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Chapter 3 [i skipped two cuz im still working on it. so you'll hear sumthing about john it happens in chap. 2 but i dunno wat happens to him yet im still writing it] Yup chap. 3 i did this whole chapter just now. so here it is:

Ch.3 Love

David awoke to his alarm, and did the usual things he did on school days. He got ready, got on the bus, and went school. He wondered if John saw that thing. He also wondered why this was happening to him, what did he do? He cleared his mind when he arrived at school. Of coarse John wasn’t at school today, but someone did meet up with him this morning, unexpectedly. It was Jackie.
“Erm, hello” David said almost curiously.
“Hey, I need to talk to you.” She said back. Before he could reply she grabbed his sleeve and pulled him away from everyone else, and in a shadow. He was kind of surprised since Jackie usually doesn’t just pull people to talk to them. He thought that it must be important. Then he thought that maybe she was… no she couldn’t possibly like him too, could she?
Just a David was thinking this she finally spoke. “Sorry about that. I just want to talk to you.” This was strange. She never really talked to him that much besides the computer or in fourth period. He really didn’t care as long as she was talking to him anyway. “You have been acting strange lately. I saw you running from John’s house, and you haven’t been online lately either. What is going on?”
David didn’t really know what to say. He didn’t want to lie, but he couldn’t really tell her the truth either. She wouldn’t believe that it was family issues since him and his mother get along perfectly fine. “It’s hard to explain.” He finally said. She just stared at him. It was obvious she was pondering whether to say something or not. “Is it a secret or something? I promise not to say anything.” She said.
“No, I guess not.” He stopped to think if it really was a secret or not. He stopped and looked into her eyes. You could easily tell she was worried. “You honestly don’t need to worry so much. I’m fine.” She looked down and said “Ok.” And then started to walk away.
David stared at her and felt bad. He wished he could tell her everything. His feelings, these crazy things he keeps seeing, and just what’s going on. The bell interrupted his thoughts. He slowly went to all his classes. He was more pensive than usual today. After a few hours was now in his fourth block. He looked into the next class; seeing Jackie.
She had a substitute teacher today, so she looked back and put a note up to the window. It said: ‘Hey! I have a sub today.’ David got out some paper and began to write: ‘Yeah I saw him pass by’ she was writing and then put it back up to the window ‘I have a plan for winter break.’ David tried to replied, but Mr. Bronze saw him and asked him how to graph y=6x+17. David went up to the board and wrote the answer down. “Well at least you are paying attention.” Mr. Bronze said to him.
When he sat back down he continued to write. He put it up to the window and it said ‘When is winter break?’ she quickly wrote her response which said ‘This weekend.’ David just thought to himself. He didn’t know that the break was so close. He didn’t write anything back because she started to do some work, so he decided to do the same. After an hour the final bell had rung.
The teacher walked over to David’s desk, and stopped. “You should be glad you have exceptional listening skills.” His voice only had a tiny hint of lightheartedness. “Your grades are good as well, but I have noticed today that you aren’t being normal. Do you have any problems? Did she reject you? C’mon tell me.” David finished putting his stuff away. “No,” he replied back. “I just had a weird weekend.” Mr. Bronze just stood there and looked at him. “Well, whatever kid, but remember I’m not just your teacher I can be friendly, I don’t bite heads off until you kids are too noisy.”
David smiled a little “Yeah, I know.” He walked out to the busses, and was surprised to run into Laura, one of Jackie's friends. She glared at him. She always hated him, either because she knew he liked her, or because she’s always mean to most people. But he assumed she hated him the worst for no reason.
“You better not harm her again.” She snapped at him. “What?” David said back. He never did anything to harm Jackie. He could never do something like that. “I saw her pull you over alone. She looked worried. What did you do?” he didn’t say anything. Just got mad at the thought that anyone could think he would ever do something like that. “I didn’t do anything to her.”
