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Tridecalogism is a thirteen letter word (thats made up) for thirteen letter words. In the book series Midnighters, tridecalogisms are weapons against the midnight hour evils, darklings.
A fan site has a database of over 7000 tridecalogisms, but sadly, no definitions.
I'm going to define a majority of them using the trusty dictionary.com. =)
Note: I did skip quite a few. Have you any idea how boring it can get, pressing enter after every word? xD Also, some words had rather inappropriate meanings, or didnt show up in the dictionary at all.
Note #2: This is still a work in process, as you can tell by the gaping gaps. =D And the fact there are only a few letters of the alphebet here...
Note #3: My dictionary will be on more than one page, since I dont want too many words on one page. e_e

abbreviations- The act or product of shortening a word.
abiogenically-Not resulting from the activity of living organisms/Not produced by living organisms.
abnormalities- An abnormal condition, state, or quality; irregularity; deviation.
abolitionisms- Advocacy (the act of pleading for, supporting, or recommending) of the abolition of slavery.
abolitionists- A person who favors the abolition of any law or practice deemed harmful to society: the abolitionists who are opposed to capital punishment.
abortifacient- Causing abortion.
absorbability- To suck up or drink in (a liquid); soak up. Absorbality is basically how able something is to suck up or drink in a liquid, or something.
absquatulated-To flee: abscond.
absquatulates- To depart in a hurry; "Your horse has absquatulated!"
abstractional -An abstract or general idea or term.
abusivenesses - Using, containing, or characterized by harshly or coarsely insulting language
accelerations -The act of accelerating. (I really hate it when dictionaries use the word to define it. Annoying, neh?)
accelerometer- An instrument for measuring acceleration, as of aircraft or guided missiles
accentuations-an act or instance of accentuating.
acciaccaturas-a short grace note one half step below, and struck at the same time as, a principal note. (this is a musical term)
acclimatising -to acclimate. (See, the dictionary is doing it again!)
acclimatizers -To acclimate.
acclimatizing -" "
accommodating -easy to deal with; eager to help or please; obliging.
accommodation - the act of accommodating; state or process of being accommodated; adaptation.
accommodative -tending to accommodate; adaptive.
accommodators -a person or thing that accommodates.
accompaniment -1. something incidental or added for ornament, symmetry, etc.
2. Music. a part in a composition designed to serve as background and support for more important parts.
accordionists -a person who plays the accordion, esp. with skill.
accouchements -the confinement of childbirth; lying-in.
accountancies -the art or practice of an accountant. (this is the closest definition I could get)
accouterments -An accessory item of equipment or dress. Often used in the plural.
accoutrements -" "
accreditation - to ascribe or attribute to (usually fol. by with): He was accredited with having said it.
acculturating -to alter by acculturation. (*rolls eyes*)
acculturation - the process of adopting the cultural traits or social patterns of another group.
acculturative -to alter by acculturation.
accumulations - The process of growing into a large amount or heap: the steady accumulation of knowledge.
accustomation -To familiarize, as by constant practice, use, or habit: I have accustomed myself to working long hours.
acetaldehydes -A colorless, flammable liquid, C2H4O, used to manufacture acetic acid, perfumes, and drugs. Also called aldehyde.
acetaminophen -a crystalline substance, C8H9NO2, used as a headache and pain reliever and to reduce fever.
acetazolamide -a crystalline powder, C4H6N4O3S2, used chiefly in the treatment of glaucoma and edema.
acetification -to turn into vinegar; make or become acetous.
**acetonitriles (The page for this word would load. I'll come back to it later)
acetylcholine - 1. Biochemistry. the acetic acid ester of choline, C7H17NO3, released and hydrolyzed during nerve conduction and causing muscle action by transmitting nerve impulses across synapses.
2. Pharmacology. this substance used in its chloride form in eye surgery. Abbreviation: ACh
achlorhydrias - Absence of hydrochloric acid in the gastric secretions of the stomach.
achromatizing - To make achromatic; deprive or free of color.
acidification - to make or become acid; convert into an acid.
