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A Naruto RP of my life with my Friends, enjoy ^_^ (comments are how characters respond so if your not part of the rp and you want to comment send me an email)
For get everything: the walls return
The following day Masu tried her hardest to make sure she didn't even see kabuto. and even when she did she wouldn't say a world to him. 'it better this way.' she thought.

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Kabuto 93
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commentCommented on: Wed Dec 05, 2007 @ 03:10am
Kabuto walked around that morning a little bit lighter on his feet as he ran about the many corridors to complete the tasks he had to do for the day.

commentCommented on: Wed Dec 05, 2007 @ 03:15am
Masu accidentally bumped into him, " watch where you going Four eyes." she said with a very disgruntled voice, in her mind she said ' oh my god I'm so sorry kabuto-kun' Masu just walk past him and didn't even bother to help him.

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Kabuto 93
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commentCommented on: Wed Dec 05, 2007 @ 03:26am
When Kabuto was bumped he accidentally dropped the test tubes onto the ground, leaving them to shatter. He knelt down to pick the shards covered in liquid and he didn't knowtice who had been so rude to him. "Someones in a good mood today" he muttered under his breath.

commentCommented on: Wed Dec 05, 2007 @ 03:37am
"What did you say b***h," Masu turned around and looked down at Kabuto with a superior look on her face, "i dare you to say it again." inside masu wanted to tell him that she was so sorry but she had to get him to hate her, it was for his own good.

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Kabuto 93
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commentCommented on: Wed Dec 05, 2007 @ 03:50am
Kabuto continued to pick the shards up and looked down 'I've heard that voice somewhere' he thought 'It can't be who I think it is.' he refused to look up. He knew it was Masu-chan but he didn't want to make sure. "What I said was someone forgot to take their PMS pills this morning." he said speaking aloud this time.

commentCommented on: Wed Dec 05, 2007 @ 03:57am
"I'm gonna ******** kill you now," Masu eye turned in to 'Eye of the sun' (a orange sharigon like eyes but with lines of blue and purple in between the three dot on the ring that surrounding the iris) then she herd her father call for her, " you got luck this time, Four eyes." she said as she left.

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Kabuto 93
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commentCommented on: Wed Dec 05, 2007 @ 04:02am
Kabuto grunted a little but as she walked away he looked up. He could tell even by her back it was Masu-chan. He looked back down confused that she was acting in such a manner he wasn't paying attention as he picked up the last of the shards when he slit his finger. "Ow" he said softly and finished picking up the shards to throw them out in the nearest trash can.

commentCommented on: Wed Dec 05, 2007 @ 04:15am
Later on that night Masu locked herself in her room as all three curse marks began to act up. her screams of pain could be heard thew out the fortress. the pain was so unbearable even the strongest of man would be have be knocked out, but she had not. the door was ratelling but masu did not know who was here.

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Kabuto 93
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commentCommented on: Wed Dec 05, 2007 @ 04:23am
Kabuto couldn't stand hearing Masu-chan in pain any longer. He could tell somewhere that she wanted to be left alone but he wouldnt allow it any longer. He went to her door and knocked on it a few times.

commentCommented on: Wed Dec 05, 2007 @ 12:14pm
"GO AWAY, I"M FINE!" scream she shouted to who ever was at the door, 'it probable kabuto' she thought. Masu would have when to the door to tell him to go away but the pain had completely drained her of energy, she barely had anuf energy to keep her head up and her eyes open. 'i know you hate knowing I'm in pain kabuto-kun but i have to make up for what i did earlier to day.' she told herself as she bit down on her pillow too help ease the pain. 'I'm sorry kabuto, I'm so sorry.' crying

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Kabuto 93
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commentCommented on: Wed Dec 05, 2007 @ 08:17pm
"How stupid do you think I am?" he asked rhtorically. "Wether you like it or not I'm not leaving!" he said sternly and stayed in place. "and If I have to I will break down your door."

commentCommented on: Wed Dec 05, 2007 @ 09:40pm
' just as i thought, kabuto-kun.' Masu summoned the strength to go to the door and unlock it, and opened the slightly, "see I'm fine, now go away." and then closed the door and leaned up against it. 'just let me suffer, please. hopefully the darkness of death will consume me, then I'll be free of this place.' she taught as a tear streamed down her face.

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Kabuto 93
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commentCommented on: Thu Dec 06, 2007 @ 02:48am
"No. Your not." Kabuto said sternly and in seconds there he was sitting on her bed. "Now whats gotten into you?"

commentCommented on: Thu Dec 06, 2007 @ 02:54am
"nothing," she replied looking at him and then fell to the floor she couldn't hold her body up any longer; the pain was just too much. ' wish i could tell you but it's best you stay confused and angery.' she thought.