Laura just glared more and whispered in a hateful tone “You may fool everyone else and her but my eyes can see through your moves.” Just as she said that Jackie walked up to them, and noticed Laura’s expression. “What’s wrong Laura?” she said. David sat there and did a silent sigh of relief. “Don’t let this guy make a fool out of you.” Laura said and walked off.
Jackie just watched her walk off and looked back at David. “What did you do to make her mad?” she asked him. David was busy fantasizing of Laura getting out of the picture, and then he comprehended the question. “ I must have looked at her.” he joked, causing Jackie to giggle. “I have a little question to ask you.” She said. He was hoping she wasn’t going to ask what was wrong again, but then she said “But I can’t tell you until around, Thursday, or Friday.”
The busses were about to leave so she ran off to catch hers. He walked over to his and just thought about what she was going to ask. He got on the bus and looked out the window. He was happy to be going home. He thought about Jackie’s secret question, than came up with a possibility that it just might be asking him out.
All he thought about the whole bus ride home was that one possibility. He was now happy. When David got off the bus and went inside his house, his mom noticed his happy expression. “What’s with you?” she asked. David looked at her and said “Jackie has some kind of question to ask me on Friday.” His mom looked puzzled, then she figured out what he was thinking. “Oh, I see. Good luck with that.”
He got on the computer, and was still cautious of it. The screen was regular once again. No one was online, so he wanted the day to end. He tried to go to sleep but was too excited. The only way he thought to calm himself was to think of other possibilities the question could persist of. He finally fell asleep.
When he woke up he was more energetic than usual. He took his shower and got ready for the bus. He was still thinking of that question. David thought he was overly excited about it, but he didn’t care, as long as he didn’t show it too much at school. He got on the bus when it came and fell asleep as usual. He woke up when he got to school and was greeted by Jenny this time. “What did you do to Jackie?” she asked, but she was calm when she asked.
He knew Laura told her what she thought I did. “Nothing, Laura just hates me. Jackie is my friend I wouldn’t try to do anything to hurt her.” With that Jenny thought about it and then looked more relieved and walked away. ‘What is with her friends?’ David thought to himself. He ignored that and started the boring day of school.
He acted normal despite his excitement throughout the day, yet he still seemed to be happier. Every other class was just as it always had been. He didn’t converse with Jackie through the window in fourth period this time though since her old teacher was back. He tried to get the question out of his mind and he thought about how John was doing. David hoped he was all right.
At the end of the day he found Jackie and tried to talk with her. He was glad she wasn’t talking to Laura or Jenny like always.
“How’s it going?” he asked her. She turned around to see David and said “I’m good how about you?” he defiantly knew the answer to that but instead he just said “I’m ok.” She smiled and then noticed the busses were about to leave. “Well, I’ll be going now, bye.” She said as she ran waving. Once again he was happy coming home. His mother noticed again and shook her head. “Oh, yeah. Mr. Bronze called yesterday. He said that you have been acting different. He called back again today and said that you were happy now. Did John’s injury make you feel bad or something?”
David didn’t say anything for a minute, then thought of something to say. “I guess that might’ve been it.” She didn’t say anything back. He went to his room and went to bed again. He really wanted Friday to come, so he always slept early to get rid of the rest of the day. The next two days were pretty much same as always, and he still went to bed early.
This time when he woke up it was Friday. He was almost too excited to get ready. He was eager for the bus to come this time, and when it came he didn’t fall asleep this time. When he got off for school he saw Jackie and ran up to her.
“Hi!” he said. She almost jumped, but she turned around and waved at him. “About that question I was going to ask you, I’m going to tell you at the end of fourth block is that okay?” As eager as he was to know the question, he respected her thought and just said “Yeah, that’ll be fine.” They parted ways when the bell rang and went to class. Today went completely slow, and David was bored the whole time yet still thought of the question.
