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uri omi house of surprises
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Uri Omi’s House Of Surprises

By Jamila B.Parker

Chapter One
The Beginning

As I sit in the dead silence of the night I wonder how things came to this. I haven’t had sex for two year. Its twelve’ o clock in the morning and I’m horny as hell. It feels like my hands have lives of there owns. They slowly run across my breasts. Pinching and twisting my nipples. It sends shivers to my v****a. Causing my hands to shoot straight for my c**t. I begin rubbing circles. This feels so damn good. Then my fingers start to slide in and out. First I use one finger. Then two. Then three. It feels so good it hurts.

I never ******** myself so hard before. Right now I’m so dam slippery. Then I see myself with my ex-lover. ******** ten miles an hour. A new position every ten minutes. Me on my knees, fingering her while she sit on the washer machine on spin. Her licking in circles around my c**t. Then her using her little pink friend on me. We love oral. We are good lovers. Not amateurs. When I finally snapped out of my tranz like state I’m dripping with sweat. I wish it had been a dream. I wish I had someone by my side. But not all wishes come true.

I’m a 123-year-old vampire. I’ve been a vampire for almost one hundred years and I still look good. I have long black hair that goes to the center of my back. I’m half Chinese so I have that pretty hair with those slanted eyes. I’ve been single for two years and I hate it. It’s a hard thing to deal with. But I handle it.

Its twelve thirty in the morning and I haven’t fed my hunger. It’s hot in here. I need to get out so I can breathe. I step out on to my third floor balcony and look out towards the horizon. The town seems dead. I live in a mansion above the town. Well it’s more like a dormitory. But I own it. Uri Omi’s House of Surprises is what they call it. There are thirty single person rooms, thirty, two person rooms, and twenty, three people rooms. Yet there are only fifty-five people (28 female and 27 male). They are all out and about at this time. We are like a family. We take care of each other.

I walk to my closet to look for an outfit. I look at my leather outfit. It looks sexy yet dangerous. I take it out. I pull on my skintight black leather mini-skirt and my red trim black leather corset. I go to my shoe rack and pull out my thigh high black leather boots and slip them on. I take my black leather trench coat with me in case it gets cold. I leave my room and begin to walk down stairs, my long black hair flowing behind me. “Lady Uri,” calls out a voice from behind me. I turn around to see Lena standing at the top stair. Lena is a tall, skinny, red head with beautiful light-brown freckles. She is very pretty. “You going out,” she asks. “Yes,” I reply. “Do you mind if I join,” she questions. “No. Not at all,” I reply. She immediately runs to my side. She wears a red velvet mini-dress red velvet heels and elbow length gloves. She looks very sexy in that outfit. “Cute fit,” I say as we walk out the front door. “Thanks,” she says.

We walk down the path to my black Caddy. From the inside it looks like a car straight out of the show Pimp My Ride. Black velvet seats, surround sound speaker system, screen on back of the front seat with fold out PS2, and a kick a** DVD player. Sounds like a dream car, huh? I unlock my doors and sit in the drivers seat. I start up my baby as Lena gets in. I set my coat in the back seat and drive down the path towards the front gate. I slow to a stop and wait for the gate to open. I quickly pull a pair of long black gloves out of my glove compartment. The gate is open so I drive out after slipping the gloves on.

I begin to drive towards the town. “Thanks for letting me tag along,” said Lena. “No problem Lena. I was getting lonely anyways. So how have you been lately,” I say. “O.K I guess,” she replies. “That’s good,” I say. I turn on some T.a.T.u and for the rest of the ride we are both silent. As we roll up on the town she asks, “Where we going.” “To the club,” I answer. “The club,” She asks with a confused expression on her face, “ I won’t be old enough to go to the club for another six weeks.” “No you won’t be allowed to drink for another six weeks,” I reply. “I don’t understand,” she said looking more confused than ever. “You can go as long as someone of age goes with you and if you want a drink then ask me. O.K.” I say with a slight smile. “But that stays between you and I,” I say. “O.K.” she says.