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Kabuto 93
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commentCommented on: Thu Dec 06, 2007 @ 03:18am
Kabuto walked over to her and knelt to her side. "There is something. Tell me." he said.

commentCommented on: Thu Dec 06, 2007 @ 03:21am
" it's nothing just didn't get anfu sleep last night," she replied. masu grabed the back of her neck all three cuorse markes were glowing red, and couseing masu a graet deal of pain.

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Kabuto 93
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commentCommented on: Thu Dec 06, 2007 @ 03:41am
"Of course" Kabuto said sarcastically. His hand began to glow blue again and he placed it on top of the hand on her neck to help with the pain.

commentCommented on: Thu Dec 06, 2007 @ 03:48am
"Don't touch me" she smacked his hand away from her . "just leave me alone, don't you have a date with test tubes?" Masu then grabbed her neck again. ' please don't do this kabuto-kun, i don't want you to get hurt.' she thought.

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Kabuto 93
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commentCommented on: Fri Dec 07, 2007 @ 03:10am
Kabuto stared at her a little. "The test tubes can wait. I'm sure their very patient if Im a few minutes late"

commentCommented on: Fri Dec 07, 2007 @ 03:16am
Masu frost herself off the floor and walked over to her bed and clasped, " the test tubes won't through you throw a wall but my dad will, so go."

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Kabuto 93
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commentCommented on: Fri Dec 07, 2007 @ 03:20am
"Then he'll have to throw me through a wall" Kabuto said and walked over to her. "Now let me help you"

commentCommented on: Fri Dec 07, 2007 @ 03:24am
" i'm fine!" she said, "go do your job, i'll be okay."

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Kabuto 93
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commentCommented on: Fri Dec 07, 2007 @ 03:36am
Kabuto had a bit of worry in his eyes but he rezlized fighting would get him nowhere. "Fine. But I'll be back as soon as I'm done." he said and began to go to the door

commentCommented on: Fri Dec 07, 2007 @ 03:41am
"Kabuto wait," said masu propping herself up on the head board of her bed, " everything that happened last night its best if you just forget it. I don't want you to get hurt."

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Kabuto 93
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commentCommented on: Sat Dec 08, 2007 @ 05:17am
He stopped at the door, about to open it. He took a deep breath. "I won't forget no matter how hard you try to tell me to." Kabuto said. "I understand you don't want your father to know. But I won't get hurt I promise you that. If he tries anything I will protect you"

commentCommented on: Sat Dec 08, 2007 @ 05:35am
"it's not what he'll do to me that I'm a afraid of," she said tears starting well up in her eye, " it's what he'll do to you, my own life means nothing to me. I've been on the receiving end of my fathers research, and i don't want you to go threw that", masu began to cry," i love you kabuto-kun and if your safety means i can't be with you then so be it."

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Kabuto 93
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commentCommented on: Sat Dec 08, 2007 @ 05:47am
"Masu-chan" Kabuto began to say and he wapped his arms around her. "Is that what yor worried about? I don't care what your father thinks about this anymore. He doesn't have to know and I won't get hurt. I don't want you to worry about me."

commentCommented on: Sat Dec 08, 2007 @ 06:03am
"But Kabuto-kun he'll will find out i know he will," tears still steaming down her face," and i can't help fearing for your safty. Your my piece of hope in hell witch is my life, Kabuto-kun if i lost you i would have nothing left. i would no longer be Amaterasu if he took you away from me, i would just let myself become another on of his puppets, for i would have nothing and i would be nothing." she looked at him, "i wish i could show how i feel because words just make thing so complicated"

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Kabuto 93
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commentCommented on: Sat Dec 08, 2007 @ 06:15am
Kabuto looked into her eyes. "You don't have to explain anything to me. Nothing he can do can ever take me away from you." He said still holding onto her. "no matter what he tries or does there I'll find a way to be with you "

commentCommented on: Sat Dec 08, 2007 @ 06:23am
Masu barred her face in Kabuto's chest crying her eyes out, 'Is this real or am i dreaming?' she asked herself, ' i can't believe this is really happening, do i really deserve kabuto? i am that monster's daughter.' Then masu past out in kabuto's arms from the pain of the curse marks.

