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The Tales of Zegwar
I can go anywhere I want to do just by imagining it, if you'd like to join me all you have to do is believe. So read what I write, even those few that aren't about my make-believe world of Zegwar. I promise, fun awaits those who dare enter my mind...
Kit Quotes (14)
“The irony of life is that hardly anyone gets out of it alive.”

“Love is not for the weak of heart.”

“I am the greatest mage of my age.”

“Magic has to have rules. It doesn’t have to make sense.”

“That was a psychologically healthy reaction to your birthday, Kit, really.”
~ Jimmy Davis

“So if all of you have special powers, what is Kit’s?”
“Kit?” said Tyler, “She just has one ******** up attitude.” Vince blinked a few times, biting back a mouthful of questions as he began to speak again.
“That, and she could kick all of your asses. At the same time. Blindfolded,” said Lizzy, “And with one arm ripped clean off.”

“You’re actually trying to find love. You can’t find love; it finds you and usually when you least expect it.”

“I try to fit in and be nice and normal. But the thing is I’m rarely nice and I’ve never been normal.”

“Teachers hate me.”
“You’re a teacher.”
“We all know I hate me.”

“You know what? This is just too much for me to handle on my first day back on the planet so we’re not going to talk about it until tomorrow.”

“For the world to continue we have to be successful every single time. To loose everything that you care about they only have to slip by us once.”

“I haven’t gone crazy the world has gone sane.”

“Wait...no! This shouldn’t be happening! What are we, in some kind of shitty fantasy novel!?”

“Look, there’s absolutely no use in beating a dead horse,” said Josh.
“That’s so not true! Beating dead things is so much fun!”

“Maybe we should shy away from the books with the chains and the locks and the runic seals,” said Tyler.
“And the smell of sulfur,” added Kit.

“Do you know what a hero is? Nine times out of ten it’s someone who’s cold enough and hungry enough not to give a damn. And I don’t give a damn.”

“For life and death and everything in between.”

“Life is like a virus. When you finally get rid of it, a whole new round comes with whole new problems.”

“You know nothing of death, allow me to educate you.”

“Yes, that’s right! It’s my fault, all my fault! Whatever you say!”
“I just said ‘hi’.”

“I used to wake up every morning and care. That doesn’t exactly happen anymore. The act of caring just sort of became something too hard to manage after a while not that I exactly struggled to keep up with it or anything. It was just easier to let it go.”

“All the world is a stage.”
“Dear God if you do something over dramatic right now I might actually decapitate you.”

“The only thing that I ever wanted was to be normal. Happy never even occurred to me. Sorrow and pain were just part of my life, I’d accepted that.”

“Kit, there’s trouble.”
“Ain’t there always?”

“Kit, you just saved the world.”
“That occasionally happens.”

“Ouch will you stop yelling at me? I saved the world didn’t I?”
“Yes, yes, you did. And NOW you have to do your math homework.”

“Allegedly,” said Kit with a laugh, “I love that word. ‘Allegedly’. Cause it’s like you did it but not really.”

“Is it okay if I just puke on you?”
“Not really, no.”

“Currently I’m suffering from a surplus of life.”

“I want to go back to my old life.”
“The one where you were in constant peril?”
“Yep, that one.”
“Obviously I prefer it over this one.”
“The one where you’re famous and everyone loves you?”
“You prefer almost being killed on a daily basis over stardom?”
“Haven’t we already gone over this?”
“Kit, that doesn’t make any sense.”
“Maybe not to you, you brainless oaf.”

“I, uh, um, aren’t you dead?”
“It’s complicated.”

“We’re two telepaths - our barriers have therefore been weakened to almost to the point where they don’t exist. So reel yourself in or you’ll end up in me and I’m not a very good hostess.”

“I’ll tell you how this works. You outted the magical world and you became the face of it. Then you died and then you rose from the dead. Now you are going to have to deal with it. And that includes remaining as the face of the magical world for the mortal world and being watched constantly and asked stupid questions. It also means not traipsing around in the dark of the night and nearly getting yourself killed.”
“See, that’s where you loose me. How can I be ‘the face of the magical world’ when you won’t let me be a magical as I do it?”

“KIT! I’m bored!”
“Must you say that every time you see me!”
“Every time I see you, you’re bored and chaos is not far behind.”