2. to make or become sour.
acquiescently -disposed to acquiesce or consent tacitly.
acquisitional - the act of acquiring or gaining possession: the acquisition of real estate.
acquisitively -tending or seeking to acquire and own, often greedily; eager to get wealth, possessions, etc.: our acquisitive impulses; acquisitive societies.
acrimoniously - caustic, stinging, or bitter in nature, speech, behavior, etc.: an acrimonious answer; an acrimonious dispute.
acrobatically - having the good balance, agility, and coordination of an acrobat.
acronymically - a word formed from the initial letters or groups of letters of words in a set phrase or series of words, as Wac from Women's Army Corps, OPEC from Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, or loran from long-range navigation.
acrylonitrile - a colorless, flammable, poisonous, carcinogenic (any substance or agent that tends to produce a cancer) liquid, C3H3N, used for the production of polymers and copolymers, as rubbers, fibers, and clear plastics for beverage containers.
actinomorphic -1. Biology. having radial symmetry.
2. Botany. (of certain flowers, as the buttercup) divisible vertically into similar halves by each of a number of planes passing through the axis.
actinomycetes - Any of various filamentous or rod-shaped, often pathogenic microorganisms of the order Actinomycetales that are found in soil and resemble bacteria and fungi.
actinomycosis -an infectious, inflammatory disease caused by Actinomyces israelii in humans and A. bovis in domestic animals, and characterized by lumpy, often suppurating tumors, esp., about the jaws. (EW!!! *gag*)
actinomycotic -An inflammatory disease of cattle, hogs, and sometimes humans, caused by microorganisms of the genus Actinomyces and characterized by lumpy tumors of the mouth, neck, chest, and abdomen. Also called lumpy jaw. (same as above... EW!!!! *gag*)
actualization - the act or process of actualizing.
acupuncturist -a person, as a physician, chiropractor, or layperson, who practices acupuncture.
adaptednesses -to make suitable to requirements or conditions; adjust or modify fittingly: They adapted themselves to the change quickly. He adapted the novel for movies.
adiabatically -occurring without gain or loss of heat
adjudications -1. an act of adjudicating.
2. Law.
a. the act of a court in making an order, judgment, or decree.
b. a judicial decision or sentence.
c. a court decree in bankruptcy.
adjustability - the quality of being adjustable: a reclining chair with infinite adjustability.
admeasurement- the process of measuring.
admissibility -that may be allowed or conceded; allowable: an admissible plan.
admonishingly -to caution, advise, or counsel against something.
admonishments -to caution, advise, or counsel against something.
adorabilities -very attractive or delightful; charming
adrenalectomy -Surgical excision of one or both of the adrenal glands.
adrenochromes -A naturally occurring chemical formed during the oxidation of epinephrine. (I'm too lazy to look up what the heck an epinephrine is.)
adulterations - the act or process of adulterating.
adumbratively -foreshadowing; sketchy; faintly indicative.
adversariness - a person, group, or force that opposes or attacks; opponent; enemy; foe. (in the case of this word, it means someone who is like and adversary. Oh dang, that defining a word with a similar word thing is contagious.)
adversatively - expressing contrariety, opposition, or antithesis: “But” is an adversative conjunction.
adversenesses - unfavorable or antagonistic in purpose or effect: adverse criticism.
aerobiologies -The study of the sources, dispersion, and effects of airborne biological materials, such as pollen, spores, and microorganisms.
aerodynamical -the branch of mechanics that deals with the motion of air and other gases and with the effects of such motion on bodies in the medium.
aeroembolisms-Embolism that occurs as a result of the entrance of air bubbles into a blood vessel after surgical procedures or trauma.
aeromechanics -the mechanics of air or gases.
aeromedicines -The medical study and treatment of physiological and psychological disorders associated with atmospheric or space flight. Also called aerospace medicine, aviation medicine.
aesthetically -according to aesthetics or its principles.
aestheticizes -To depict in an idealized or artistic manner: "When they range too far from experience, aestheticize life too much, the pictures are disappointing" (Village Voice).
affenpinscher -one of a breed of toy dogs having a dense, wiry, red or gray coat with tufts of hair around the eyes, nose, and chin, cropped ears, and a docked tail.
afforestation-to convert (bare or cultivated land) into forest, originally for the purpose of providing hunting grounds.
