Besides the fact that my title is spelled the way TIgger would say thing (Tiggers speach owns you all) There r 2 overly awesome amazing things that have happened.
1: Me and teh Morgster r gewd now! Turns out it was some stupid arguement about some stupid misunderstanding and now everythings been fixed.
2: OMB Not 12 like it should be.... but maybe this weekend, or whenever, I will have Brawl before the release date thanks to a very dear friend of mine whee Me and a very good friend of mine have pitched in money and are getting copies of Brawl before the release date! We r going to mail the money today, and intend to try and pull off an all nighter of unlocking everything in 1 night! eek eek eek I think we can do it.... Limit is, 1st 1 to get everything in 3 days.........Wins...... I dunno...... Bragging rights for the other.
Yeah I've been slow on updates, so hopefully I'll get bak to speed on them. I plan to post a Journal entry on all my thoughts on Brawl, after playing it for at least a day. So if you want goodies on the game, keep up with my journal.
Random Quote of the Day
Ashley: NUUUUUU whee Put the phone down! Pictures steel your soul!
Ben: They do?
Ash: Yes they do... wait...
Ben: I have 3 pics of you already, and I only took 1 of'em, you txted me the others.....So technically, you gave me 2 parts of your soul..... twisted
Ash: OMB! I HATE YOU!!!!!!!
Last night at our Churchs Bible Study, I had been taking pictures of everyone out of sheer boredom..... I own the souls oooooooooooof.
Amber, Ashley, Kala, Lyn, 3 of my cousins, Jeff, Taylor, The lead singer of Skillet, The Lead Singer of Skillets Wife, Christopher, and many more twisted I need a new Morgy pic twisted
SARA!!!!!!!!! YOU ******** KICK MAJOR EPIC a**!!!!!!!!!!!! And Eli says thank you.
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Book of Fate
Named after the Climactic ending of my Story the IV Chronicles. This is my Journal full of blah, and crap I feel like telling you guys