“Didn't you ever just think about running away?”
“All the time, I even went through with it on more than one occasion.”

“It was because I believed in you that I lost my faith.”
~ Andrew Pillar

“Insanity is what gets you through the day.”

“Excuse me?”
“FICTIONAL! You are a vampire hunter and you fight mythical monsters and you think that I am fictional!”

“What do you think, Kit?”

“Truly, I mean that from the very bottom of my sarcasm.”

“Everything is poison, but it depends on how much you take.”

“If right and wrong could be decided by fighting, then we would have all the answers by now.”

“It never occurs to you that some people don’t want their past opened back up.”

“Listen up, because you’re about to hear me say something very rare: You were right, I was…slightly less right.”

“You have no loyalty to us at all!” hissed Josh in anger and Kit grinned at him.
“Glad you finally get it.”

“Being around you just makes me tired.”

“What’s with you?”
“Why are you being so nonchalant?”
“You were just held up at gun point!”
“What’s with you?”
“Why are you acting so freaked out, like this doesn’t happen all the time.”

“Kit, when are you going to realize? I’m always going to be here, whether we’re kicking butt or just kicking back.”
~ Sarah Watson

“I don’t have an attitude problem; you have a being an a** problem.”

“Parents are there to be pinned against each other. That’s why there are two.”

“Kit, do you have the spell?” asked Jake.
“Yeah, right here,” said Kit and she dug into her pocket and handed it over.
“Is this written on toilet paper?”
“Hey, I said I was busy when you called.”
“Well now, you have it and I have to go meet Greg.”
“Then go.” She took off to meet him when she got there he was fuming.
“Where were you!? You just left!” yelled Greg.
“I left you a note didn’t I?”
“The one that said: ‘Emergency, don’t wait up’?”
“Kit, that tells me nothing. And it was written on toilet paper!”
“So! What is everyone’s issue with the toilet paper!? It’s paper ain’t it!?”

“Over and over again you dangled the hope of an end in front of me and over and over again you took it away. I’m getting close to functioning again. After what happened last time do you still want me? Why not choose someone else?”

“Do you know what it’s like to wake up one day and see that normal life you once knew was gone forever and try as you might you just won’t get it back?”

“It’s up to you to save the world.”
“It always is.”

“Sure why not. I’ve always wanted to go on an adventure besides what’s the worst that could happen?” asked Daniel.
“Death, mutilation, dismemberment,” said Kit.
“Gee, Kit try not to be so positive. Think of this as chance to get away from it all.”
“Get away from what?”
“Whatever it is that wakes you up at night.”
“That won’t go away by leaving here.”

“So, you’re a vampire, huh?”
“How’d that happen?”
“Got bit.”

“How does it feel?”
“How does it feel to have dead blood flowing around with living blood? To have death itself being pumped through your still-beating heart?”
“It doesn’t matter how many beautiful words you use to describe it. Being part dead vampire and part living human is just ******** disturbing.”

“Did you just hit me?” asked Jimmy and Kit looked at him.
“Stupid question,” said the both of them in unison.

“If it wasn’t illegal, I’d kill you!”

“Don’t let her in. I don’t have enough aspirin to deal with her right now.”

“I’m trying to change, I really am. But it’s like my past is reaching into my future and pulling me right into this present, of which I have no control over.”

“For the moment I choose to be illogical because the logical explanation is that I’m going insane and I really can’t handle being insane right now.”

“I don’t give a s**t if I go to hell, probably because I’m already there.”

“There was a reason that I was kept out of the loop for so long. I had more important things on my mind than who kissed who…things more along the line of what killed who.”

“I am not insane…I was possessed.”

“That was too easy,” said Kit and the demon got up again, causing her to moan, “Like I said too easy.”

“I am cruel because it’s fun, being unusual is just my calling card.”

“I don’t believe in love.”
“Then what are you looking for?”
“But you just said you don’t believe in it!”
“I don’t believe in unicorns either, but it’d be nice to have one.”

“For everyone who thinks that they know me, I forgive you.”

“The only men I trust are Jack, Jim and Jose.”

“You have a choice, we always have choices; yours, however, are limited.”

“Whatever happens, happens. Anyone got a lighter?”

“Trust me, destiny is a b***h and yes, she is a girl. She’s a very fast runner, an unnaturally talented stalker and has the sickest sense of humor in the universe. And oh yeah, she really does not like me.”