aggiornamento -the act of bringing something up to date to meet current needs.
agglomerating -to collect or gather into a cluster or mass.
agglomeration - a jumbled cluster or mass of varied parts.
agglomerative - " "
agglutinating -to unite or cause to adhere, as with glue.
agglutination - the act or process of uniting by glue or other tenacious substance.
agglutinative - tending or having power to agglutinate or unite: an agglutinative substance.
agglutinogens -An antigen that stimulates the production of a particular agglutinin, such as an antibody.
aggregateness - formed by the conjunction or collection of particulars into a whole mass or sum; total; combined: the aggregate amount of indebtedness.
aggregational - a group or mass of distinct or varied things, persons, etc.: an aggregation of complainants.
aggregatively - of or pertaining to an aggregate.
aggrievements -to oppress or wrong grievously; injure by injustice.
agonistically -combative; striving to overcome in argument.
agranulocytes -A nongranular white blood cell.
agrichemicals-A chemical, such as a hormone, fungicide, or insecticide, that improves the production of crops.
agrochemicals -" "
agroforesters -a method and system of land management involving the simultaneous cultivation of farm crops and trees; agriculture incorporating the growing of trees: Agroforestry ensures a continuous food supply, some continuous economic return, and the avoidance of soil degradation.
agronomically -the science of soil management and the production of field crops.
ailurophobias -an abnormal fear of cats.
alchemistical -1. a form of chemistry and speculative philosophy practiced in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance and concerned principally with discovering methods for transmuting baser metals into gold and with finding a universal solvent and an elixir of life.
2. any magical power or process of transmuting a common substance, usually of little value, into a substance of great value.
alimentations -The act or process of giving or receiving nourishment.
alkalimetries -an instrument for determining the quantity of carbon dioxide. (check page for grammer stuff)
allegorically -consisting of or pertaining to allegory; of the nature of or containing allegory; figurative: an allegorical poem; an allegorical meaning.
allelopathies -The inhibition of growth in one species of plants by chemicals produced by another species.
allergenicity -causing allergic sensitization.
alliterations -The repetition of the same sounds or of the same kinds of sounds at the beginning of words or in stressed syllables, as in "on scrolls of silver snowy sentences" (Hart Crane). Modern alliteration is predominantly consonantal; certain literary traditions, such as Old English verse, also alliterate using vowel sounds.
allomorphisms -variability in crystalline form without change in chemical constitution
amalgamations-The act of amalgamating or the condition resulting from this act.
amativenesses-disposed to love; amorous.
ambidexterity -1. ambidextrous ease, skill, or facility.
2. unusual cleverness.
ambiguousness - open to or having several possible meanings or interpretations; equivocal: an ambiguous answer.
ameliorations - 1. The act or an instance of ameliorating.
2. The state of being ameliorated; improvement.
amenabilities -1. ready or willing to answer, act, agree, or yield; open to influence, persuasion, or advice; agreeable; submissive; tractable: an amenable servant.
(as in, in the case of this word, what things can be amendable. "There arent many amendabilities..." wink
amiablenesses -. having or showing pleasant, good-natured personal qualities; affable: an amiable disposition.
amicabilities -characterized by or showing goodwill; friendly; peaceable: an amicable settlement.
aminoaciduria -excess amino acids in the urine, as in certain kidney diseases.
aminophylline -a theophylline ((a white, crystalline, poisonous alkaloid, C7H8N4O2, an isomer of theobromine, extracted from tea leaves or produced synthetically: used to relieve bronchial spasms, in the treatment of certain heart conditions, and as a diuretic)) derivative, C16H24N10O4, used chiefly to relieve bronchial spasm in asthma, in the treatment of certain heart conditions, and as a diuretic.
amitriptyline -a white crystalline powder, C20H23N, used to treat depression and enuresis.
amniocenteses -a surgical procedure for obtaining a sample of amniotic fluid from the amniotic sac in the uterus of a pregnant woman by inserting a hollow needle through the abdominal wall, used in diagnosing certain genetic defects or possible obstetric complications.
amorousnesses -inclined or disposed to love.
amorphousness -lacking definite form; having no specific shape; formless: the amorphous clouds.
amortizations -The act or process of amortizing.
amphictyonies -(in ancient Greece) any of the leagues of states, esp. the league at Delphi, united for mutual protection and the worship of a common deity.
anachronistic -pertaining to or containing an anachronism.
anachronously -misplaced in time; anachronistic.
anaerobically - (of an organism or tissue) living in the absence of air or free oxygen.
anagrammatize -to transpose into an anagram.
analphabetics - 1. Not alphabetical.
