didn't do any homework today, I'm going to do it all sunday and monday. I worked on a movie with the hacky sack crew, it was freezing but I enjoyed the snow, its so pretty. I hope we have school tomorrow I want to see Nezzie and Dana is coming over, so hopefully she can distract Margeret, well "entertain"...
So I had a dream about skateboarding, and hooking up with an 8th grader... Odd dream I remember rubbing her off.. I don't know if thats the proper terminology but anyway, then I was like, aw crap, I'm in a relationship, and I had this incredibly guilty feeling. Besides that I was skating down this one street with a friend or something, that was fun =3 and if your wounder I asked thats how I know she was an 8th grader. Does likeing loli's make me a ***** jk I have my limits too XP 3.5 years isn't bad over 4 is pushing it a bit to hard. So yea weird dream, good stuff. I'm going to bed now, I'll report back what I remember.
Quote of the day, another one of my anger haiku's I don't make these up I just yell them out when I get angry instinctualy. The original was ******** Nut; Butt Suck!!
******** s**t; Butt Lick!!
I crack myself up =D
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