They say Nobody is perfect, I say the World is unfair..
They say Everyone is unique, I say Everything is unfair..
They say We are all equal in some ways, I say Life is unfair..
wHy do We belieVe all thEse BullcrAp?
i mEan, we aLwaYs try tO SugaRcoat iT..
But wE all kNow thAt theSe arE all liEs..
yeS, its aNotheR deMenteD outLook i hAve..
yEt im juSt telliNg the tRuth behinD our mAsked beliEfs..
i daRe to sPeaK whAt otheRs maybE silentLy ConteMplatiNg on tHeir whOle liVes..
I wish I could be more, I wish I could be good, I wish I could be something
Now, im just waiting for the camera to rekindle my interest.. I am determined to create a work of art.. I want to be set apart.. Maybe i have to feel special, cause i just cant accept that i am just a typical..
TYPICAL by Mute Math
Come on, can I dream for one day?
There's nothing that can't be done
But how long should it take somebody
Before they can be someone
Cuz I know there's got to be another level
Somewhere closer to the other side
And I'm feelin' like it's now or never
Can I break the spell of the typical?
Now I've lived through my share of misfortune
And I've worked in the blazing sun
But how long should it take somebody
Before they can be someone
Cuz I know there's got to be another level
Somewhere closer to the other side
And I'm feelin' like it's now or never
Can I break the spell of the typical?
I'm the typical
I'm the typical
Can I break the spell of the typical?
Because it's draggin' me down
Oh, I'd like to know about when
When does it all turn around?
Yeah I know there's got to be another level
Somewhere closer to the other side
And I'm feelin' like it's now or never
Can I break the spell of the typical?
Break the spell (of the typical)
Break the spell (of the typical)
Can I break the spell of the typical?
Come on, can I dream for one day?
There's nothing that can't be done
But how long should it take somebody
Before they can be someone
Cuz I know there's got to be another level
Somewhere closer to the other side
And I'm feelin' like it's now or never
Can I break the spell of the typical?
Now I've lived through my share of misfortune
And I've worked in the blazing sun
But how long should it take somebody
Before they can be someone
Cuz I know there's got to be another level
Somewhere closer to the other side
And I'm feelin' like it's now or never
Can I break the spell of the typical?
I'm the typical
I'm the typical
Can I break the spell of the typical?
Because it's draggin' me down
Oh, I'd like to know about when
When does it all turn around?
Yeah I know there's got to be another level
Somewhere closer to the other side
And I'm feelin' like it's now or never
Can I break the spell of the typical?
Break the spell (of the typical)
Break the spell (of the typical)
Can I break the spell of the typical?