Valentine's Weekend
Well this has certainly been an interesting weekend. Didn't go the way I expected it, but proved most amusing. Thursday or Valentine's Day was more amusing. When I arrived at work in the morning, I was put on balloon duty, as I have been for most of the week. Helium in, balloons go out.Once the store opened, it was massive chaos. People pushing people out the way. For what? Balloons. Then they get mad when we didn't have anymore of a certain balloon in stock. I so badly wanted to say that it was their fault for waiting to the last minute. For me, I bought my cards months in advance. Some I bought even last year.That was just the start of the day. Well I did get to spend time with the person I wanted to spend it with. Pretty much the high point of the day. Then even more great things happened. My boss lady said I could work till close. AN Open to close workday... and I'm not even a full timer there.I did get to close with my comrade in arms. Richard... wow... Haven't really actually said his name vocally before. I usually call him Captain Spiffy or something. Well after close, I went home and was well tired. Got in, walked the dogs, then tried to go to sleep. For some reason I couldn't because some person was on my mind. @_@ Stalkerish or just obsessed with the thought that I may have feelings for someone I really shouldn't have feelings for. *ponders* Well Friday came and was the last day I could attempt to gain 40 hours. So I carpooled with Richard and arrived at work at 12. We prepared for the truck to come and deliver our stock for the next week. Soon as we got started on the truck, a female co-worker and came in and said out loud,"All men are assholes." I'm like WHAT THE BLEEDING ********? Then she went on to explain that her boyfriend didn't get her anything for V-day. I'm still like,"WHAT THE BLEEDING ********? Because your boyfriend didn't get you anything, not even a card, I have to be placed in the same category as him, even though I gave you a card?" Well all of that is being said in my mind. I can't really bring myself to swear aloud. Just doesn't sound right. Well she had to come in later so I had plenty of time to prep something for her. A chocolate rose caught my eye so I bought it for her and saved it for later after work. Well when she came in later, she smiled and laughed then told me that her boyfriend found the card I gave her and got mad. Well it's not my fault that your boyfriend didn't get you anything, is it? Lawlz. Well he told her that he'd take her out on Saturday. Well he came in the store later and for some reason, I was seriously was restraining myself from just doing an epic face punch. Like Captain Falcon from smash brothers -FALCON PUNCH- kind of punch. (Google it if you can't catch the reference. A little time passed and we were about to close and she, Richard and I just started getting silly with dances and off to the side jokes. Her boyfriend came to pick her up and I can just see him eyeing my from the car. It was like one of the anime stare to stare with lightning sparks passing through the glass. Well for the rest of the night, I was just thinking about it. Her boyfriend getting all in a fuss about because of a card and trying to make it a competition out of it? Mayhaps. The only thing is that he has a one up over me because he actually lives with her. Well Saturday passed and well the only high point of the day was when Richard came over to play DOA3 and some DBZ Budokai. All the time I was wondering about her and how she was being treated. Gadz. I'm beginning to hate the feeling of loneliness. The depression can be a b***h. Well Sunday hit and I slept for most of the day. Then I got up and decided to go fix my car because it was having a bit of trouble. After about a few hours of going back and forth to the junk yard and Auto stores for like 8 hours, I finally got it fixed. Turns out that my alternator belt broke off and obliterated as well as my alternator bracket itself breaking off. Well just about near 600 at night I took it out for a test drive and it seemed to be working well. Yays. I can drive short distances again. well I took a swing by the store to see who was working and if I am working anytime this week. Well turns out that I'm not, but SHE was working there and told me that her boyfriend's date didn't go so well, but he is mad at me for some reason. LAWLZ. He's trying too hard and making it a competition out of something that it needs not to be. I'm just going to continue to be the friend that I am to her and keep her smiling whenever he slips up. That's about it. He's wanting to know whens the next time I'm working? Hell if I know. I work whenever I'm called in now. Well, guess I'll save this ring for whomever I actually well spend some time with. That's about it for this V-day weekend. 5 days at home alone with wishes to spend time with a special girl. Fission Mailed. Better luck next year.
Posted by: Enkyubus Tue Feb 19, 2008 @ 06:31pm
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