The moment he had been waiting for finally happened when the last bell rang. Not only was it winter break, but also he would finally know the question. He didn’t stay after class to talk to Mr. Bronze today. He sped out of the school and met Jackie once again. “Hey.” She said greeting him, and to his luck shooing off her friends. “Ok, my mom is going on some kind of vacation, and is taking my little sister with her so I’ll be left alone at my house. Do you want to come over for a bit?”
It defiantly wasn’t the question he was asking for but surly it was good enough. “Well I’ll have to see what my mother says.”
“That’s cool. Hope to see you later.” She said as she walked towards her bus. He was still very happy. As soon as he walked through the front door of his house, his mother was there waiting. “So, did she ask you out?” she asked curiously. “No.” he said “But she did invite me to stay at her house. Can I go?” his mom sat there and thought about it for a while. “Her mother isn’t going to be there is she?” David had too much guilt in his face and confessed “Well, no. But-”
She interrupted him and said “Fine, but you can’t stay the night. And the latest you are aloud to be there is at ten o’clock. Got it?” David was happy. Very happy. Without saying a word he ran out the door. Her house was all the way down the street but he still ran pretty quickly. He finally got there and was heavily panting. He was bent over with his hands on his knees catching his breath.
After he his short break was over he knocked. Jackie answered the door and looked around. “Ok, it’s safe you can come in.” he did as he was told, and stepped inside. “It’s nice.” He said looking around. She giggled to herself, and sat on the couch. She signaled him to sit as well, and so he did. “So how have you been?” David asked. “Well it defiantly could have been better.” She replied.
She didn’t look as happy as he thought she’d be. She still looked a little sad like always. “You hungry?” she asked. He aid no and just sat there. She turned on the T.V and began to watch anything that seemed to be interesting. It was quiet for a while. David was looking around and an hour or so passed. He spotted a clock, and saw that it was 7:06. Jackie got up and said “Hey do u want to go to the park?” he got up as well and said “Sure.”
They both walked out door, and started walking. David didn’t really know where the park was so he just followed Jackie. It was a little dark out. When they arrived, he was amazed at how big it was. “Whoa.” He said and looked around some more. “Yeah, I go here all the time so I know where everything is.” There was a giant fountain in the middle of the place.
“This place is good when you just want to get out.” She said. They walked around for a bit, and finally sat down on a bench. “I’ve noticed that you seem sad a lot of the time.” David said. “Yeah?” she replied. “If it’s ok to ask, why are you so sad all the time?” He asked. “Family, life, school.” She replied again. “I see.” She looked down again. “I’m sorry if I-” he was cut off “It’s ok.”
They were both silent for a while. He thought about telling her now, but he couldn’t find enough courage. “Things just aren’t going too well at home. And sometimes that effects my grades, and I really can’t fail these classes.” She said. He didn’t speak. He didn’t know what to say. It was now nighttime and it was dark. “I never really talk much to people about things like this you know.” She said again. “Why not? He asked. “I don’t really know, I just don’t”
David looked at his watch. “Wow, it’s almost ten. I’m really sorry but I have to go.” He said, trying to sound more truthful, and being careful not to sound like he was trying to ditch her. “Oh…” she said. They both got up and stood there for about fifteen seconds. After those fifteen second were over she put her arms around his shoulders hugging him, and pressed against him. Her chin was on his shoulder and she had her eyes closed.
He was startled almost by this. He felt something wet touch his shoulder. She was crying. Soon after, more drips were coming out of the dark sky, and it began to rain. He wrapped his arms around her as well, and held her close. Despite the rain they held each other like there was nothing there.
She let go, and he did the same. “I-I’m sorry.” She said and she began to walk off. He stared at her for a moment then ran beside her. “It’s ok, really.” What was just a major crush was now turning into something more inside of David. They walked back to her house. “Well, I guess I will see you tomorrow.” She said. David thought for a few seconds. “Wait.” He said, “Maybe you can come to my house.” She just said “Well that’s nice but-” he cut her off “Your Parents aren’t home, your all wet and you’ll be alone. I’m sure my mom wouldn’t mind.
