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Mood: Relaxed
Atlas Crumbling (a song I wrote)
by Lynzi (masked-phantom)

Let it all, let it all come crashing
When we fall, we fall down
In the dust we’re writhing and thrashing
As the blood flows
Oh how the blood flows…
The blood comes pouring down

I wanna wake up – wake me up
I wanna get out – someone free me
I wanna escape, and I’ll do anything
Let this please be a dream!

All I see is eternal darkness
All I see is this empty void
I don’t want this—I need to find the light
But it can’t be found!

So let it all, let it all come crashing
When we fall, we fall down
In the dust we’re writhing and thrashing
And the blood flows
Oh how the blood flows…
The blood comes pouring down

Do you remember? Remember me?
Do you know? Know who I am?
Can you see? See what I’ve become?
Yeah, I know I’ve been damned!

Might as well let it all come crashing
Might as well just fall down
And stop all my writhing and thrashing
My blood will flow
Oh yes, my blood will flow…
The blood comes pouring down

Losing all secure
Losing all that’s sure
I will never be the same
Oh no…
Over and over, over and over I try
Over and over, over and over I cry
Over and over, over and over, nothing goes right
Over and over, over and over, this endless night
What’s the point when all is lost?
I’m giving up and letting go
It’s a waist of time
I’ll enjoy this last moment

Let it all, let it all come crashing
When we fall, we fall down
In the dust we’re writhing and thrashing
As the blood flows
Oh how the blood flows…
The blood comes pouring down

User Comments: [6] [add]
eterna verde
Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Jan 25, 2008 @ 04:46am
this be good*clpas like a dolphin*

commentCommented on: Fri Jan 25, 2008 @ 06:47am
Kind of like...
Evanescencey emoey...

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Jan 25, 2008 @ 10:08pm
Why cant i have talents like you?

commentCommented on: Sat Jan 26, 2008 @ 02:23am
You emo person. D:

JK...it's pretty! <3 You should make your own CD with this song and The Sky Fell Into My Picture. 3nodding And then some random screaming song about muffins.

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Jan 26, 2008 @ 05:31pm
Yes, I realize that my song is very emo >< but the angry depressed stuff is the only good stuff I can write....
Though Kyrinn, you're right, "the sky fell into my picture song" was pretty good, and I made that up in 2 minutes xD lol
I'll show you the lyrics I've made up so far to the screamo song about cuddly stuff, it is SO FUNNY!!!! If only I could do good screamo, but my voice isn't deep enough for the words to be indistinguishable xP
I think I need to make up a song about our random roleplay and questing for random things.... that would be spiffy =D

commentCommented on: Sat Jan 26, 2008 @ 10:02pm
Yesh! Random songs are fun to write. I wanna write one now too. >< I came up with this weird one about eating octopusses one night when I should have been sleeping...

You should also add the line, "I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M SCREAMING ABOUT" in teh screaming song. And you could...I dunno, edit the voice? XD

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