holy crap my mom can be scary so times she not a mean person but she can be scary if you piss her off like any other person. the reason i am saying this i because today during a car ride to a restaurant for launch today my mom was not happy about the progress i was making in looking for a job(i guess i forgot to tell her about the other 2 restaurants i went to and and double checking with the cafe) she said she did not want me to be laying around all summer doing nothing and if i did not find some thing on my own she would make me work at Bugger King now not to insult the ones who do work at fast food places but i feel like once you have gone through something like Vo-tec (occupational training) in high school and partway through culinary college(stopped for more experiance and pay off student loans) you would feel a lil weird doing some thing like that( sweatdrop you get my point?) so yeah i hope something good comes through or that restaurant i talked about last time sweatdrop confused
Archfireangel86 · Sun Apr 20, 2008 @ 11:02pm · 0 Comments |