after this one.
I'm watching a repeat performance of the school spectacular... lots of , lots of fun.
just had 'the show must go on' and now we've something from the Pirates of Pinzance.
Note to self... garlic rice is NOT nice...
The rat's got most of that lot.
I'm enjoying varied and different vampy stuff and have come up with the rough ideas for two new story chunks thanks to them.
Ohhhhh, cool swishy, swirly banners. FUN
I like watching those who can do a thing well... even if i can't. Must be hard to march in formation and costume on a stage while playing instruments. Bet that would've taken practice much.
wish I had better reception though.
finally able to switch my yahoo e mail for Cute Ones hotmail address. No more nagging from Gaia for her. That should make her happy.
She got to go and see the Phantom of the Opera on stage last night... I am sooooooooooooooooooooo envious. I'd LOVE to see that.
I wonder how it went. It hope it was good.
I'm of two minds as to whether i should d flee the cat yet or not... I'm leaning towards not even though she's scratching like there's no tomorrow. It's still pouring out there and the flea stuff isn't water proof... besides she has a sore on her neck still and the last thing I want is to poison the cat when I was trying to take care of her bug problems...
I think I will try and replace the monitor today... even if the new one don't work i got this one back in once so I'm sure I can do it again... confused
I hope.
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The Sanna Continuation...
Since my original Sannachie got hacked i'm not really inclined to want to go back there. so I'm going to transfer what I've got left to here and continue on. fresh start and blah blah.
dramallama GAIA'S TOP FREE STUFF THREAD. dramallama
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