I pull up next to a building with two large men standing in front of the door. I park my baby in the parking lot. I grab my jacket and step out of the car. Lena steps out also. I notice she is caring a long red velvet coat on her arm. I lock my car door and we begin walking to the building. “Hang on a second I forgot something in my car,” I say as I head back to the parking lot. I walk over and open my trunk. I pull out a dagger and put it in my coat pocket. Then I catch up to Lena. We walk up to the door of the club and are instantly stop by one of the men. I look up at the tall Buff man standing before me. “Is she with you.” Says the man. “Yeah. She is. Is that a problem?” “We’ll need to see her ID.” Says the other, more heavyset man. I Slowly pass her a card. She takes it. “Lena Show the man your ID.” She shows him an ID card that looks dead on her. He opens the door for us. We walk into a quiet hall.

“Where did you get that and are you sure this is a club,” Lena asks. “Yeah,” I say as we walk up to a door, discarding the other question. I open the door and the hall fills with music. When we walk in there are lots of people sitting at table, on the dance floor, and ordering drinks. At one of the tables we see a group of people we know. There is Mike, a tall well built 25-year-old white guy with short dark brown hair. He is wearing a black wife-beater and a pair of baggy gray Jeans. Jesus (A.K.A. Poncho or Ponch), a 23-year-old white Mexican, slightly heavy set (more man for the woman as we say) short brown/platinum hair, and a sexy smile. He’s wearing a pair of Dickies And a Polo shirt. Then the white kid Heather, the 23 and a half year old emo girl with short black hair, tall, and also kind of heavyset sits there. She is wearing a pair of black and red Tripp pants and a baggy slipknot shirt. Last but not least Shaniqua (A.K.A. Shani) Miss thing got it go’n on. She’s this 26-year-old medium sized chocolate sensation. She’s strutting a blue velvet backless dress with a pair of knee high boots. Her beautiful black hair sways at her shoulders. But there is only one problem with her she is always trying to do better than me.

But I’ve out done her this time. My sexy black outfit, my long black hair that makes my caramel tone skin look almost edible. Oh my god I look fine tonight. I’m the hottest thing in here and that angers her. She stairs me down as we walk over to the table they greet us. “Dude! We weren’t expecting to see you guys here,” says Mike with a Giant Kool-Aid smile. “Yeah, well were here,” says Lena. “Hi everyone. How’s it going,” I say to everyone. “Fine,” they all reply. Lena and I sit between Mike and Ponch. I hang my coat behind my chair. “What are you guys drinking?” I say. Ponch replies “ It’s all about the Hypno.” “OK Hypno it is then,” I say. I call over a waitress and ask for six glasses of Hypno. “I’ll be right back with your drinks ma’am,” says the waitress. A few minutes later she comes back with our drinks. I pay her and give her a tip. She sets the drinks on the table and leaves. Mike gets a glass and holds it up. “I’d like to make a toast to the finest girl in the club.” “And who might that be,” I say. “Everyone knows its me,” says Shani. “Pssshhh! No way! Uri looks way better than you tonight,” he said with a smirk on his face. “Thanks but no thanks. Don’t forget you abused your right to call me Uri,” I say with a sound of disgust.

Mikes a cute kid, don’t get me wrong, but he did me wrong once upon a time. This kid has had a puppy love type crush on me since he was 14. He wrote me poems, sang me song, and he sent me chocolates and roses everyday. Then one day he took it to far. He desecrated my sanctuary, befouled my home, and disrupted every class in my home. I was in the middle of teaching my sex class when all of a sudden a cloud of blue smoke filled the room. The students began coughing and gagging. I told them to leave the class. I had to herd the students out of the class. After I got the last student to the door I passed out. Next thing I knew I was being carried out of the classroom. It turned out that Mike had set off a love bomb that went bad. I threatened to kick him to the curb if he didn’t stop obsessing over me. My home is for the abandoned and they are allowed to stay as long as they want, as long as my house stays calm, unless we are celebrating and it usually does.

