About the world I live in...
Lawndale, my home. My slices of Heaven and Hell put in a blender. Only fifteen minutes driving distance from the beach,(hoping you can find a parking space in under that amount of time.) and twenty-five minutes from downtown L.A.(hoping that traffic isn't bad). A person can live fairly well, or sleep on a very comfortable slab of sidewalk. What ever rocks your boat.
But this can be applied just about anywhere else in the world. What makes Lawndale so different you might be thinking? Well, besides being the location of all things paranormal, other-dimensional, scary, and downright wierd, like Swartzaneggar being govenor of California. If you really think about it, Lawndale is the perfect place for everything wierd and disturbing. We're close to the beach, so we get a lot of aquatic creatures and the occasional Swamp Monsters who have gotten lost on thier way to the next PETA rally or Al Gore speech about the enviroment. I usually send them on the opposite direction of the PETA rallies, not to be rude or anything, it's just that PETA believes in the safety of animals, which means no consumption of meat. But since Swamp Monsters pure vegetation, they're usually served steamed with a side of rice and Tofu.
We also get a good amount of aliens from other planets, since we're only a few hours away from Nevada. Many of whom are trying to get their Blue Card, but until then, are illegal aliens. A lot of them are just passing through with dreams of Hollywood and co-starring with Sigourny Weaver in the next blockbuster alien movie. Which is a shame since most of them end up sighning contracts with "directors" who have them star in wannabe porn sites or end up on the streets lightyears from home, holding signs saying will probe for food or hitchhiking back to 69r4v6ze85gf469 . I try and help out when I can by giving them schedules of satelites being launched.
We also get a fair deal of the usual crowd; werewolves, mummies, vampires or goths as they're now called, Twisted Sister tribute bands...you know the usual. Just my unique life Lawndale.
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My slices of Heaven and Hell put into a blender.
A fictional biography of my day-to-day life. Prepare to be amazed, sadened, disgusted, and downright entertained!!!!!
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