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Tamea Goldenrods journal Stuff about gaia or for gaia

Goldy Goldenrod
Community Member
Tameas Surface Journey
Let me say first and foremost this will eventually be an extended history of my character Tamea Goldenrod....

An endless forest gives way to towering mountains. Trees grew in abundance across the lands, crawling up along the base of the deep gray mountains. The sun seemed to hide behind the clouds, peeking precariously through the clouds as though it wished not to be seen by the place. Or mayhaps by its inhabitance.

A ledge mayhaps one hundred feet up a mountain hung over the trees. Casting a dark shadow along the eastern face of the mountain. An opening of sorts seemed to call out to any who saw it.

"come hither children......fell the chill of death as we fall...enter the abyss of those we no longer speak of"

It seemed out of place.As though the words were spoken but were not. A shifting of colors can be seen on the ledge, as a slender elven form seemed to free fall from the ledge. Slender body dropping into the darkness. As though swallowed up by the trees. A gutteral laugh followed behind echoing off the hollowed out walls of the mountain cavern.

She felt herself fall and watched as the trees got closer. Her violet eyes closed for but a moment as she felt the wind whip across her face sending her cloak flicking wildly in the wind as she continued her downwards descent. Her eyes snapped open and she whispered something in an almost elvish language. Her descent slowed considerably and she pushed her body weight so she was standing upright a few feet from the forest floor. Her violet eyes quickly took in the wooded area as she let herself drop to the ground the last few feet. She landed with a dull thud, instantly crouching down on hand placed palm down on the ground.

Her skin had a slight ebony cast to it, and her ears were that of the elves. The pointed tip of her right ear had a single gold hoop that caught the reflection of the sun even in the darkness of the woods. The women smiled softly as she rose to stand her hands moving to touch the weapon hilts at her side's as if for reassurance. Sighing softly she reached back and pulled her hood high over her head, letting the cowl drop over her eyes. the light here was strange, bright compaired to the fairy fires that brightened her own homeland.

She heard a rustling amongst the trees and her hands slipped beneath her cloak as she spun around. Her violet eyes flickered red for a moment as she took a quick step back. Darkness had filled the small area of clearing were she stood and the sound of orcish filled her ears. Shaking her head she closed her eyes as her fingers moved to the hilts of her weapons.

The sounds stopped as the orc's entered the sphere of inpenitrable darkness. Perhaps a trick played by her vile kin. She slipped her blades silently from there sheaths holding her stance as she listened with her keen elven ears to the sound of the footsteps.

She stood in the center of the clearing and the orc's had come from the south. From within the wood's that seemed to the drow endless. At least three of them were within' the darkness for sure, though one could never be sure when they are struck blind. She felt the wind against her face and her body reacted quickly bending back as she brought her scimitar up high to deflect the blow from the orc's sword. The sound of steel on steel rang through the darkness and she chuckled softly as she pushed with all her force sending the orc backwards as she spun around.

Her short sword lifted into the air and she swung it in a high arch slashing easily through the thick skin on the next orcs forearm. she heard a yelp and the sound of a weapon dropping as she stabbed outward with the sword. She felt the blade sink deep into the orc's flesh as she twisted the weapon and placed her hand on the creatures chest. "nice knowing ya" she said in a sickly sweet whisper as she shoved the creature from her blade, it's body falling with a thud to the forest floor. She could feel the warm blood on her hand as she spun around deflecting another swing of the orcs sword with her scimitar. She could hear the one she had thrown back closing in from behind her and she dropped her short sword to the ground as she crouched.

Her free hand grabbed the dagger from her boot as she ducked down and rolled across the ground. When she came up the weapon left her hand sailing straight and true.

She heard a grunt and then the sound of something large falling to the ground. She could hear the thing as it lay on the ground kicking and screaming as its hands grabbed for the blade that had been buried deep in it's neck. The screams seemed to falter and she heard a gurgling followed by silence.

The darkness dissipated and the single remaining orc came into view. "Still want to play?" she said in a sarcastic tone as she closed in the beast. The orc growled in rage at the sight of his fallen comrades, both soaked in there own blood. The one closest to him stared upward his eyes blank and the other lay no more then ten feet away his hands still clutching the blood soaked dagger that protruded from his neck.