“Kit, life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning how to dance in the rain.”
~ Isaac

“Kiki, hurry up!”
“I’m packing!”
“You’ve been packing for six hours!”
“What are you bringing? Kansas?”

“Did you just throw that...that,” stuttered Daniel, staring at the demon, “That man across the parking lot with a wave of your hand!?”
“That’s not a man,” said Kit, her voice even more calm in contrast to his panic.
“You’re not helping!!!”

“Well, if you can’t dazzle the world with your knowledge, then baffle them with your Bullshit.”

“Andy, you can bless me all you want but I’ll never be a saint.”

“The problem with this world is stupidity. I’m not saying there should be a capital punishment for stupidity, but why don’t we just take the safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself?”

“Tucker, you’re not some kind of superhero, you’re just some kind of moron.”

“How do you know where you belong when you’ve been kissed by heaven, but tainted by hell?”

“Friends are god’s way of apologizing for family.”

“I’m sorry, sir, but I’m going to have to blow your ******** head off.”

“You’re right, I was wrong. You’re not a magnet for accidents - that’s not a broad enough classification. You are a magnet for trouble. If there is anything dangerous within a four mile radius, it will invariably find you.”
~ Doc D

“What is the key to surviving as long as you have?”
“Walk softly and carry a big gun.”

“Are you happy now?”
“I have my moments, they’re becoming increasingly far apart.”

“Jayne, this is Kit,” said Richard, “Kit, Jayne.” They looked at each other.
“Kit is a boy’s name,” said Jayne in his annoying, tauntingly aggravating voice. He seemed proud of himself.
“Jayne is a girl’s name,” said Kit sourly.
“I just knew you two would get along.”

“If you go through life and don’t learn how to be insane, then you have missed the point entirely.”

“I believe the phrase ‘Die b***h’ conveys my feelings quite accurately.”

“It’ll be funnier than a penguin playing the banjo.”

“Be crazy, be stupid, be wild, be silly, because life’s too short to be cool.”

“Being a genius means you don’t have to go college, but it doesn’t mean you won’t go bankrupt if you don’t.”

“Real life doesn’t necessarily have a happy ending or even a sad ending, sometimes it just ends.”

“I used to rely solely on logic and reason but I can’t do that anymore. Because reason and logic say that I should’ve died when I was ten but somehow I am still here and kicking at age seventeen.”

“She said that I was emotionally distant,” said Kit, “Whatever.”
“Well, Kit, you kind of are,” said Bunny.
“You are the definition of emotionally distant. We’ve been friends for a long a while and you’ve never even told me whether or not you even like me. You’ve never told me how you feel about me.”
“You know how I feel about you. I’d die for you, I’d kill for you.”
“Yeah, I know that, but you’d do that for a perfect stranger. In that statement, where you’re defending yourself you still didn’t say how you feel.”
“Well, I, I just don’t know how to say it, okay?”
“You’re a wordsmith!”
“I’m a wordsmith, when I say how I feel, I can’t do it unless I have the perfect words and right here, right now there are no perfect words for how I feel. So I can’t convey what’s in my heart.”
“Well that about did it, didn’t it?”

“You take spastic to a whole new level, you know that?”

“Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light.”
~ Sarah Watson

“4,000 days - it’s not a lot, but it’s all I’ve got.”

“Give me a minute while I go find a sharp object.”

“Sometimes I wish I knew what went on inside of her head. Other times, I am really glad I don’t.”
~ Joshua Scott

“I am many things, but sane is not one of them.”

“I live in a world of disorganized chaos.”

“You have my full divided attention.”

“I didn’t lose, but I’m not quite sure that I won.”

“Words have no meaning to me any more.”

“Even your happy thoughts are depressing.”
~ John Barnes

“When an evil demon is concerned over your mental state then you know that you have problems.”

“That’s not funny.”
“No, it’s not, but I’m going to keep drinking until it is.”

“Easy, you say? Yes, it would be easy for me to simply return to my life, simply return to the deeds that I have done. But honestly Kita, are my hands not red enough?”

“I don’t understand why they looked at me that way. All I did was ask if they had weighed their dead...Why are you looking at me like that? It was to see if the blood had been drained, in case of vampires. Is that so strange?”

“Anything worth fighting for is worth fighting dirty for.”

