I found myself being woke up earlier today. The phone rang and since it's right by my head each night. It woke me up, I didn't answer it but oh well. I ran to the other room to listen to the machine and it was just my sisters friend. It wasn't a big deal since I discovered right then that everyone had gone into town. Well afterwards I watched some TV and finally moved on to the computer.
I checked my emails and all that, and then headed back to watch a movie. Once it was over, which I was actually glad since it was some crappy scifi movie.. about dragons and that old professor guy from sliders. ANYWAYS, somewhere in the day I worked my way back to messing around with GIMPshop which I'm rather enjoying. It's free and is like always free theres no trial membership or anything... it's just free. surprised It's insane I know.
Well, I really didn't know how to animate anything and my first attempt looks well like this.
I screwed up in some of the frames... Like how I made part of the base from character white and put in some random black line. But hey I am just learning how to do it and all. ninja
Well after making that I immediately opened it up again. So I could make something else, at first I was just going to have a dancing smilie guy. Then, I decided not to and just had it saying things... somehow it changed to kill everyone. Yeah, I know I'm scared too. Whoops, I just realized I said "everone" in the gif. Oh well, we learn from our mistakes. sweatdrop
I made two more, but since it is getting rather graphic heavy in here. I'll just post the next one I made and save the other one for later.
This is something I made for my mule flame machine. I liked how it turned out, and spent the most time on it with all the gifs I made today. The next one I had is just a picture with some added text... but it's the largest file size. So you'll be able to see that tommorow!
Also if you happen to be insanely rich, and have the urge to give a portion of your money. To a complete and utter stranger you don't know. PLEASE allow me to be that stranger! mad I needs monies... for life and food and moving and diapers!... Well not diapers but still!
~DJ Bothwell
XDvandalDJ · Tue Jun 21, 2005 @ 04:48am · 1 Comments |