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IT's a MAd woRlD doWn tHE RaBBiT hOle
kAN u sURviVe thE triP?
This is the first episode to whatever. *shrugs*

Episode One
The scene begins with Seven walking down the main street in a town. The town is on the edge of a large mountain range, and is surrounded by many little hills covered in grass. Littered everywhere are the remnants of large statues and old stone temples. The town is made of little wooded houses, and the main street is filled with a market. People from this town are buying and haggling, going about their lives. On top of a hill right on the edge of the town was a huge mansion in which the town ruler lived in.

Seven is a tall woman dressed in slender leggings, tall leather boots that reach up to her thigh, with a belt from her hip, that slants down to her thigh. On the belt is a holster for her three-barrel gun. She wears a plain, tight top, short enough to reveal her belly-button. However, a cape is over her shoulders, latching at the shoulder and hanging down long enough to hide her weapon. Only the side that the gun is not on is visible. Her purple hair is long and held up in a pony tail by a pewter hairpin that has a strange emblem on it. Seven’s green eyes are narrow, but calm.

As she walks down the street, people make a path for her. They stare at her and whisper to themselves. She is a stranger in their town, and she sticks out like one. However, she seems like she does not care.

Further down the street, a man is trying to buy rice.
Man - “A silver piece for a bag of rice? That’s robbery! I remember when rice would cost three copper pieces for two bags. What do you take me for, a fool?”
Vender - “These are hard times on us. Go elsewhere if you don’t like the price, but I’ve children to feed and a family to care for.”
Man - “I, myself, have children. But you can not expect me to pay that much for a bag of rice. And there is no where else to go!”
Vender - “With this new ruler, there is nothing else that can be done. He demands far more than any other that has been here. You pay or what?”
Just as the man was about to open his mouth, a foreign sound startled everyone in the town. Down the street, Seven stood with her three-barrel gun pointed above her head. At her feet was a man covering his head and shaking with fear. Her head was down, looking somewhere off into space. After a moment, she looked at the man on the ground in front of her and lowered her gun to her side.
Seven - “Go away.”
The man gasped, backing up away from her. She glared at him, and he quickly rose and ran away as fast as he could. Her eyes followed after him patiently. She looked around her, seeing the terrified faces of everyone in the town. The only sound that could be heard was the crying of terrified children and babies, but there weren’t many of them.
Soon, two guards of the town came to her, their hands on their swords. She waited for them to grab her and walk her off. She did not fight them, but went along with them. Once she was away from the town’s people, the crowed began to speak in low voices. The farther she was away from them, the louder their talk became until the town was as it was before her gun fire.
The guards lead Seven down into the dungeon of the mansion, to where the criminals of the town were kept. She went along with them, and listened as she mocked and cat-called her. Her weapon was removed and her hands tied behind her back.
They passed doors going to other cells, each door old and have bar windows. Hands and arms reached out from behind these bars, trying to reach the guards. The voices that belonged to the hands and arms called out to the guards, each pleading their case and begging to be set free. A few moments later, a guard unlocked a door and Seven was thrown into the cell.
The air rushed out of her lungs as she hit the dirty cell floor. She curled her legs under her, trying to get her breath back. Once she was able to, and she endured the final insults of the guards, she pushed her body up. She knelt on the floor, looking at her surroundings, but unable to see anything. The torch that the guards carried went with the guards, leaving the prisoners in darkness.
Seven sat down on the floor, and maneuvered her hands past her feet and began to gnaw at the knot. By the time that she was finished, silence had befallen the dungeon. Every once in a while, there was the cough of one of the prisoners, obviously sick and desperately close to death. She walked over to the door, and gazed out past the bars. The hallway that she had walked down was blanketed in darkness.
Seven - “Heart! Heart, where are you!?”
Seven whispered fiercely, then listening carefully for a reply. There was none, and she grew concerned. But she fought down her fear and she began again, this time a little bolder than before.
Seven - “Heart! Don’t play games with me. Are you here or not?”
Heart - “Seven! Damn, is that you? C’mon, get me outta here!”
Seven - “Wait a minute, will you?”
Seven took her hairpin out of her hair and bent it back so one prong stuck out. She felt the door, closing her eyes against the greasy feel of it. Finally, the metal of the lock was felt and she then began to pick the lock. She made quick work of it, and she smiled when she heard the lock click.
The door was old and heavy, and it creaked and groaned as she pushed it open. She only opened it enough to squeeze out before she shut it again, hearing the lock click once more. She looked around her, trying to peer through the darkness. She knew that his voice came from her right, closer to the exit.
Seven - “Talk to me Heart. I need you to tell me where you are.”
Heart - “The fifth door on the left. Move yourself, will ya?”
Seven - “Be thankful that I’m here at all! For all I care, I would leave you here to rot!”
Seven could not remember how many doors she passed, but she began to walk down the hallway, towards his voice. She tried to listen to him, but a slow mummer of pleas began to surround her. The other prisoners knew that she had escaped, and they wanted out.
The noise became louder and louder, and Seven became angrier and angrier. She cursed the noise of the other prisoners and was just about to scream at them and to Heart, when a hand grabbed on to her cape.
Heart - “Stop screwing around and get me outta here!”
Seven slapped his hand away from her and with her hairpin, she picked the lock. This lock was easier to pick, and she soon had him out of his cell. He stood there, looking around him. The noise, however, was almost screams. Seven quickly bent her hairpin back into place and then placed it back into her hair.
Seven - “Okay, where do they keep the weapons that they confiscate?”
Heart - “You don’t know!? You’re suppose to scope a place out before you enter it! God, your pathetic.”
Seven - “Shut up before I leave you . . .”