Uri Omi’s house of surprises is mainly filled with the gifted, as we call it. The gifted consist of vampires, werewolves, and what ever else we come across. The doors are open to any one. I don’t want them to go through what I went through. They all have a home here. No one will go unheard. Everyone here knows they are not alone.

Chapter two
Flash Back-of Love and War

I remember how it was for me. It was June of 1906 in England, and I was walking home from my surprise birthday party. I was walking in the darkness of the night when well-dressed man in a carriage offered to give me a ride home. I figured my friends had set that up. So I gladly took the ride. “Excuse me sir, which one of my friends put you up to this” I said to the slender figure sitting next to me. The man appeared to be about my age. From the way he was sitting he seemed to be about 5’9”.
“What are you talking about,” replied the man with a rather puzzled look on his face.
“Today’s my birthday and my friends don’t want me to walk home,” I said.
“Well I don’t know what you’re talking about. But since it is your birthday would you like to have a drink,” he asked.
“Well you haven’t even introduced yourself sir,” I replied.
“Please excuse my rudeness Madam. My name is Count Artimus Lutius III,” replied the man.
“My name is Lady Uri Omi and I don’t have anything better to do with my time. I suppose a drink wouldn’t hurt.” I told the man. We pulled up to a big house. Count Artimus steps out of the carriage. Then walks over and opens the door for me.
“Thank you Count Artimus” I say as I step out. We walk up to the house and he opens the door.
“Wow,” I say as I walk in, “This is a big house.”

We walk into the well light room. I can see his face clearly. He is a very handsome man. Nice features. He had long brown hair, pale skin, and beautiful silver eyes that hypnotized. He was beautiful, very beautiful. “Yes,” he asked as I realize I was starring at him.
“You are very handsome.” I say.
“Lady Uri, I should be complementing your unmatched Beauty,” he says. I feel myself begin to blush.
“Follow me my lady.” He says and I follow. We walked into the dinning room and sat down at the table.
“Edward,” he said. Then a short thin man walked in. This man was very pale with blond hair and blue eyes. He seemed to be very young. I say about 17 or 18. He was dressed in all black formal clothing. He reminded me of a butler, but he looked very nice. “Yes, Sire.”
Replied Edward. “This is Lady Uri. It’s her birthday today so I invited her over for a drink.”
“I’ll bring our best drink” Said Edward.
“Thank you,” He said as Edward left the room.
“Poor boy was abandoned when he was 7,” says the Count.
“Poor thing,” I say in response.
“I took him as my own. He’s a good kid and most people thought he would have wreaked havoc in my home,” he says. Edward walks out with a bottle of some strange drink. He pours some in a glass and hands it to me. It’s a very pretty ruby red color.
“To a hundred more birthdays,” He says then drinks his glass. I drink mines. It has a very strong taste. The texture was very thick going down. He offers me another glass and I gladly take it.

It takes me five minutes to drink this one. I begin to get a little woozy. I try to stand up but I end up hitting the floor. He runs over to me and says, “Are you ok.” I begin to laugh, “Yes I believe so.”
“If you need to stay the night your welcome.” He says. I can hear Edward laughing at me.
“Thank you,” I say.
“Allow me to show you to your room,” he says. He picks me up and carries me to a room. He slowly set me down on a bed and sits next to me. I feel stupid.
“Can you stay in here with me please.” I say feeling silly.
“Hmm?” he says with a confused expression.
“Your home is strange to me,” I say. “Ok” he says. He sits in a chair next to the bed watching me. I slowly drift off to sleep.