She thought about it for a while and went in the house. He turned and walked away looking down. Thinking of what he did wrong. A shutting of a door interrupted his thoughts, and a voice saying “Wait up.” He looked back and Jackie was running up to him with a bag in her hand. He smiled and they walked down to his house together.
When they arrived at his house, David knocked on the door. His mother answered. “Can she stay over here tonight?” he asked. His mom looked at him a little like he was crazy. “Her parents aren’t home, she’s soaking wet and probably cold, and what if the power goes out?” His mother was trying to think, but she took all those into account and said “Fine. Come on in.”
She opened the door wider and they both stepped in dripping. “Where’s the bathroom? I need to change into something dry, I’m freezing.” Jackie said. David pointed down the hall. “It’s the first door on the left.” She walked down the hall and into the bathroom.
His mom looked at David. “Your lucky all those reasons were pretty acceptable. And if it wasn’t raining I probably wasn’t going to let it happen. I was kind of thinking what she would do when it started raining.” Jackie came back out in dry clothes. “Thank you.” She said. “Why don’t you give her a tour or something?” David’s mom suggested, then she went to her room probably going to bed.
He went around the house and named off rooms, then he went downstairs and he told her it was his room. “Sorry, it’s was just a pretty basic tour, but I’ve never really have guests.” He admitted. “That’s ok.” She said. “Where will I be sleeping?” He thought for a bit and then replied “Well down here if that’s ok with you.” Jackie was thinking a little, or a lot. “ Oh, I’ll be sleeping upstairs.” He said embarrassed. “Sorry about that.” She just giggled.
They sat there for a while, until Jackie said, “Well, I’m tired. I think I’m going to go to bed now.” David was about to walk upstairs then said “Goodnight.” She said the same thing and then smiled. He walked upstairs thinking about her. He pulled out the bed from the couch. He lay there just thinking of only Jackie.
Jackie crawled into bed and looked around. She noticed a trunk next to a mini fridge and a bunch of thoughts ran through her head. She was curious, but she was also cautious, as she touched the top of the trunk. She was a little scared to see what was in there. Slowly, Jackie opened the trunk with her eyes closed.

After she completely opened it she opened one eye. She was relieved with a sight of just snacks. She started laughing to herself. Then she lay there and started thinking about things. Eventually she started to doze off, then fall asleep. A few hours passed and David awoke in the middle of the night. He tiredly went to the bathroom.
He realized that he had no blankets on his bed due to the fact he liked the cold more than most people. He went downstairs to check on Jackie. She was curled up, and shivering a lot. He went back upstairs to find some blankets for her. When he found some he went back down. He covered her up and smiled. He was thinking of her so much now.
She looked so cute when she slept. He was dazed and, he lay down under the blankets beside her. He put his hand on her side, and then took it off forgetting that they weren’t together. She must’ve been half awake, because she reached back and put his arm around her waist. She then put her hand on top of his, and they both smiled and fell asleep.
It was about six o’clock in the morning when Jackie awoke. It was still kind of dark downstairs since only light from upstairs under the door could be seen. No lights were on upstairs anyway. She then looked down and saw his arm around her. She blushed a little and turned around in his arms. She was now facing him. David was still asleep. Jackie just stared at his face.
He said “I love you.” But she knew it was from a dream, but she still felt that it was directed to her. She couldn’t help herself as she closed her eyes, and put her lips to his. She kissed him even though she knew he wouldn’t be able to kiss her back. After a few seconds she stopped and opened her eyes. “I love you too.” She said smiling. She closed her eyes again and laid her head under his chin and into his chest. Tears were rolling down her cheek. This time she was happy.

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ThE PoLiTiCaL DiSoRdEr
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Jan 13, 2008 @ 06:20pm
awww! thats cute!you are way more talented then me.

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