Glorious be, glorious be! What is this? A new month! Today we're experiencing sixty degree weather in Ohio. I'm happy, a grin on my face and a song in my heart! What could be better?
Yeah. As you can clearly tell, I'm happy. Really happy. Extremely overjoyed to be alive, to be breathing, to experience the world and take life by the horns, another day at a time. So far nothing really bad has been happening. Dad's getting MUCH better. He's taken to the medication wonderfully. His face is still a tad swollen, as is his arm, but it will be for a while. He's even returning to some aspects of his jobs (he has two, a day and night job). I'm warning him not to overdo it.
I want to thank everyone, personally, for their prayers during this time! You don't know how much I appreciate everything you guys are doing for me! Knowing I had this much support, it gave me a little hope that he'd have a speedy recovery- and he has (so far! Let's not jinx it, shall we?). THANK YOU!
heart heart heart
I forget what day it was, but last week, or so, I got together with a friend of mine, Jen. He's wonderfully talented in the artistic factor; I mean, she has her own DeviantArt account! She can draw humans like none other. Anyway, we just got together for a bit or so, talked about old times. She's in college right now.
There was one quite funny and memorable thing from that night. When I was at her house, we were looking through the pictures she (and I) have done. Spreading the portraits, doodles, sketches, paintings and whatnot before us, she picked one up. Mentioning that it was declined in an art competition by the art critics, I adapted a smirk on my face. It was quite a twisted look I had.
"What?" She asked, a little concerned. "What did you do now?"
Whenever I get that look, it's usually something dark humored. And it was, trust me. I riffled through my previous sketches and brought out one I did of Mr. Eff, the Doughboy from the comic JtHM. It's QUITE accurate, pretty dead on to the original picture. I have a habit of being a human copying machine; if I see a picture, usually I can draw an exact replica of it.
Anyway... Sure, the picture itself is a little bit... strange. Also, it's dark humored. Very dark. For one (and, trust me, this isn't normal of me to do or draw anything like this) Mr. Eff was flicking the bird, his face screwed up in rage, eyes squinting and everything. I had written next to him, "SCREW 'JOO GUYZ LOL biggrin ". Yes. I had the smile right next to the words, and that's exactly what I wrote.
You should see my sketchbook. I have the weirdest things drawn next to perfectly good pictures. I have a wolf being blasted with a Shoop da Woop lazer.
Anyway, pointing to the page, I laughed at her shocked face. "This is Mr. Eff," I said. "Mr. Eff hates art critics too. Mr. Eff does THIS to art critics!"
She nearly died laughing.
Originally I was going to draw the Dougboys (Mr. Eff and Psycho "D-Boy" wink in their most famous poses each, transfer it to a small canvas, draw the wall monster ("This is not a moose" wink above their heads, and using watercolors and acrylics, do a tribute poster. Well... I was going to do that. I might just dedicate that picture of Mr. Eff to Jen and her horrible art critics.
...Nah, I'll still do the poster. In fact, any suggestions on color choices? The background and the "wall monster" should be opposite color themes. For example, if the background is red, or orange, the horrible monster should be greens, or blues- cool colors.
Work's killing me. I'm working more and more hours it seems. I'm like a walking insomniac again. Drained of energy, I can't seem to gather more pep; each time I get a spurt of energy, it's drained before I can even cherish it. Seems to me I'm expending more energy than I'm regaining back. Oh, well. That's life, right?
We're getting summer stuff in at my store. SUMMER. Yeah. A tad scary, don't you think? We're getting pool stuff in, and I swear, just makes me wonder...
My nephew was sent off to the United Arab Emirates. He'll be stationed there for three months, thank god! I'm worried sick about him, but I know the boy will be fine. He's proven to me, so far, that he's a stronger eagle than I had first imagined. He'll be fine.
He says that once he gets done over there, he's done. He's not reinstating, and he's staying home. Good for him!
heart Peace out, ya'll! heart
Community Member
"SCREW 'JOO GUYZ LOL biggrin "
A wolf being fired with a Shoop da Woop Lazar!? I got a D- in my math class,and I wrote on the back of it a big D- in block letters and on the bottom it said"You know you're jealous!!!!"And I drew Shoop da Woop faces with lazers coming out ALL OVER IT!!
It is true,in february,they already have summer stuff! They REALLY have problems with putting stuff waayy out of season.