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Wtf mate?
click a EMPTY number 1-220 and write a secret. Don't tell anyone your number it's a secret. Just repost when done, everyone has a secret.

1. I agree with 100.
2. I've had sex with 5 guys, and I'm not even a legal adult.
3. I am 19 and ready to get married
4. Reading through this list has made me disgusted with humanity. XP
5.I lied when I said I loved you I love someone else...sorry.
6.I hate most people, I think people are a disgusting breed. AND you have made me the happiest I have been in the longest time. I love you.
7. deep down inside, I know when they call me a slut, they're right.
8. I sometimes think I will be single forever...and it makes me depressed.
9. I swear that I'm not just like all other guys, but I've cheated on two of the girls that I loved the most, and I'm sure that's what doomed us to break up.
10.i have had 5 boyfriends and i have never made out with any of them and i am 15 and #133 needs help
11.im only fifteen and ******** 5 guys. only one had a condom.
12. i get scared when people tell me they love me..and i back out of a relationship...
13. sometimes i think about other guys even tho i have a boyfriend
14. I have no self esteem and i get depressed and i've cut but i'm totally normal and no one would suspect me of it because i fake a smile and act like i'm fine whiie inside i'm dieing
15. i want to get married to my boyfriend because he means the world to me and i love him to death and i am only 15
16.i hide behind a smile all the time but really im depressed
17.im scraed of showing my real feelings to people
18. I wish guys would look at me as more then just a friend
19.i want my ex to be miserable for the rest of her life
20.I am with this one dude Who I like more than anything. I met him a couple months ago. this girl on his top added me and i just so happend to look at her pictures and he'd write that he loved her on them but that night he asked me out. and i dont know how to tell him that i know. i dont want to let him go but im setting myself up for heatbreak. i know/
21.i secretly love camille.
22.sometimes i think of ways to get guys to like me more
23.LOL number 31.
24. im afraid to fall in love because im afraid if i do ill lose him.
25. i would love to get back together with my ex
26. i hate the way i am a big stoner and i am a big alcoholic but im only fifteen.
27. i've had sex with this many people......27....o well I get's MINE
28.i hate everything bout me, besides my size, i wish i could change
29. i like older guys.
30. im not a virgin and im only 14
31. my biggest fear is being a bad kisser
32.i love him more than anything but am attracted to other peopel
33.same as #30http://www.gaiaonline.com/journal/journal.php
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34. I want to ******** him so bad. I almost called him just to ask him if he would.
35. i crave squishy p***y
36.im a bi sexual
37. i saw a video of my brother jacking off when i was 9
38. kermit's one sexy guy.
39. I really wanna go out with ____
40.i hate my body and my hair and my face and everything but forsome reason all these guys want to ******** me.
41. If I typed down a secret, then it wouldn't be a secret.
42. im jealous of so many people. i was never happy with myself.
43.sometimes i get jealous of your friends because they see you more than i
44. I think I'm in love with my best friend...we're both girls.
45. sometimes I wish my girlfriend's best friend would disappear
46. I hate my boyfriend's friends because they all know him better then i ever will.and that scares me to death.
47. omg omg omg TOTALLY AGREE with # 41!!!!!!! biggrin
48.Sometimes I want to kill myself, mostly because of my hatred of me.
49. i'm scared my boyfriend will start to not like me anymore . ):
50. OH BOY. well your everything i could dream of. and i've found you but you're with her...and she doesn't deserve you! i would treat you so good..
i love you and i want you to be my booo...
51. I am madly in love with him. But i doubt that's a secret anymore. We're already together!!! Ahahaaa... Seriously though, I think this is the happiest I've ever been with a guy. ily~~~
52. i want to bang lil jon.
53. i just had a baby with my wife, and i made it suck my d**k
54. the one above mine is really disgusting, and me: i'm bi, im a compulsive liar, im in love with someone who all of my friends disapprove of, and im going out with someone else at the same time. and my mom, no matter how much i hate her, saved me from myself... and a knife...
57. I dont know why I even like my boyfriend.
59.i wanna go anorexic...i find it so beautiful
60.sometimes i think if i were to do something bad to myself ill feel better
61.i think im a whore.
62.the advice i give is based off of things i read from fortune cookies.
63. my hair is annoying.
64. I wanna do somehting this kid is asking me to do... but its wrong and i dont know. I'm really stressed.
67. My ex boyfriend raped me
69. I love you but I try to stop myself. I'm afraid the others are right. I'm afraid you care more about her than me.
70. The only girl i have ever loved is my girl best friend. I know shes the one and i think about her every single second of the day, i cant concentrate on anything without thinking about her. what sucks is she will never like me more than a friend and it has driven me into a suicidal depression.
