My problems..
What can I say? En every teenager lies their "problems" && I've got some of my own. Like what you ask? My "FRIENDS" who "Supposed TO ******** CARE" seem like now they don't even give a damn about me.
Why should I even care right? YOU guys SAID that we'd always keep in contact, and you know what? NOW I believe it's all BULLSHIT. You could kiss my ******** face goodbye.
All I asked for was contact, but no. ******** YOU! There's only one person that cares for me! You know who it is? Kayla. YEAH I SAID IT.
If you guys go against my words, then go on ahead. I don't give a damn. You don't ask "How are you?" or ANYTHING.
The guy I like...I feel for he likes someone else.. I'm ******** sad.
WHY DAMMIT! ********!