2. Unable to read; illiterate.

analphabetism -an inability to read
analyzability - How analyzable something is.
anaphorically -referring back to or substituting for a preceding word or group of words: anaphoric reference.
anaphylactoid -Hypersensitivity especially in animals to a substance, such as foreign protein or a drug, that is caused by exposure to a foreign substance after a preliminary exposure.
anathematized - to pronounce an anathema against; denounce; curse.
anathematizes -To proclaim an anathema on; curse.
anchorpersons -An anchorman or an anchorwoman.
anecdotically - fond of telling anecdotes.
anencephalies -Congenital absence of most of the brain and spinal cord.
anesthetizing -to render physically insensible, as by an anesthetic.
anfractuosity -the state or quality of being anfractuous.
angelologists - Um... the dictionary didnt come up with anything. But... someone who studies angels? Ionno. xP
angiographies-Examination of the blood vessels using x-rays following the injection of a radiopaque substance.
angioplasties -the repair of a blood vessel, as by inserting a balloon-tipped catheter to unclog it or by replacing part of the vessel with either a piece of the patient's own tissue or a prosthetic device: coronary angioplasty to widen an artery blocked by plaque.
anglicization -(sometimes lowercase) to make or become English in form or character: to Anglicize the pronunciation of a Russian name.
animadversion - an unfavorable or censorious comment: to make animadversions on someone's conduct.
animadverting -To remark or comment critically, usually with strong disapproval or censure: "a man . . . who animadverts on miserly patients, egocentric doctors, psychoanalysis and Lucky Luciano with evenhanded fervor" (Irwin Faust).
animalization -to excite the animal passions of; brutalize; sensualize.
annunciations -The acts of announcing.
anomalousness- deviating from or inconsistent with the common order, form, or rule; irregular; abnormal: Advanced forms of life may be anomalous in the universe.
antepenultima -the 3rd syllable of a word counting back from the end (Someone want to help explain the definition of this word? e_e)
anthelmintics -Acting to expel or destroy parasitic intestinal worms.
anthologizing- to compile an anthology.
anthophyllite -a mineral, magnesium-iron silicate, (Mg,Fe)7(Si8O22)(OH)2, occurring in schists in lamellar or fibrous clove-brown crystals.
anthranilates -a salt or ester of anthranilic acid.
anthraquinone -a yellow, water-insoluble, crystalline powder, C14H8O2, usually derived from anthracene or phthalic anhydride: used chiefly in the manufacture of anthraquinone dyes.
anticipatable -to realize beforehand; foretaste or foresee: to anticipate pleasure.
anticlericals -opposed to the influence and activities of the clergy or the church in secular or public affairs.
anticorrosive - something that prevents or counteracts corrosion.
antidesiccant -a substance or material applied to a plant, as by spraying, to inhibit moisture loss during transplanting.
antiepileptic-a drug used to treat or prevent convulsions (as in epilepsy
antiglobulins-an antibody produced by an animal in reaction to the introduction of globulin from another animal.
anxiousnesses -full of mental distress or uneasiness because of fear of danger or misfortune; greatly worried; solicitous: Her parents were anxious about her poor health.
aortographies -x-ray examination of the aorta following injection of radiopaque dye.
apathetically -having or showing little or no emotion: apathetic behavior.
apatosauruses - Very large herbivorous dinosaur of the genus Apatosaurus (formerly Brontosaurus) of the late Jurassic period, having a long neck and tail and a relatively small head.
aperiodically -not periodic; irregular.
aphrodisiacal -an aphrodisiac food, drug, potion, or other agent that arouses sexual desire. (as in, something like that)
apiculturists -beekeeping, esp. on a commercial scale for the sale of honey.
apocalyptical - of or like an apocalypse; affording a revelation or prophecy.