When I awaken it’s about two in the morning and he’s asleep in the chair. The room is dimly light by a candle. He looks so sexy in the candlelight. I walk over to him and slowly slide my hand across his face. I ease down and kiss him. Then I feel a hand on my face. That scares me and makes me jump back. He opens his eyes and smiles. “Sorry,” I say.
“Don’t be,” he says as he walks towards me. He touches my face. It gives me the chills. He kisses me and I slide my tongue in his mouth. He pushes me on to the bed and gets on top of me.
“Do you want me,” He asks me.
“Oh, yes,” I groan as he grind against me. I help him pull his shirt off. I roll him over so that I’m on top. He pulls my shirt up just far enough that I can’t see. He pulls my bra down. I moan when I feel a warm wet mouth on my n****e. I feel his hand twisting my other one just enough to make them hard.
“Don’t tease,” I say and he pulls off my shirt and bra. He rolls us over and kisses down my stomach. He undoes my pants then pulls them off. I’m completely naked all except for my underwear. He was quick to pull them off. He takes off the rest of his clothes revealing his long hardness.

I lay him down at the edge of the bed. I step off the bed and kneel in front of him. I examine him before I slide my tongue up the side. I lick the head and tease back. He moans. Then I take him in my mouth slowly suckling and licking. He clenches the sheets and moans. I don’t want him to be the only one having fun so I let up. I give him a few seconds to catch him breath. Then I mount him. I slowly grind against him. He rolls me over so that he is on top. My legs are in the air while he slides in and out of me. I can feel him getting harder. I’m stretching. I try not to moan, but I do anyways. He’s keeping a steady tempo. He continues moving in and out. Then he starts to speed up. He’s moving fast now. It feels like an earthquake, we’re moving so fast. He’s breathing loud and hard. I’m moaning. I don’t know how but he starts to speed up. He’s going too fast. It feels so good I’m going to scream. “Stop!” I moan loudly. He doesn’t stop but he slows down to a civilized pace. I’m sticky and lathered with sweat. I’m slippery so he slides in and out with ease. I feel a hand on my leg so I screech.
“Its ok,” he says as he pulls out.

I see it was Edward. Artimus starts to kiss Edward. Artimus lays him down on the bed and starts to grind against him. It looks so good. Edward starts pushing upwards for more pressure. Then Artimus moved. I undid Edwards’s pants, take them off then throw them across the room. I start licking and sucking on his raging boner. My a** is pointed towards him so he slides his fingers in me and starts licking me. He’s good down there. I try not to loose focus. I suck harder and start stroking him. He looses focus and stops licking. He still has his fingers in me. I suck harder. Then right before he cums Artimus lifts my face into a kiss then tells me to stop. Then he starts to suck and in spite of him I stroke Edward. He moves as Edward lets go. I stop and sit in the chair. Artimus sticks his fingers in my mouth and tells me to suck so I do. Then he pulls it out and gets on his knees. He slides his fingers in causing me to jerk. He wiggles his fingers around. Then puts his mouth to me. He starts to lick. He’s good. I see Edward smiling at me. I try to smile but a moan slips instead. I feel an orgasm rolling in. I put my hand on his and pull coarse his hair. I feel him slide two of his fingers in while he licks. I moan.

Orgasms roll in like waves. I feel his fingers moving in and out. I groan to let him know it feels good. I’m pulling his hair, holding on for dear life. I don’t want to let go. I don’t want to c**. I feel my head roll backwards. “Stop,” I moan. He doesn’t hear me.
“Stop!” I yell.
“Lets see how long you can hold on,” says Edward.
“Please,” I say as I choke on my on spit. I gasp for air, still holding on.
“Let go,” I hear a voice say in my ear.
“You can let go now, its ok,” says another voice. I shudder as I let go. I open my eyes to see it wasn’t his fingers sliding in and out of me any more. I feel he still isn’t completely hard when he pulls out.
When I catch my breath I say, “Who was that telling me to let go?”
“You could hear them,” Edward asks.
“I guess so because they told me I could let go, and that it was ok,” I say.
“This one is special,” says the first voice.
“Yes she is,” says the second voice.
“TURN HER!” I here both voices yell.
“Who the hell is that,” I say.
“You’re not normal,” Artimus says.
“What are you talking about” I say. There is no answer.
“What the hell are you talking about,” I yell. They begin to whisper amongst themselves. Some strange way I can hear them.
“They say we should change her,” says Artimus.
“I’m scared,” Edward says.
“I think she’s the one,” says Artimus, “we must do it.”

