Don't let the best become of you, when you lie your dreams will cry, for they know none
Why the rains falls we will never know for sure, but the rest will fall into place with curiosity
I never knew this would become of you, I never knew this was the way we would- all with a simple question mark. Let the tears fall fear nothing, hate everything. Let the tears fall and realize your pain
Feel no pain lets your fears surround you fight with all your strength don't let the best become of you
Why do you we argue we have no angst, engineered emotions is what has become of us
I have no emotions, only sorrow. This is why I never try to bring myself together, for all we ever wonder is already inside
All we know is what we hate and what we fear. Not what we know for fact, may our feelings take us over and let the tears fall down
There is no feeling. We are droids of our fears, of our pain and angst, Let the tears fall down.
I know what I know that we have no pain we know what we know we are play toys of emotion
Dont cry for whats on the inside.
Never spill your tears for what we love
Dont let your troubles take away your pain. You bring yourself in to tangled situations
Love and hate is not worth our time. Tears are too heavy to carry let they out
Who ever said there was nothing wrong with crying. Let the tears fall let your emotions escape they are what are driving you to cry
Keep quiet. You cant hide whats inside. We are not droids we are living beings with minds and hearts we know what we want when we really want it
Sometimes you have to surrender to your angst and fear to realize your needs
Never surrender never stop fighting. Always we strong and always be free. You cant let your tears ice your path, keep whats on the inside in and on the outside out. The two were never meant to mingle. It bends the cause
Puppets! Mere puppets of what you call nothing. We dont have time for angst your tears are coming. Surrender to them before its too late, they are stronger than your will and your mind power we know nothing of what they know
Cry for all you want! Never surrender to tears they are coming we will fight them back. Let your anger guide you through the path of truth. All war can we settled fairly and with odium. Play your cards with a strait face
Lies are not the answer, Your dreams will cry when you try to hide your emotions. Stop the nonsense and show your true colours. A warrior will never die inside, there are always other chances no everyone will hate you when youve done nothing wrong
No! Never let your guard down a lithe warrior has his ups and downs but with force there is no out talking. Everyone we must be fair to settle our causes. There is no lying with a strait face for you are coming out to fight, not hiding behind your peers
Lets settle out dispute now. We will fight for what we believe and we will lie when we have a cause. We will cry when we want to but fight the tears and show our enemy we are under angst and pain but we do not fear the worst. What will come will come our emotions will guide us but we will choose the path of right.
Its a deal.
And so our thoughts, dreams, hopes and fears. Our animosity and adores, our desires and needs were created. We are play toys of emotion, droids of our wishes and tears, But will always fight, and we will always be.
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depressing poetry...
pretty much poems thas bout it
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