W O H S stands for Work /Office Health and Safety... practical guidelines to keep a person from getting crunched at work. These very sensible pracitices include things like when you mop the floor BLOODY WELL DRY IT... or at least stick a sign up.
I didn't know where the towel was kept so I asked the boss who was in with me... who went' "Oh no don't worry about that now. A big group has just come in."
Not having much choice I went with "errr, okay."
Bad decisioun. half way through 2 skinny white lattee's one foot went one way and while i tried to regain my balance the other leg went the other. The milk, which thankfully I hadn't heated yet, went straight up more or less as I hastily tried to put it on the bench. drying the floor with my knickers wasn't quite what I had in mind. confused
Boss came and helped me up... which was good as I was having trouble getting my feet under me and was just sitting there in that stunned way people do while they're waiting for the pain to kick in.
That's the nearest I've come to doing the splits in a long time and my legs now thoroughly hate me. Getting wacked on the ground will do that for you. owwieeee.
The other fun thing I did today since the day was pretty warm, was flea bath the cat... and she HATED it. normally we use program or some other back of the neck spot on flea killer but we can't do that right now as my poor itchy kitty has scratched and groomed herself raw in places. that stuffs pretty powerful so I'm rather loath to use it on a pet with broken skin.
Flea shampoo isn't anywhere near as effective and a traumatic experience for both of us but I just want to relieve some of the itch until she heals enough to use the spot on. Poor flea bit Skitty had quite a few of them too.
Skitty isn't too bad in the bath. She doesn't try and scratch, claw or bite she just desperately tries to climb out.
And then cause Bess the dog had snuck inside I decided to give HER a bath too. It's been literally MONTHS since she was washed (mainly cause at any given opportunity she goes and hurls herself into the river, well that and the spot on stuff isn't water proof.) Good thing I did. That water was FILTHY. I used warm water so in the end she was panting from the heat. She was pretty good about it though. She won't lay down in the bath and sits with the greatest reluctance but she does stand and move where she's told too.
I didn't give her a thorough wash, just enough to take off the worst of grot and the smell.
After that I had a shower too cause I was soaked, the bathroom was a mess and I was sweating like a pig. razz
Bathing pets is hard work...especially when your legs hate you. I'll probably do Skitty the kitty again in a week or two if the sores don't heal but I've had enough for one day. Doing my furry boys, hanging the washing and my clothes can wait till tomorrow... My boys don't like baths any more than the cat does...
for now it's rest time... ahhhhhhhhhhhh.
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The Sanna Continuation...
Since my original Sannachie got hacked i'm not really inclined to want to go back there. so I'm going to transfer what I've got left to here and continue on. fresh start and blah blah.
dramallama GAIA'S TOP FREE STUFF THREAD. dramallama
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