apocalyptisms -Beliefs in apocalyptic prophecies, especially regarding the imminent destruction of the world and the foundation of a new world order as a result of the triumph of good over evil.
apocalyptists -Writers of apocalyptic literature.
apodictically -incontestable because of having been demonstrated or proved to be demonstrable.
apomictically -any of several types of asexual reproduction, as apogamy or parthenogenesis.
apostrophized - to address by apostrophe.
apostrophizes -To address by or speak or write in apostrophe.
apotheosizing -To address by or speak or write in apostrophe. (??)
appealability - an earnest request for aid, support, sympathy, mercy, etc.; entreaty; petition; plea.
to be especially attractive, pleasing, interesting, or enjoyable: The red hat appeals to me.
How appearling something is. Its appealability.
appellatively -designative; descriptive.
apperceptions -Conscious perception with full awareness.
The process of understanding by which newly observed qualities of an object are related to past experience. (in this case, a number of either of those) "Your apperceptions are lacking"
applicability -applying or capable of being applied; relevant; suitable; appropriate: an applicable rule; a solution that is applicable to the problem.
applicatively -usable or capable of being used; practical; applicatory.
appoggiaturas -An embellishing note, usually one step above or below the note it precedes and indicated by a small note or special sign.
apportionable -to distribute or allocate proportionally; divide and assign according to some rule of proportional distribution: to apportion expenses among the three men.
apportionment - the act of apportioning.
appraisements - the act of estimating or judging the nature or value of something or someone.
appreciations -Recognition of the quality, value, significance, or magnitude of people and things.
apprehensible -capable of being understood.
apprehensibly -capable of being understood. "Could you say that apprehesibly?"
apprehensions -Fearful or uneasy anticipation of the future; dread.
appropriately - suitable or fitting for a particular purpose, person, occasion, etc.: an appropriate example; an appropriate dress.
appropriating - suitable or fitting for a particular purpose, person, occasion, etc.: an appropriate example; an appropriate dress.
appropriation -the act of appropriating.
appropriative - suitable or fitting for a particular purpose, person, occasion, etc.: an appropriate example; an appropriate dress.
appropriators - suitable or fitting for a particular purpose, person, occasion, etc.: an appropriate example; an appropriate dress.
aptitudinally -capability; ability; innate or acquired capacity for something; talent: She has a special aptitude for mathematics.
arabicization - (of a language or a linguistic feature) to make or become Arabic in form.
arbitrariness -subject to individual will or judgment without restriction; contingent solely upon one's discretion: an arbitrary decision.
arbitrational - the hearing and determining of a dispute or the settling of differences between parties by a person or persons chosen or agreed to by them: Rather than risk a long strike, the union and management agreed to arbitration.
arborescences-treelike in size and form.
arboriculture-the cultivation of trees and shrubs.
arborizations-A branching, treelike shape or arrangement, as that of the dendrite of a nerve cell.
autosuggested -The process by which a person induces self-acceptance of an opinion, belief, or plan of action.
autoxidations -the oxidation of a compound by exposure to air.
aviculturists -the rearing or keeping of birds. (This word is for the people who keep the birds. xP)
avocationally -something a person does in addition to a principal occupation, esp. for pleasure; hobby: Our doctor's avocation is painting.
avoirdupoises -Weight or heaviness, especially of a person.
awesomenesses -Actions/things inspiring awe: an awesome sight.
awkwardnesses -Actions lacking skill or dexterity; clumsy.
axiologically -the branch of philosophy dealing with values, as those of ethics, aesthetics, or religion.
axiomatically -pertaining to or of the nature of an axiom; self-evident; obvious.
axisymmetries -symmetric about an axis.
azathioprines-An immunosuppressive agent used especially to prevent organ rejection in kidney transplant recipients.

User Comments: [3] [add]
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Feb 23, 2008 @ 10:29pm
YAY!! congratulations! *clapclap*

now i just hafta read them.

commentCommented on: Sat Feb 23, 2008 @ 11:03pm
woooow this is impressive! biggrin 3nodding

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Feb 24, 2008 @ 05:35pm
e_e Now... to do the rest of the alphebet.

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