One was if you want the nasty lurking stuff to fade... DON'T reinforced it. I'm glad of that as ai was praying over a nasty problem I've been having lately. I learned about the 3 states people are usual in. Child, Parental and Adult and a technique to move from kid (that is purely emotional) to to adult (rational and logical) Very, very useful thing indeed... though I've yet to try it in practice.
also came up with 3 new stories and re discovered where i got a lot of my idea's for some of the originals. Now, all I gotta do is write em down. razz
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The Sanna Continuation...
Since my original Sannachie got hacked i'm not really inclined to want to go back there. so I'm going to transfer what I've got left to here and continue on. fresh start and blah blah.
dramallama GAIA'S TOP FREE STUFF THREAD. dramallama
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