At that moment, a guards voice can be heard saying ‘What’s going on, you ingrates!’. Seven and Heart stop their fighting, looking in the direction of the one door. Quickly, they run to it, one standing on either side. Heart and Seven lock eyes, a nod, ready to fight their way out.
The door opened and two guards walked in. Seven kicked the first to walk in, knocking the guard backwards into the other one. Heart grabbed the other one and knocked him into the wall. Seven and Heart ran out of the dungeon and into the main building. They looked around quickly, trying to see where they were, only to see many guards right near them.
Seven and Heart looked at each other.
Heart - “You call this a rescue!?”
Seven flashed him an evil look.
Heart - “Why’d they send you? Cane is always much more prepared than you.”
Seven screamed ‘Shut up’ as she ran to attack the nearest guard. Heart followed her, and the two fought with all of their strength. But the guards kept on coming at them, and it turned to be futile. The two were over-powered. Seven was knocked unconscious and Heart, who was already weak from his long captivity, was forced to the ground.
The unconscious two are dragged into the main hall, and thrown down in front of the Lord of the land and his son. The guards bowed to their master and then put smelling salts under the noses of the two captives. Only Seven wakes, though, and she jumped.
She lifted herself up, slowly, after regaining her composer. When she was on her knees, she looked around her. Her eyes went from object to object, passing Heart’s unconscious body, the guards, and then, the Lord and his son.
Seven - “Inbreeding runs wild in this area.”
A guard kicked her hard in the back, causing her to fall on her face. She groaned, her head hitting the ground. The guard growled at her, telling her to be quiet in front of the Lord.
The Lord - “So, what did you do?”
Seven tried to raise herself back up to her knees, lifting herself up with her arms. The guard hit her once more, and she fell back on her face.
Seven - “This is real nice, y’know?”
The Lord - “What did you do?”
Seven - “Nothing that a sister wouldn’t do.”
She rose to her knees again and looked down at Heart. She slowly turned her eyes to the ruler, and then to the son. The guard was about to hit her again, but the ruler told him not to. Seven faced her body at him, glaring at him from under her hair. It was then that she noticed her three-barrel gun and Heart’s double blade scythe.
Seven - “I take it that you’re not too fond of weapons here.”
The Lord - “Oh, we’re fond of them. Just not on criminals. Who are you? I’ve never seen you here before. In fact, I’ve never seen your counterpart as well. However, these things here are of legend.”
Seven smiles cruelly.
Seven - “Are they?”
The Lord - “Indeed. It is said that they are the weapons of two of a very dangerous group out to destroy the empire. A group of warriors called The Trinity.”
Seven - “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Those are simple our means to protect ourselves as we wander. Unfortunately, you have caught my brother, and I have come to retrieve him.”
The ruler smiled and glanced over at his son. The son lowered his head to allow his father to whisper in his ear. A smile spread across his face, while he looked at Seven. Seven glared at the two of them, wishing she had her three-barrel gun in her hands. That moment, and very briefly, she noticed something that would help her escape.
The Lord - “I do believe that you must be Seven. Your reputation proceeds you, I dare say. It’s a pity that you use your talents for such a fruitless, unyielding mission.”
Seven - “Indeed it would be, if you had identified me correctly.”
The Lord - “Correctly? My dear, you are the only one known in the country - in the known world! - with this type of weapon.”
Seven - “I just keep a low profile.”
The Lord - “Let’s stop arguing. You are Seven. That is some other in your group. And I plan on turning you both in to the Empire. Take them away!”
At that moment, Seven rolled quickly, grabbing her gun and shooting at the chandelier that was hanging loosely over the lord and his son. The chandelier fell, but the Lord and his son dove out of the way. In the commotion, Seven placed her hands under her feet, so her hands were then in the front of her. She scurried over to the son, and held the gun to his head.
The guards tried with all of their might to get a hold of her, but when the chandelier was hit, they quickly ran to aid their master. Heart was left unattended and slowly waking up, not noticed by those in the room. However, everyone stopped when they saw who Seven had captured.
The Lord - “Don’t be rash. Just calm down.”
Seven smiled, pressing the barrels of her gun closer to the man’s head.
Seven - “Let’s talk business. You let my counterpart and myself go with our weapons, and we’ll leave your son, and yourself, living.”
The ruler looked at her for a moment, then laughed heartily. Seven remained cool, smiling at him in an cherubic-like manner. She could see the son stiffen in fear, and she knew that something was going to happen before she and Heart were out of this place. She prepared herself.
Seven - “I enjoy a good laugh.”
The lord - “Indeed, you are a good clown! But you forget. You are surrounded by my country men and guards, and you are alone. Your friend can not help you!”
At that moment, Heart, who had woken up and taken account for what had happened, had attacked the closest guard to him. There was a struggle, but soon, the two guards were on the floor. Heart, picked himself up and carefully picked up his double-blade scythe.
The ruler had been calling for his guards, but none had came. With one quick move, Heart slit the ruler, splattering his blood on the wall. Heart looked at Seven, holding on to the son.
The son was struggling to get free, to try to avenge his father and to save himself. Heart walked over to Seven.
Heart - “At least you’re not a total loss.”
Seven - “Like-wise. What do we do with the runt?”
Heart - “Leave him. Like there is anything we’re going to do with him anyway.”
Seven threw the son to the ground fiercely. At that moment, more guards entered the hall. They looked at their defeated master. The son screamed for them to attack the intruders, and the two readied themselves to fight to the death.
One guard looked around and then at the intruders. He shrugged his shoulders and looked at the rest.
Guard - “Well, I guess we should go home.”
The other guards nodded in agreement, completely ignoring the son. Seven smiled at Heart, and the two picked up their belongings and left the hall. The son screamed after them, swearing revenge for his father. Before the two left the hall, the son threatened them. The two had to laugh. They walked out of the mansion, out of the town and into the mountains.

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