*blows dust off of the Toyama logs* Damn, it's been awhile.
Well anyway, I finally got my psychotic hands on 1000 Gaia Cash. I've been looking at the items for awhile now, and the evolving ones look look cool. My favorites are the Fausto Bottle and the Pora Ice. But, since I'm splitting the cash with my bro, Goto, I have a budget of 500. AND I CAN'T DECIDE! I'm quite fond of the Fausto Bottle's current stage, and a bit disappointed with the Pora Ice's current stage.
I made two "Holiday" avatars on tektek (since it's been a LONG WHILE) that I could make with the evolving items. Here they are:
Oh, I forgot to mention something. I'm dirt poor. I only have 5k. BUT, I'm selling my Dark Star and my Letter from April 2006. The Dark Star should get me around 16k (selling it for 20k with a 4k tax) and the Letter, which was the first to have 3 items, should get me 53k (selling for 66, 13k tax). Other than that, I'm just chilling in my Naruto guild getting ready for a said event.
Edit - I suck with percents... sweatdrop
*closes book as dust flies everywhere* Damn, I need to -cough- clean this more.