Retreat from the heat... at 5 pm the rest of the house just became way to hot to do ANYTHING... even to reassembling and connecting tv, vid and dvd cords...
So I followed my furry boys (I gave them a bath today... they were sooooooo unimpressed. then I gave them an hour or so to dry off, put them into their travel cage and moved them to mums room) to me mums room. the rest of the house roasted in 32 degrees c heat.
not fit for human habitation so i took my book and water bottle and went to mum's room where the mini air condionter was doing it's thing. True it only cooled the air down to 28 but hey 28 beats 32 outright. It's amazing the difference 5 degrees makes...
Apart from nicking out to grab food at 6:30 odd I and a friend of mums stayed in there until about 8 ish when it finally began to cool down. so did the dog. Have I mentioned how much I hate and loath summer....
40 degree days shouldn't be allowed... especially when a person is sick...
my adorable younger sibling is sick as a green canary with something we think she caught off a guy at church. Said guy was only there long enough to set up the p.a. at church and then scarper but it seems merely standing within talking range of this guy was enough to catch it... which I don't get as I hugged him and I'm fine.... go figure. Anyway, she says she hates me and it's just not fair which I'd agree with.
Poor t... this can't be any fun for her at all.
The front half of her house is as bad as the back half of this one for turning into a hot box... and her car was broken into... after it got killed by a flash flood.
She just can't win atm.
well... forward to 08... may it be a profitable new year. ^_^
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The Sanna Continuation...
Since my original Sannachie got hacked i'm not really inclined to want to go back there. so I'm going to transfer what I've got left to here and continue on. fresh start and blah blah.
dramallama GAIA'S TOP FREE STUFF THREAD. dramallama
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