In Drama, we're currently split up into 4 groups who are assigned a scene from 1 of 3 plays. Our directors were drawn out of a hat and everyone else became actors along with another job such as sound designer. My group ended up with the Crucible!! (Yaaaay!!) There's only 4 of us, so the other girl in the group had to be practically all the girls and we had to make one of the girls into a guy. I ended up getting to be Abgail, the villan who had some type of sexual (or something like that) relationship with a guy and then wants to kill his wife because she thinks he likes her but the wife is in the way. (O-kay. Problems!!!!) She actually ended up running away with a lot of money and the guy she liked gets killed in the witch trials, but anyways, I get to be a villan!!!! YAAAAAAAAY!!!!! (Or is it a yay?) As for jobs, if you don't know about the tree from Halloween, well, that might help explain why my director made me the set designer, but it actually has turned out to be an easy job......Hopefully our scene can make it into the 8th grade showcase.
In other news, SOAD is still apart. Serj has already released Elect the Dead and is apparently gonna start doing some rock. I don't know what Shavo is up to. John started a comic book thingy. Then both Daron (the fallen angel) and John started SOB or Scars on Broadway which just released it's first song, They Say. No one knows when the group will rejoin if they do at all.
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~(nya!) Haruhi's journal~
There's not really much to say.... I'm an anime addict currently trying to find out all I can about anime (or Japan ^-~). Sort of on the shy side (not so much on the net), but I love all my friends a ton.... *giggle* Really anything can intrest me!
~Venus Versus Virus~
Virus hunting never looked so hot.