Sorry I didn't post an entry yesterday after work. I was rather tired and had plans to go on a canoe trip. Well I went on that with Jacob, the foriegn kid, and Jacobs cousin tim. We had planned to go down river a couple miles but ended up tipping the canoe over about ten feet from shore. We got back in another time and didn't get much better luck. There was four of us after all in that canoe. It really wasn't made for that many people. So we just swam the rest of the time instead under a bridge. It was cool there since someone attatched a rope to it. To swing off from I liked it at least.
As far as my first day of work went. My very first day of detassling ever. They made me a crew captain so I got to drive around the machines. Boss the kids around and all that comes with being a supervisor. I guess being the oldest guy there had it's perks. I did get sun burnt driving the detassler around. Thats a big tractor thing, with long arms on either side of it. It has baskests for kids to stand in to pick the corn. I just drove down the field, turned around and came back. Pretty easy on my part though my only complaint was the hot air from the engine.
As for today they had us walk the fields to get what we missed yesterday. Each kid was assigned a row and I had to supervise them. I ended up watching about three blocks of corn at a time. The blocks usually went by 4 rows of corn, 6 rows, and then 4 again. So I had a lot of rows to cover to make sure the workers were working. It might not look like I was doing much but I'm positive I had to walk several times more than the workers. As they walked in one single row of corn all the way down. While I had to cross around 12 or more. Plus I had to pick what they missed and let them know if they're missing to much. I made sure I was a nice supervisor and never really hounded them like crazy.
I know from experience that the supervisor can make or break your day. But it's pretty easy work. I just don't like waking up at 4:30 every morning. I don't get much sleep a night as I can't stand going to sleep to early. It just feels like all I do is work if I go to sleep around ten or so. Well I'm lucky for tommorow because we don't have to work. They need more rain or something for the next field so we have to wait until it's ready. But I'm happy about that as my feet are pretty tired. It'll be nice to sleep and fix my sleep cycle. Which is completely screwed up right now. Well I'm going to look around gaia for a bit and consider what to do from there.
~DJ Bothwell
XDvandalDJ · Thu Jul 07, 2005 @ 04:33am · 2 Comments |