71. I'm a guy, and for once i wish i didn't have to make the first move.
72. i do my best at work but at home with my familly i become locked in my room and dont bother talking to them. i have imaginary friends that help me cope with the guilt of my past and problems of the present. im a happy go lucky person on the outside but on the inside im a freaking mess.
75.There are some disgusting people in this world. I think my best friend lied to me I wish she'd just tell me the truth. I get the worse case of butterflies when he smiles at me. I have the worse secrets.
77. i like the same guy as MY TWIN
78. I sometimes smoke pot to get through life.
83. I lost my virginity to my exes best friend
85. I want her to love me too!
87.133 should go look at itself &+ kill its selff (:
88. I'm 15 and I've never even held hands with a guy.
89. ive had sex with 3 of the teachers at myy school nd im only 15. one teacher is 27, one is 24, the other is 43.
90. lmfao. this is retarded.
91. I got drunk and had sex..i'd take it back for anything. I've heard that it wasn't just one guy either... :[
92. i love boyshorts.
93. I have a crush on my best friend. Im craving sex. I like to be touched.
96.I let guys feel me up just to feel loved by somebody.
98. i found the guy i want to be with forever, im 14. is that believable?
100. I love my best friend and want to be with her forever [ #133 should go to serious counceling and # 81 is just sickening...]
101. i ******** my boyfriend after 3 months of dating..
103. I'm just with him to make you jealous....its not working so well is it?
104.number 170 speaks the truth
106. Im engaged to a man i dont love
107.the person above me is screwed
108. Im in love and its great but my boyfriend is a ******** b***h to me sometimes.
111.I wish they'd care for me as much as I cared for them.
112. I ******** love him. I know I do. And he doesn't give a s**t about me. He's in love with one of my best friends. Even though he won't admit it, I know that he likes her. Along with everyone else. And i don't even see why they do. She can be a b***h sometimes.
113.number 118 rules =]
114. My mom hits me.
115. i agree with 21 and 220 and 182.
116. I fell in love with you, I couldn't be any happier. I chuckle every time my mother asks who my boyfriend is, I'll reply soon, "You mean my Girlfriend?"
118. I am a virgin
119.i second 118 =]
121.omg! i totally agree with #170
122. im the biggest mystery youll ever meet. i easily will lead you to think that i'm an open book... but there is so much that nobody knows besides me.
124. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. ive never felt this way before and im definately in love with you. it would be so hard to fall out of it after how hard ive been hit with it...
125. Sometimes I smile when people die.
126. I love someone MORE than my boyfriend.
127. You weren't that good in bed
128. I don't think you're very good at kissing.
130. I'd shoot myself if I ever lost you.
131. I want her to like me too!
133. i have sex with little kidds and im over the age of 18.
134.I know I'm in love
135. i think these things are gay, but im bored.#133 your a ******** b*****d, get over yourself and get a ******** life, your a disgusting pig EWseriously you freak.
136. I think im in love.
137.i smoke. and ive cut myself before.. im anerexic right now cuz i think im fat...im 80 pounds...i know, ew.
138. im bored rigt now!
140. I really wish the girl I like, wasn't so wild. I also wish that she didn't want me only for sex which i turn down all the time.
141. Everynight I have to talk myself out of running away to you.
142.i used to cut and still have erges to.
144. i let boys use me for sex
145.i tell myself im beautiful even though i hate myself more than anything.
147.im overly obsessed with my girlfriend
148. I’m just not smart or different. I don’t know stuff about art or cameras or literature. I create a whole image for myself to be. But I just don’t really know who I am any more. Because I always have tried to be someone else. And now I can’t tell which one is me. And you would think it would be easier to just kill yourself. But I can’t. Because I don’t have the guts. and i cant let go of some of the really amazing people in my life. I think I’m so messed up, I pretend I am. But I’m not. I’m just a confused dousche like everyone else. Can't go anorexic, food tastes good. Can't kill myself, love family. I don't know what to do. I hate everything I ever was. I always thought when I wrote this down I would feel a sense of getting it off my chest. But I don't feel better at all. Basically, I’m a fake, deserve to die, don’t have the guts to kill myself, am ignorant, a complete c**t, and have no real problems.
150.I want to die for no specific reason...I feel lonely and i feel like the world is against me all the time. Suicide never worked for me...but im still not afraid to try again...
151.my family doesnt know i got pregnant last year. i lost the baby
152. i want to hate him but i can't because i really like him
153. i want to go anoxeric or belimuc. i think im really fat. which everyone tells me that im skinny. i still think they are lieing to me. i've cut myself too make it better. i dont eat for three days and then pig out on food. when i look at myself i wanna puke because i think im terribly ugly. i still love myself. [:
154. I'm really jealous of my friend. I'm sorry,but she's not very pretty and she cant get any ******** guy.
155. i really like a guy but i think he likes my friend better. and Gah.
