Okay, some of you may remember my bulletin rant a few days ago,
well, I just thought I would journal it.
That way, just cause I can! D=<
Remember, I didn't mean to be directly offensive to anyone.
It's just that I get sort of mad here taking three A.P. classes and getting top in state and U.S. on ACT and SAT and then some DVHS child come up to me in these impossible to fail classes and act like they are smarter then me cause they might have a letter up on me.
You can only go to DVHS if you FAIL DRAMATICALY at the BUHS campus.
Okay, I love you all, but still.
I have nothing against the Desert High kids.
A lot of them are my friends.
I love them, they rock.
But no offence..
Okay, One of my friends from D.V.H.S. starts talking about how this kid that just transferred into the high was some super genius.
Okay, Seriously.
These are FAILURES.
I don't care what you say.
Straight A report from D.V.H.S. is only equal to a straight C from B.U.H.S. by collage standards.
If they even LOOK at yours.
I'm sorry, I love you all,
But CAN NOT be some super genius if your at D.V.H.S.
I'm sure you have PLENTY of other great talents,
But your just not smart.
At least not by school standards.
So if you go to D.V.H.S.........
I will go back on my rant mode if you do! D=<
If you feel you can properly contradict my statements and belief, or think I am just being a bit dogmatic, then I would be more then glad to engage in a debate with you.
Seriously, knock yourself out.
I'm armed with statistics, collage letters, collage requirement listings, and a so many other things.
I'm looking forward to it.
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Here's my journal, I'm trying to keep it a daily one, so some days may be weird :sweat: So, I'm either going to put what happend that day, or if it was boring, enter some of my thoughs or how I feel, sometimes just about a person I know, so ya, Thank
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