Quotes of the day
Almost sent to nezzie, decided it was a bad idea, but I still think she would have loled...
"whats the saying... ah, s**t happens, I guess I shat myself in a sense"
Suicidal moment, I make a good emo kid.
"I wish we could hang out in the coffin and be dead to the world together..."
ok today was fun, lots of drama, I feel like s**t, my belly has been offset all day..
I want to see if I can hold my body wait by my neck and fake hang myself just so I can feel dead, it would need to be thick rope though...
I wrote a rap/emo poem. At the end of the day it doesn't make sense anymore..
Joel and Kia were the only people that were like wait what... for one kiss.. thats it.
******** teenagers, Joel was like as soon as you get out of high school, go into the city and start a new life, this is stupid... I know my true friends will come and visit me in the city =3 and I'll have parties for anyone that cares enough to come see me ^^
Oh wait another quote of the day!!!
for yesterday, hiram and dan.
having sex with david blain
"do you want to see some magic >.>"
"where the c**" *Snap* "its in your mouth!"
"oh god" "WTF DAVID BLAIN!!"
*spit spit spit*
right oh, robin Williams made me feel better, hes funny ^^
backs of legs sore, back bellow my wings is sore. Boxing and flips are good exersize, I did lost of push ups today.
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