Then they look at me. I take a few steps back. “It’s ok,” says a voice from behind me. When I turn around to look I feel a piercing pain in my neck. I feel someone breathing on my rock hard nipples. Then I feel another bite. I scream.
“Shh. Shh. Shh. It’s ok. It’s ok,” says a voice. Then everything goes black.

Then I see myself in a field. The grass is blood stained. The taste of blood fills my mouth. I see something quickly run behind me. I slowly turn to look. I see nothing. I see it flash past me again. What could it be? Then a young brown haired Indian man walks up to me. “A hundred years will pass young one,” the man says.
“What’s going on,” I say. “A dark haired man will enter your life,” he says, “A red head will sacrifice life.”
“What are you talking about,” I question.
“A werewolf will die and chaos will rein,” he says.
“What happened to me, please tell me something,” I say.
“You will change in the midst of your home,” he continues.
I grab him then shake him and say, “Tell me something damn it.” Then he disappears.
“Your past will come back to haunt you,” I heard his voice trail off in the distance.

When I wake up its dusk. “What a weird dream I had,” I think to myself. I walk over and watch the sun set. As the sun sets I wonder what happened last night. I touch my neck, remembering the pain. I look down at my naked body and see puncture wounds on my breast.
“Maybe that was just their way of getting off or something,” I think. Then I feel a pair of cold hands wrap around my breasts. I groan as I feel my nipples harden.

“Hello,” I hear Edwards voice say.
“Yes Edward,” I say.
“Call me Ed.” He says before kissing my neck.
“Ok then Ed,” I reply.
“You know you want me,” he whispers.
I chuckle, “Maybe I do, and then maybe I don’t.” He runs his hand down my stomach. “What do you want,” I say in a teasing manner.
“You know what I want. Don’t play dumb,” he cups my v****a, “I want you.”
“Where is Artimus,” I ask.
“Down stairs,” he says before sliding his middle finger in me.
“Why are you up here” I grunt.
“He sent me up here to…Check on you.” He says before sliding another finger in me. He begins to wiggle his fingers around. Its very arousing. He starts to kiss my shoulder and up my neck.
“Why did you and him bite me,” I ask. He disregards the question.
“I want you,” he says. He pulls his fingers out and rubs my c**t.
“Where Ed? Where?” I moan as he rubs. He pushes me on to the bed and we roll over so that I’m on top.

I’m wet so when I mount him he slides in with ease. I want it to be more fun so I get off him and start to tear a sheet.
“What are you doing,” he asks.
“Making things a little more fun,” I say. I use the torn sheet to tie his hands and legs to the bed. I remount the start to grind. Not like usual, hard. I want rough sex. I want it slow and hard so we can feel each other. I grind against him hard and he moans loud. I close my eyes and begin to speed up. He’s sliding in and out. He’s completely hard. Then I change my style. Instead of grinding I lift up and drop down causing our skin to make a smacking noise on contact. He’s shivering so I can tell he feels good.
“Please. Stop. I’m. Going. To. c**,” he managed to say between gasps. I don’t stop, I turn back to a grind. His mouth is open, but I quickly fix that by sliding my tongue inside. He begins to shudder. He tries to hold back and slowly fill me with his warmth. When I dismounts he squirts all over himself.
“Is that all you’ve got,” I say unsatisfied and angry. He just lays there silent as a lamb. I long to be filled with pleasure.