The orc howled his frustration as he charged towards the slender elf. She chuckled as she flung her curved blade upward and pushed him back. The Orc pressed forward again and she brought the scimitar back upward catching him in the downswing. The blades cut through the air steel against steel as the two fought. The orc gaining an inch for only seconds before being pushed back by the elf. "do you really wish to persist with this?" she asked as she pushed the orc back again finally throwing him off balance enough to bend down and grab the short sword she had dropped.

The orc saw her go for the weapon and he charged forward his sword high. Tamea chuckled softly as she rose her scimitar flying upward as her short sword slammed into the orcs great stomach. The creature lurched to a stop his eyes wide as he stared up at the elven women "'tisn't your day I suppose" she said with a chuckle as she lifted her boot to push the beast off her blade "though I myself do enjoy a good fight in the morning". She smiled down at her handiwork before replacing her blades into there sheaths. Smiling she moved amongst the three dead and took there gold and jewels before pulling the dagger from the orcs neck and slipping it back into the hidden spot of her boot.

Tamea lifted her hands to adjust her cloak as she moved along the wooded path. The trees and bushes were all emerald green and pleasant coloured flowers grew amongst the smaller shrubbery. She'd never seen anything like the flowers before and her hand couldn't help but reach out and pluck a single red rose from it's bush. She held the flower in her hand as she same to another clearing that gave way to a huge castle.

A breath slipped from her lips that she hadn't realized she was holding as she stopped walking. Her violet eyes stared at the castle as she stood frozen in place itching to duck back within the woods. Even if it was her elven kin they would surely kill her or worse send her back to the depth from were she had come. Though if humans resided here she felt her fate would be the same.

Tamea lifted her hands slowly and pulled the hood of her cloak lower about her face. Hiding the telltale features of her drow heritage. She could see people humans or perhaps elves, though there was one with wings standing just beyond the castle. If they had seen her she didn't know but she would find out soon enough. Her fingers moved beneath the cloak gently running along the hilts of her blades as she began to move closer to the castle on silent feet.

Tamea made her way slowly closer to the castle, her movements were graceful making it evident that she was elven. Though were she hailed from she hoped to keep hidden. She slipped in amongst the trees a slight frown on her lips.

The castle now loomed only fifteen yards from were she stood, hidden in a copse of thick tree's. Her violet eyes peered out from beneath her hood as she let out a breath. Her hands were hidden beneath her long cloak and each held firmly to the thin daggers she kept in her boots. What good they would do against an army of elves made little difference, she was drow. A far superioure species of the elven kind, in battle if nothing else. She hated to think of her kin in such a way, superiority they had but in battle only.There hearts and minds were cruel, calculated and cold, she hated them and feared them above all else. Her eyes flicked back to the castle and she shook her head softly before kneeling down and putting her backpack on the soft earth before her.

She easily slipped the two daggers back into there hidden sheaths in her boots before opening the bag. She reached in and pulled out a small case. A key turned in the lock and a soft clicking sound could be heard if one was close enough. She smiled as she opened the lid and pulled from the box case a reed flute. Her hands moved to close the case and slip it back into her bag as she rose to stand.

Tamea put the reed flute to her lips and blew through it softly. The sound it made was softly enchanting yet in a strange way haunting. Smiling to herself she made sure her hood was low over her face before stepping out from behind the trees.

Her ebony hands held the flute as she walked slowly towards the castle. A strange haunting melody proceeding her as she crossed the soft grass. The song itself was an old drow song, one of old wars and older enemies. Elves had many songs like this one, that filled the air with a kind of silent calm when one moved across the lands. Though most drow music only sung of death and disorder, this one seemed to fit.

She stopped walking when she was near the castle gates her violet eyes peering up at the high turrets as she continued to play the soft melody. 'tis strange that no one is about the drow thought, she had'ent the slightest clue about customs among surfacers -humans or elves- though she knew drow did not welcome visitors.

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