<img src="http://tinypic.com/653d3q" alt="Why it's my logo! XD" align="right"> Well going with my theme of changes from last night. I've not only changed my journal layout(details in last entry) I've also gone through and changed my username.
Let's reflect a moment on my past name.
<center> <b>R.I.P</b></center>
<center> <i>Summer 2002 until June 18th 2005</i> </center>
It's been what I've been known on the net long enough and I've finally brought myself into changing it. I loved my old name in it's day, but I feel this new one will fit things better now.
A change will never hurt anything, and if needed I can always go back to my old. But for a while at least I'm going to enjoy this new one. I created supersayiandj80 because I enjoyed the anime "dragonballZ" at the time. So of course I wanted to show my connection to it while I was online. I spelled saiyan wrong, to fit in with the way people were spelling it online. There was a bunch of variations, supasayjin, saiyan, supersayatin and many more. So I picked my own, I also wanted my own name in there and so added DJ to bad, not many people called me by it. As that is what I always liked over "super". Which is another reason for this change, perhaps I'll actually be called DJ by random people on the boards. Well anyways the 80 in my old name stood for a old joke in my sophomore math class.
For some odd reason when my best friend at the time and I. Heard the number 80 we'd freak out and tell the teacher she said 80. It was pretty stupid but was apart of a good memory of mine. So, it got smacked on there.
But I really do need something new. Something that means as much as that then to me. As something now, this new name has a background. It's a long story and I feel even if it's something that ended up bad. It's not something I should ignore and forget about. But hey, I can honestly say I have one of the most expensive screen names right now. XD
Anyways, away from that I haven't done much so far today. I went into town with my parents to get some food and that's about it. Well, I'm going to go about gaia and do what I always do.
~DJ Bothwell
XDvandalDJ · Sun Jun 19, 2005 @ 02:35am · 5 Comments |