Then Artimus walks in.
“It seems you may want more,” he says questioningly.
“Yes please,” I moan sexually. As he takes off his clothes, I sit on the bed waiting, wanting. He walks over slowly, his girth swaying with every motion. He licks his lips at me. I’m so aroused by the sight of him.
“Mmm,” I moan. My heart is pounding, it feels like he’s taking forever to get to me. He lays me down, slowly sliding in me. He moves quick yet shallow. He’s filling my urges. I roll us over.
“Let me show you how it’s done,” I say. I grind slow but with depth. He puts his hands on my breast.
“Why did you bite me,” I say pushing downward and remembering the pain. All he can do is moan. I push harder and the bed creeks. He moves his hands to my waist. I’m angry but I feel good. As I start to speed up I feel a pair of hand on breast and a warm wet tongue lapping my ear.
“Slow down. Be gentle,” Ed says in my ear. He twists my nipples.

We ******** mean. We ******** hard. All the anger of life is being pushed on him. He’s completely hard by now and I’m about to climax. I feel Ed’s face at both of our crotches. I feel his tongue flickering my c**t. Clitoral stimulation and penetration!? Wow! What a combination. I shivered and gave into the orgasm. Edward sits on a chair and watches. Artimus rolls us over and keeps going at it. I moan. I twitch. I shiver. Here comes another orgasm.
“OH!” I moan loudly.
“UH!” here it comes again. I feel helpless, paralyzed with pleasure. “That looks so good,” Edward says.
“Daddy. I want some,” he moans. As Artimus pulls out I let out one last moan. I lay there and catch my breath. Edward is on his hands and knees at the edge of the bed. I see Artimus slide in with one quick push and Ed toss his head back. He's still lathered with my juices so he moves with ease. Moans escape their mouths. All of our bodies soaked in each others sweat. I see Artimus slide in and out. Then he pulls out and they both let loose. He flops on the bed next to Ed panting.

I get up and walk over to the window. The sun has gone down completely by now. Suddenly I feel my stomach turn. I drop to my knees. It feels like someone is trying to rip out my insides.
“What the hell is going on,” I yell out in pain as my vision begins to blur. I hear footsteps coming near. Its Artimus and Edward.
“Are you ok?” Ed asks. I look up and for the first time I see them for what they truly are. Their fangs are visible.
Then I hear the voices from last night say in unison, “She is the one. We must get rid of her. NOW!” Then I see them. Standing behind Artimus was the owners of those voices. They were gruesome, ugly creatures. They had beady red eyes, sharp pointed teeth, and claw like fingers. They had green skin that sent chills down my spine. I gasp.
“She can see us,” says the first one. I look down at my hands. They’re shaking violently. We mustn’t be near her when she changes,” says the second one.
“Get rid of her now!” they say together.

Artimus reaches out and grabs my hand. “Let go,” I say pulling my hand away, “Get away from me.” Then I feel Ed wrap his hand around my hair and drag me towards the door.
“Be gentle with her,” Artimus says.
“Sire we mustn’t be near her when she changes,” Ed says. He opens the door and begins dragging me down the stairs. Next thing I know Artimus smacks Ed across the face and he lets me go.
“I said be…” is all I heard Artimus say before I got up and ran down the stairs. Before I could make it to the door I trip over a bump in the carpet. Then I feel Artimus’ big arms wrap around my waist and lift me into the air. I begin kicking and screaming.
“I’m sorry love,” was all I heard before everything went back.

When I awakened I was hanging over Ed’s shoulder. He was carrying me somewhere in the fog. Then an overwhelming amount of anger and strength crossed me. I managed to get off Ed’s shoulder. I looked around quickly and saw we were in a clearing the a forest. I looked at Ed and he was starring at me. Next thing I know I was lunging at Ed with a strength I didn’t know I had. I black out again. When I came back around I was on top of Artimus with one hand around his neck and my claw like nails above is face.
“Edward,” he said with tears in his eyes. I looked to my left and saw a bloody corpse like figure arise from the ground and then collapse. I look down at Artimus with tears in my eyes. It looked like I had him pinned to a grave of some sort. I stand and stumble backwards.
“No,” I say shocked when I see the blood on my hands.
“I must take my leave, my love,” I hear Artimus say. He gets up and limps over to Edward's lifeless corpse and pick him up.
“We will meet again,” he smiles and carries Edward away.
“Wait!” I say. He disappears behind a could of mist. I just lay on the ground and begin to cry.