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Kabuto 93
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commentCommented on: Sat Dec 08, 2007 @ 06:41am
Kabuto felt her body go limp from losing conciouness. He quietly laid her down on her bed and sat next to her with his glowing hand on the back of her neck.

commentCommented on: Sat Dec 08, 2007 @ 06:50am
after awile Masu opened her eyes "hu.." she said. she picked herself up. and looked at kabuto. 'what just happen? did i pass out?' she asked herself " kabuto did what just wath just happen really..." she stopped herself for knowing her luck it was just a dream she had coused by the pain of the curse markes.

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Kabuto 93
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commentCommented on: Sat Dec 08, 2007 @ 06:53am
Kabuto smiled a little "Yea it did" he said reassuringly wrapping an arm around her

commentCommented on: Sat Dec 08, 2007 @ 07:05am
"Really?" she asked, " then i wasn't dreaming?" Masu sat there dumfounded she couldn't believe it, her life was actualy looking up for once. she could figer out away to be with kabuto with out her dad knowing a thing.

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Kabuto 93
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commentCommented on: Sat Dec 08, 2007 @ 07:10am
"Not a single second of it" Kabuto replied.

commentCommented on: Sat Dec 08, 2007 @ 07:27am
Masu hugged kabuto as tight as she could with out crushing his rib cage. If she was abel to be with Kabuto, then on day she would beable to distroy her father and be free of is contreoland the curse markes on her neck would look like nothing more then tatoos. taughts of getting older and finding other members of her mothers clan an getting to know 'eye of the sun's true potentil, with kabuto at her side every step of the way mad Masu exsided. "i love you." she said looking into kabuto's eyes.

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Kabuto 93
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commentCommented on: Sat Dec 08, 2007 @ 07:31am
"I love you too" he replied.

commentCommented on: Sat Dec 08, 2007 @ 07:44am
hearing those words be said to her masu felt like she was on a cloud. then she hurd a nouse," what was that?"

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Kabuto 93
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commentCommented on: Sat Dec 08, 2007 @ 09:13pm
"I don't know." Kabuto replied

commentCommented on: Sun Dec 09, 2007 @ 04:17am
it was the sound of footsteps coming down the hall. but who could it be?
'what if it's Dad' she taught. a cold chill when up her spine the she began to have flash back of when she was her fathers lab rat. masu began to hyperventilating, a fearful look was in her eyes now. she held to Kabuto tightly. 'Oh god please, let it not be Dad.' she taught as she bared her face into Kabuto shirt well trembling with fear in his arms.

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Kabuto 93
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commentCommented on: Mon Dec 10, 2007 @ 02:17am
Kabuto held her tightly. "It's okay." he comforted her.

commentCommented on: Mon Dec 10, 2007 @ 02:27am
As the step grow louder, masu began to shake even more. until who ever it walked right passed her door at that same moment masu's heart skipped a beat. after all sines of danger had when away and Masu couldn't hear the footsteps anymore she finely said, "thank goodness, that was close."

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Kabuto 93
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commentCommented on: Mon Dec 10, 2007 @ 02:39am
"Very close" he said still holding her.

commentCommented on: Mon Dec 10, 2007 @ 02:44am
"see, it's to dangeres,We should just foget how we feel about each other and just act like everthing was just a dream," she said looking up at kabuto, "It would be better that way."

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Kabuto 93
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commentCommented on: Mon Dec 10, 2007 @ 02:48am
Kabuto shook his head. "I'm sorry but I can't. I don't know what to say to you to make you understand that I don't care what your father thinks about how we feel. If he gets angry let him be. I'll do anything to keep you safe except leave you. Thats something that would hurt to much "

commentCommented on: Mon Dec 10, 2007 @ 02:57am
"Kabuto-kun" masu said, she then closed her eye and put her ear to his chest to lisen to his heart beat, "okay, but it's your funeral."

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Kabuto 93
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commentCommented on: Mon Dec 10, 2007 @ 02:59am
"Nah I'll live" he said with a smile. "Don't you worry"

commentCommented on: Mon Dec 10, 2007 @ 03:10am
"Kabuto telling me not to worry is like telling the sun not to shine." Masu said as she placed her hands on her hips. she smiled, for she knew he was telling her to do the impossible." well you better get to the lab, you don't want to keep your date waiting do you?" She jokingly said.

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Kabuto 93
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commentCommented on: Tue Dec 11, 2007 @ 03:24am
Kabuto smiled and chuckled a little. "Yea. Better not keep 'em waiting. I'll be back soon enough" he replied and kissed her cheek before he began to get up and walk out.

commentCommented on: Tue Dec 11, 2007 @ 03:28am
"Kabuto-kun," Masu said and then grabed his hand, "You missed." then she grabed his shirt and puled him down and kissed him on the lips.

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