“Is it really moral to take a life to save a life?”
~ Sarah Watson

“I can honestly say I wasn’t expecting that.”

“Is anything sacred to you?”
“Only the right to bare arms.”

“Death comes to those who wait, life doesn’t.”

“Trust me, there is method in my madness. Or maybe there’s madness in my method. I can’t really tell any more.”

“Sometimes my friend, the world is just too big to save everything.”

“I gamble with my life, never my money.”

“One day, Kit, I’ll travel with you, when I’m big strong.”
“But first I have to survive until then.”
“You’ll survive.”
“You never know, I could be killed by a demon tomorrow.”
“Maybe, but you’ll survive anyway.”
“You’re asking the impossible.”
“You’ll work something out.”

“It is the fate of the demon hunters to become those very things which we kill.”

“I’m too deep into the shadows to be accepted by the light. But I’m not deep enough to be taken in by the arms of the darkness. So I border the line and I wait for a day when I might cross it. Maybe then I’ll have a place to call home.”

“Richard, you have as much in the way of precognitive abilities as this chair.”

“This world needed a killer and so I became one and I killed many. The world needed a savior and so I died as one. But now the world needs to leave me alone.”

“In my opinion Kit is a drunk fifteen-year old with a serious attitude problem and a crossbow fetish.”
~ Joshua Scott

“Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow.”

“True leader has the courage to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. She does not set out to be a leader, but becomes one by the quality of her actions and the integrity of her intent. In the end, leaders are like eagles...they do not flock, you find them one at a time.”

“Your attitude, almost always determines your altitude in life.”

“Here’s the thing, Kit, I’m the boss! You’re nothing!”
“Sure Boss-of-nothing.”

“I do have a brain, a rather sharp one indeed. I just prefer to use my fists.”

“I am a demon with a conscious and an angel without morals.”

“Let me give you a special tight hug, right around your neck.”

“How do you do it, Kit?”
“I grew up in the suburbs. If there is one thing I can do that never occurred to other demon hunters is that I can perfectly pretend that nothing is wrong.”

“Kit, that was a little overkill don’t you think?” asked Tyler as he and Lizzy picked bloody innards off themselves.
“No, not really.”

“Is it still paranoia if people really are trying to kill me?”

“Kit, this is quickly going from merely nauseating to genuinely disturbing.”
~ Marian Shepard

“Sometimes, when you’re dealing with extraordinary people, you need to take a few extraordinary risks.”

“The path to darkness is a journey, not a light swim.”

“Life is a journey, I just went through it without a roadmap.”

“And I have the greatest advantage: he thinks I’m weak.”

“Even in the darkest night there are still stars that shine bright.”

“As she looked down the road she saw the world as it truly was for the first time.”
~ James Wood

“Kit, we need to talk about our relationship-.”
“Can we do it another time? Because right now my shoe is slowly filling up with my own blood.”

“Don’t pour sugar on this bullshit and call it candy.”

“Kit, you never came back.”
“You said you would see me in hell so I thought we had plans.”

“One night I was laying on my bed and looking at all the stars, then I wondered ‘Where the hell is me ceiling?’”

“You know, if I didn’t know better I’d say someone doesn't like you.”
“But you know better?”
“Yeah, a lot of people don't like you.”

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  • User Comments: [1]
    Community Member

    Thu Jan 24, 2008 @ 11:01pm

    I like:

    “I try to fit in and be nice and normal. But the thing is I’m rarely nice and I’ve never been normal.” ;

    “I haven’t gone crazy the world has gone sane.” ;

    “All the world is a stage.”
    “Dear God if you do something over dramatic right now I might actually decapitate you.” ;

    “Kit, you just saved the world.”
    “That occasionally happens.” ;

    “Allegedly,” said Kit with a laugh, “I love that word. ‘Allegedly’. Cause it’s like you did it but not really.”

    AHHHH!!! They're ALL so good!!!
    I'm a writer too but I pretty much all the time come up with random quotes with nowhere to put them.

    ie = "Speaking of such joys is ridiculous, though not pointless."
    King (after his wife was killed): kill me now! Free me from hell!
    His Servant: but...sir, what if you never see the queen again?
    King: then damn us all for loving happenings on this earth.
    "Reality tells me not to believe in such a thing as love,
    but I happen to prefer that so-called 'state of mind'."
    etc. etc.

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