Night Mare:
I had a ton a pets, mostly small Rodents, but I realized they were all starving because I hadn't fed them of almost a year. They were all covered in diseases, like this cute little hedge hog that had huge brown warts on its back underneath its spines, I was freaking out and on top of that they started biting me trying to eat me or something. I thought I had to kill them to put them out of their misery but I started crying.. Then I woke up.
On good note yesterday nezzy made me happy <3
and Quotes
Blue Welsh 1st grade
"mommy all black people are stupid"
mom - "Who told you that"
"No one, I go to school with them"
its kinda messed up but I find it funny
me and my Dana
"Why are you touching yourself for breakfast!"
We slaughtered Because you touch yourself at night and had a few slip ups, and that came out.
I forgot about my other dream, which I found interesting...
So I was at this party and all these hot guys got on top of me out of no were and I felt really gay like I liked it, and then this girl got on top of us. She was trying to touch me and I was like whoa, I have a girl friend we can't do that. So yea I feel loyal ^^ and slightly gayer now... p.s. I think Navit was there.
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