After a while I get up and walk over to the grave and kneel in front of it. It reads “Count Artimus Lutius III 1789-1814.”
“What?” I say. Then I hear something rustling in the bushes.
“Artimus?” I yell. No answer. Then, breaking through the silence of the night, a deep howl emerges from within the mist. I quickly stand and see a figure as it slowly emerges from between the trees ahead of me. Strangely, it’s on all fours. I instantly realize its not Artimus. I turn and run. I see the trees swiftly pass me. I quickly turn my head and see the creature pursuing me. So I speed up. Everything was moving so quickly when I turned my head to look again and it was gone. I stop and look at my surroundings. Next thing I know I have a pair of big heavy paws on my chest. Hard and cold, I feel my naked body hit the ground, a pair furry paws pinning me to the damp earth.

“I love it when they run,” the furry creature states, a hint of amusement in its voice. As the moon begins to creep off from behind the clouds I can see the creature clearly. It was a large dog-like creature with a large snout. Its silver fur glistening in the moonlight. Those big grayish-blue eyes starring down at me with a look of blood lust in them. Some how this dog creature looked slightly manlike. Then for an instant a word rang in my ears. One word. One word that bled fear in the eyes of the strongest of men. Werewolf. That word rang like church bells in my head. I felt my blood run cold.

“You know what I am, don’t you, Lady?” he says bearing his teeth. I felt a strand of saliva fall upon my face. I grunt and turn my head.
“Where have your clothes gone, Lady,” the beast says with a smile. I feel a large tongue lap my cheek. Then he slides a claw down the center of my chest. The other paw holding me down.
“Are you scared yet?” he says breathing down my neck causing me to shiver and squirm.
“Yes. Squirm you little worm. A struggle is always fun,” he chuckles.
“Why are you doing this,” I say holding back the tears of fright.
“I need not explain myself to a mere mortal,” he says putting his paw to my throat. I reach out to grasp the closest item to me. I feel my hand close around a jagged rock. On impulse I began jabbing the rock in his eye. I felt the warmth of his blood splattering on my face. I grunted as I sank it into his eye with all the strength I had left. He let out a deathly yell and toppled backwards. I scrambled to my feet and fled.

All I could do was run. As I ran I struggled to keep my footing. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. I ran until I thought my legs would fall off. But still I proceeded. My legs cramped but I still wouldn’t give in. The moon was now high in the sky. I had lost all track of time by now. After seeing nothing but trees for what felt like days I finally say a road. When I stepped foot on the road I finally stopped running. I decided it would be best for me to follow the road. I began to follow it. My lungs burned but I knew if I stopped I’d be killed so I wandered on. As I walked I saw no one. My legs be came numb from all the movement. So the pain no longer effected me. Finally I stumbled across a man driving a horse drawn carriage.

