsse she needs her own)
Angel_heart909- Me and her never ever get alone together we are so imature. Shes the second youngest. But lately weve been getting alone. Im sure soon we will be back to fight though.
Miarocks- Shes the youngest and the cutest little ok ok she not too young but to me she'll always be the cute little baby from hospital room 205. We are just the tipical sister me and her fight but mostly get along.
Well this is meh family hope u enjoyed it!