Jubilee (Rina Form)Pooka GlacierSolsticeBakari (Is a Pandryl ... a familiar for Solstice)InfiernoDevanteAsijaVanoraAnastasiaAllireaMizuiroTaleynaCrysataXiaMalachiteGemini PrincessKypriothFyrenEternityZakiyahTalisaUlyssesCapalaKatrionaHecateLahelaYotimoNechaniQisanaDolores UmbridgeSalazariaOrpheusLord VoldemortCoronaRenesmeeBlayzeWillowSelenaHadynLaeriaTakaraNumair SalmalínYvonneRamielIcarusArc-en-ceil (Familiar for Vanora.)
Ja-kalPoseidonEchoAngelCaiusGaiaAmitolaPikachuMewtwoEeveeArticunoArielCarpetPocahontasJasmineTinkerbellLeilaniBrookeFreyaPeppermintIllyriaMaiaOuraniaQuasarAlegriaAlphaZerachielBeltaneXanaxNevaNevaehWynter's NightJubilee was won in a points game. (Christmas Event. Grown with Hourglass Item)
Pooka was a Secret Santa gift. (Grown with Hourglass Item)
Glacier was a Secret Santa gift. (Grown with Hourglass Item and colors modified with Spectrum Solution)
Solstice I won in a Speed Flat Sale. (Christmas Event)
Bakari was won in a mini flaffle. (Page 500)
Infierno was won in a raffle. (Christmas Event) (( Changed colors with Spectrum Solution ))
Devante was won in a Speed Flat Sale. (Alcoholic Drinks themed sale. Pina Colada)
Asija was born to Pooka and Glacier.
Ai is a Valentines Chibi from Ruler of Everything
Vanora was born to Jubilee and Odelay.
Anastasia was won in a Points Game. (Valentines Event)
Allirea was a semi-custom familiar I won. (Valentines Event)
Mizuiro was born to Solstice and Lanying.
Taleyna was a prize in a Mini Easter Egg Hunt. (Easter Event)
Crysata was a custom I bought. (Her design based on quartz crystal. Hard to see though)
Xia was a custom I bought. (Based on Cassiopeia from Kiralazst shop)
Malachite was a prize for a Randomizer game. (Page 1000 games)
Gemini Princess was a custom I bought.
(( Idea modified from lonelion's Aries ))Kyprioth was won in a Speed FS. Male basilisk lizard. (Wilds Event)
Fyren was won the 1st raffle set. Male cardinal. (Wilds Event)
Eternity was AB'ed in an auction. Victoria Riflebird. (Co-owned with Amethyst M Bell) (Wilds Event)
Zakiyah was won in a Random Find picture puzzle. Fallow Deer (Wilds Event)
Talisa was won for an Advertising Contest. Oryx Beisa (Wilds Event)
Ulysses was won in an auction. Blue/Green Chondro Python. (Wilds Event)
Capala was won in the Nature's Quest game. Namesake from Amethyst M Bell. Red Fox. (Co-owned with Amethyst) (Wilds Event)
Katriona was a RL custom I purchased.
(Her name was originally Kiana ... but then I found out that a childhood friend of mine had passed away ... so her name was altered.) (Based on a photo I found on the 'net. BG for my profile now)Hecate was born to Devante and Clovertoes.
Lahela was born to Devante and Clovertoes.
Yotimo was a page 2000 prize.
(Randomize between 1-50 and hit 2)Nechani is a custom design based on the Northern Lights
(or Aurora Borealis)Qisana was a random number prize giveaway.
(( You had to roll between 1-1000 and hit 300. ))Dolores Umbridge was won in an auction (Harry Potter Savah Arda event)
Salazaria was won in a Flat sale. (Harry Potter Savah Arda event. Hogwarts Flat sale)
Orpheus was won in an auction. (Harry Potter Savah Arda Event.)
((My favorite pet of the entire event.))Lord Voldemort was won in a raffle (Harry Potter Savah Arda Event)
Corona was won in a Puzzle Game (Harry Potter Savah Arda Event)
Renesmee was won in the Savah Arda Birthday Celebration Event
Blayze was won as a second pick in a paid Faerie Raffle
Willow was born to Rose and Malachite
Selena was born to Rose and Malachite
Hadyn was a custom-made pet from the Winter Event (Advertising Prize)
Laeria was a custom-made bribe from Amethyst M Bell (Thanks Ami)
Takara was won in a Flat Sale. (Chinese New Year Celebration)
Numair Salmalín was won in an auction. (Chinese New Year Celebration. Co-owned with Amethyst M Bell)
(( Namesake from Tamora Pierce's fictional character ))
Yvonne was purchased as a semi-custom.
Ramiel was born to Nechani and Zaeos.
Icarus was born to Nechani and Zaeos.
Arc-en-ceil was adopted from the Familiar Adoption agency and given to Vanora as a familiar.
Ja-kal was a custom from Amethyst M Bell. (colors loosely based on the Blue Morphos Butterfly)
Poseidon was won in the Mythology Event as a free game pet. (Perma-teen)
Echo was won in the Mythology Event from an auction.
Angel was won in the Mythology Event from a raffle.
Caius was won in the Mythology Event FS.
Gaia was a cosplay custom won in Brina's RL custom slot. (Based on the character Gaia from Captain Planet)
Amitola was a Bribe custom from Yousei Akki.
Pikachu was an auction pet won in Savah's first Pokemon Halloween event.
Mewtwo was a raffle pet won in Savah's first Pokemon Halloween event. *1st choice*
Eevee was a raffle pet won in Savah's Pokemon Event.
Articuno was an auction pet won in Savah's Pokemon Event. (Co-owned with Amethyst M Bell)
Ariel was an auction pet in the Disney Event.
Carpet is a flatsale pet from the Disney Event
Pocahontas was an auction pet in the Disney Event (co-owned with Amethyst M Bell)
Jasmine was an auction pet in the Disney Event
Tinkerbell was a raffle pet in the Disney Event.
Leilani was a VDay's Flatsale Pet.
Brooke was born to Tribas and Ophira.
Freya was born to Tribas and Ophira.
Peppermint was a game pet won.
Illyria was a custom from Amethyst M Bell.