meh life is dredful misery and i hate it. i act happy and always smile and laugh, but that means i'm upset. when i'm happy i dont smile at all or just straight out spazz talk random like an idea blaugh
i have little friends and have been teased for 10 years straight.
i hate my life, i hate my life, i hate my life
grr... die in a fire everyone burning_eyes
(im emo) emo it doenst mean i cut myself it means im miserable
cutters are cutters thats all
ugh what is wrong with me
whats wrong with society
everyone at school is either stuck up sexest (cough isearl at soccer) or a hipacrite. like how they say im racist but call me white girl (its a ghetto prep school- majority is african amercan or hispanic, there arnt even any caucasinan cheerleaders)
well thats all for now
i must sleep
so i bid you adu my good sirs and madams, adu, adu i say adu. and pleasent dreams as well untill morrow may come, i say farwell.
*bows* i just wathed Othello by shakespear sweatdrop
ihakumei_kitushana_ Community Member |