“Woe!,” the driver shouted to his two horses.
“You have to help me,” I plead. The man quickly jumped off his seat and rushed over to me. He took his coat off and handed it to me.
“What’s going on?” he questioned Then, from out in the distance broke the loud howling.
“Oh no-no-no-no-no. We have to go. We have to go! Now!” I yell at him.
“It’s alright. Just calm down,” he says and I take a breath, “Now. Explain what is going on.”
So I quickly begin explaining, “Th-There’s a werewolf…”
“A werewolf. Ha! There’s no such thing,” he apprehends.
“But there is. It was chasing me,” I protest.
“Poor thing’s hysterical,” he says to himself. “I’m gonna take you to get some help. Ok. and everything will be fine,” he says as if I’m crazy. He takes me to his carriage and seats me in the passenger seat. I just sit fidgeting hoping he’d hurry up. Then his horses begin bucking and neighing ravenously.
“Hurry up!” I shout to the man.
“Hold on a minute. I have to make sure the horses are fastened tightly,” he says trying to make me feel comfortable. As he walks over to one of the horses the howl rips through the silence of the night but this time closer than the last.
“Please sir, hurry before it’s too late.,” I say but he just continues fastening the horses harnesses. He moves to the nest horse.
“What in the…” the man trails off looking at the forest’s edge. I look. Emerging from the darkness of the of the woods came a hunched figure standing on two feet. I knew what it was. The man began walking towards it. “Hello….Excuse me…Are you ok,” the man says drawing near the werewolf.
“Run!” I shout to the man. But it was too late he was already upon it. I just sat there stunned, horrified. Watching as this man was being ripped limb from limb by it. This was the first time I had seen anyone being killed, but it definitely wasn’t going to be the last. I grabbed the horses reigns and reared it around. I guided the horses down the road, tears in my eyes. I was crying because of all the events that taken place since the day of my birthday. The biting, the vision, the voices, all that I have seen. I could feel it tearing at me. all of my emotions seemed to collide. Then it all stopped.

Then, once again, I see myself in that blood stained field. The taste of blood fills my mouth. Then theirs a strain on my canines. “Its happening again,” I think to myself. I see something quickly run behind me. This time I just sit where I stand. I feel a large hand on my shoulder. It’s the young brown haired Indian. “A hundred years will pass young one,” the man says.
“I still don’t understand,” I say.
“A dark haired man will enter your life,” he says, “A red head will sacrifice life.”
“Why do you come to me at this time,” I question. Then I see myself fluttering in the air. I have large wings and long flowing hair. I’m a demon of some sort. Then I feel something reach from inside of me and I become one with the thing. “Is this what is to become of me. Am I destined to become this creature,” I say looking at my claw like hands
“Yes,” he says.
“Why,” I say. Then I feel blood leaking from the puncture wounds on my breast.
“You will change in the midst of your home and you will hurt all that you love and care for,” he continues.
“Please. Tell me,” I say calmly, “Is their any way for me to prevent this.”
“Death will be the only escape. Without it you are destined to kill and you will not stop,” he says. Then it all fades into the darkness of my mind.

When I came to I was laying in a bed with a man sitting next to me. “Finally she awakens,” the man says.
“W-Where am I,” I ask.
“Aww. Poor girl doesn’t remember a thing,” a woman says as she steps in the room.
“Angela. Just the person we needed to talk to,” the guy says. He walks over and greets her with a hand shake
“Damien, is this the one?” Angela asks.
“Why yes it is. Can’t you sense it?” he says, a hint of mockery in his voice. Then she walks over and sets her hand on my head. She stands there dazed for a few seconds.
“Yes, a hundred years will pass,” Angela says.
“W-What does that mean. The man from my dream…” I say. Then there’s a throbbing pain in my chest.
“We must rid ourselves of this burden. She’s too dangerous to let live,” Angela says. Damien begins dabbing some liquid onto a handkerchief. He covers my face with it and everything turns into a haze of swirling colors.

I awake to a haze of gray smoke. Glowing and heated, flames dance all around me. They had tried to kill me. I somehow manage to stumble to a door. I grab for the doorknob but its heated from the fire. Crackling, I hear the roof above me begin to cave in. I run to the only window in the room. I managed to push it open a little. “Help!” I yell out desperately. No one came to my aid. Then with a large CRACK! I feel a wooden collapse on to me. “It’s over,” I think to myself, “Its all over.”

That day something happened to me. Something in me change. Some how I managed to escape. From the depths of my soul a strength arose. Not like the incident with Artimus. I had control this time. I pushed through the rubble and debris to arise to a crowd of spectators. All of them went white as if the had seen a ghost. After that day I was exiled and became hunted.

Yes that was the third day. I transformed just in time to save my life. But because of that I was on my own. No help from anyone. It was just me and an abandoned castle said to be haunted my some vile creature. But as it turned out it was just a friendly werecat who would become a long-term companion in the years to come.

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