156. im in love with my boyfriend, but i think ill always have a thing for this other guy
158.sometimes i think im so scared to tell her what im really like
160.i say i love her but i dont anymore.im still in love with someone else
162. i let her hit me three times.
163. I dont eat for a few days at a time cause I think im fat.
164. i've been smoking since i was 5 and i'm 13.
165. gawd i want boobs.
167.i love to stand out. also i'm tired of hypocrites and people who take slutty pictures on myspace. get over yourself
168. I ******** hate those girls. They can rot in hell for all i care.
169.I smoke pot
171. I know my mom secretly hates me for being gay. Even if you say you "don't care".
172. i like my ex but hes also my best friends ex...also i wish i was skiny-er so i starve myself for days at a time
173. I cant ride a bicycle
174. I just lost my Virginity to my Boyfriend, and we didnt use a condom, Now I'm really paranoid and think I'm pregnant.
175.I <3 her
176.I wanna date her, but I don't wanna hurt my best friend ever.
177.im still in love with my x
178.i want a baby, and im under the age of 16
179.i want to marry her and have kids
180. i love my best friends crush
181. wow some of you people on here are pretty pathetic & disgusting. bbut uh, i love my boyfriend and even though there are issues about, i wouldn't wanna leave him for a second. he is always ther for me & i couldn't let him go. plus i agree with, #178 hmm..
182. I think I should be thinner, even though I'm stick thin to begin with.
183.I love her, my girlfriend. We're girls. We're going to adopt babies one day.
184.i have a boyfriend, but i like my ex boyfriend more then ever, i love him, and i would do anything to get him back.
186.i love him....even if he has a gf i wish i still had him and would do anything if he was mine again and i also think 133 needs some serious help cuz that is just plain out sick
188. i hate you. you're a stupid, fat, annoying b***h. and you treat me like s**t.
189. i've had sex and i'm only a freshman.
190. I had sex with a freshman. I'm 34.
191. .
192. you piss me off sometimes. i like you i always did. you lead me on tell me one day you like me then the next you tell my friend you dont like me like that? what the ********? at least grow some balls and have the ******** courage to tell me yourself. and the worst part is i know once you realize it was a mistake ill take you back in a heart beat. ********!!
193.my own grandfather touches me in places he shouldn't
195. I ******** hate you, you sick, emo depressed b***h.
196.He raped me. I am currently bulimic/ anorexic. I am secretly going behind my friends back to get with her best guy friend..
198. i dont know how to express my true feelings in anyway other than music
198.I don't trust anyone... i cant trust anyone. i really want to. i've tried. it just wont happen.
199. I hope you die as soon as possible. smile
200.i may love him more then i think, and #133 your a sick ********!!!!!!!! get some help before you hurt a child
201. I feel like such a hypocrit sometimes. cause i wonder why everyone ******** up their lives with drugs and sex. but then i really wanna try it.
202.I'm in love with my best friend. She already has a boyfriend. I wish it was me, though.
203.i need his hands all over me.. like now!
204. After reading some of these secrets, I think that society has completely gone to hell. Of course, I question the belief of god, because there is way to much shitty stuff that happens for there to be such an existance. And the good people always get hurt. I have seen and been through so much crap. Mor ehtan any other 13 year old should have to go through. And I"m not as innocent as everyone thinks.
205 i love him even though he has no clue who i am and #133 go get a life before someone actually gets hurt.
206. remember this face; its gonna be famous
207. all i can think about is sex! Is something wrong with me??
208. hi this is anita, i like boys!
209. i was raped by some that i know when i was 10 and i never told anyone.
210. my dad hates me.
211. i never meant it when i said i loved you
212. i think about when them together and how i could never be like her :/
213. i wish guys liked me and not my boobs
214. society sucks. people need to stop getting themselves into lose-lose situation and making the worst out of it. seriously, live your life with some common sense.
215. I think my parents are over obbsessed with me
216.so when i was 12, i had sex with my boyfriend who was 18 at the time. and he decided to get married to me. because i actually became pregnant. i got an abortion and then we had another pregnancy. i decided to keep this one. we got married illegaly and now we live in a house on our own. im 15. a 2 year old son. and he is now 21. he buys me alcohol and we smoke a lot of weed. and i know that i should get out of this relationship but i cant leave my kid and he said that if i leave he will kill himself. i wish i could tell someone in real life. but im on the edge of suicide.
217.WOW (#216) is ******** up big time. i still love my ex boyfriend. but he doesnt care to treat me right. im having troubles with my best friends. and feel like a third wheel. forgotten pretty much..
218.i like a boy who has a girlfriend....and i love my best friend ..more than a friend..
219.wow number 220
220. sometimes i wonder if im a lesbo bc i stare at girls. but i know i like guys so idk if im bi or not

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